Syphon Virtual Webcam
About Syphon Virtual Webcam Syphon Virtual Webcam is a free app, created for you by TroikaTronix/Isadora, that allows you to send a Syphon video stream to a compatible application that supports video input from a webcam. It relies on the Open Broadcasting System (OBS) Virtual Webcam driver first implemented by John Boiles. Installation: Users with OBS v26.1 or Later If you have installed OBS v26.1 or later, you can install the latest OBS Virtual Webcam driver by opening OBS and choosing Help > Install OBS Virtual Webcam. Please note that you cannot use Syphon Virtual Webcam while OBS's virtual webcam output is running, i.e., after choosing Start Virtual Webcam; trying to do this may lead to unpredictable results including crashes. Installation: Users with OBS Versions Earlier than 26.1 or without OBS Installed At All If you have not installed OBS (or have installed a version of OBS before v26.1) then Syphon Virtual Camera will automatically guide you through the process of downloading and installing the standalone OBS Virtual Webcam driver from John Boiles' GitHub Repository. Using Syphon Virtual Webcam To use Syphon Virtual Webcam, simply install the application and double-click it. The first time you use it, you'll be guided to download an open source virtual webcam driver created for OBS (Open Broadcasting System). After that, simply: Ensure your Syphon source is running. Select your Syphon source using the popup menu in the main window. Start the app that will receive a signal from the virtual webcam Choose "OBS Virtual Camera" as the webcam source Click the "Mirror" checkbox if you need to flip the image horizontally. If you don't see "OBS Virtual Webcam" in the list of webcams, then your app may not be compatible with virtual webcams. Check the list of applications compatible with OBS Virtual Webcam. We have a short video tutorial that takes you through the entire process. If you have questions or need help with this plugin, please post them to this thread in our forum. The full source code is available on our GitHub page.
NDI Watcher
The NDI Watcher actor uses NewTek's NDI video streaming technology to allow you to receive NDI video streams broadcast from other computers or devices. This actor is in public beta. There may be bugs that affect performance and/or lead to crashes. Because of this, we do not recommend using this actor for public performances or installations. If you do choose to use this beta version for such performances, you do so at your own risk. Apple silicon (ARM/M1) The macOS version of this plugin has been compiled to run natively on both Intel-based and Apple silicon based computers. Installation Follow the instructions in the file Installation Instructions.rtf NDI 5 vs. NDI 4 vs. NDI 3 Isadora 3.1 and later will use NDI v5, while Isadora 3.0.7 uses NDI v4 and Isadora 3.0.6 and before use NDI v3. Because of this, multiple versions of the plugin are given in this distribution. Take care to install the correct version of the plugin for your version of Isadora, otherwise the plugin will not function or may not appear in Isadora at all. The name of the plugin shown in Isadora makes it clear which version of the plugin you are using. It will be called NDI 5 Watcher for NDI 5 version, and NDI 4 Watcher for the NDI 4 version. You cannot have multiple versions of the NDI Watcher plugin installed at the same time! Usage Instructions: Add the actor to the scene, and click in the value box to the left of 'ndi source'. A popup menu with the currently available NDI servers will appear. Select the NDI server you wish to receive Connect the 'video' output to the desired destination actor. Known Limitations Because the NDI 3 Watcher (required for Isadora 3.0.6 and earlier) uses NDI 3, it cannot receive from the NDI Camera app for iOS. NDI Best Practices NDI is a great technology, but it can't work miracles: sending video requires both bandwidth and a very fast connection. You simply can't expect to send full resolution HD video on a shared WiFi connection clogged by others! Follow these best practices to get the best results with the NDI on a network. Whenever Possible, Use a Hardwired Gigabit Ethernet Network To transmit full bandwidth, low latency video using NDI generally requires a hardwired gigabit Ethernet network. Using anything less than this can give less than poor results. If You Must Use WiFi, Get a Dedicated Router If you must use WiFi, then please work with a WiFi router dedicated to allowing NDI devices to communicate. Attempting to use NDI on a university or other public network that is filled with other people's data is a recipe for disaster. If you plan to use WiFi for NDI, get an inexpensive WiFi router and leave it disconnected from the Internet; even when not online, the router will allow your computer and other NDI sources or destinations to communicate.
A nice set of freeframeGL effects created by TroikaTronix. FFGLAlphaToRGB FFGLGradient FFGLHeat FFGLPanSpinZoom FFGLSlider FFGLTile FFGLTime Please read the instructions that come with the download! Apple silicon (ARM/M1) The macOS versions of these plugins have been compiled to run natively on both Intel-based and Apple silicon based computers. Version History v1.2 Update: macOS plugins to un natively on both Intel-based and Apple silicon based computers. Updated the install scripts to make the installation process as easy as possible. v1.1 Update: "Notarized" all macOS plugins to ensure compatibility with the security requirements of Catalina and Big Sur
A nice set of GLSL (OpenGL Shader Language) shader effects created by TroikaTronix. TT Bulge Distortion (v1.3) TT Color Bands TT Dots TT Edge Blend TT Edge Detect TT Emboss TT False Color TT Gamma TT Grid Chopper TT Grid Warp TT Highlights And Shadows TT Kaleidoscope (v1.3) TT LaPlacian Emboss TT Monochrome TT Pinch Distortion (v1.3) TT Pixellate TT Polka Dot TT Psycho Colors TT RGB Modulation TT SCE Adjust TT Sharpen TT Sliding Gradient TT Solarize TT Sorbel Edge Detection TT Swirl (v1.3) TT TV Lines TT Vignette TT White Balance TT XY Luma Gradient (Items marked v1.2 are new as of v1.3)
Screen Capture
The Screen Capture actor will capture the video image from a display or a window and bring it into Isadora as a standard video stream. Simply choose the display or window you want to capture, and a live capture of that area of the display will appear at the video output. Isadora 3.x and above only! The Screen Capture actor only works with Isadora 3.x and above! Isadora 2.x and Isadora 1.x will not work with this add-on. Apple silicon (ARM/M1) The macOS version of this plugin has been compiled to run natively on both Intel-based and Apple silicon based computers. Instructions / Getting Help Our online mini-tutorial will tell you what you need to know to get up and running with this actor. You can also refer to the integrated help for more information. Hover your cursor over any input or output, or the actor itself, and look in the Help View at the bottom right for further information. If you need additional assistance using this actor, try asking for help in the TroikaTronix Forum. Our team and our community of users are ready to help. Best Practices When possible, we recommend that you place the Screen Capture actor in a background Scene and broadcast the video output to other scenes that need it. Why? Because when you have a Screen Capture actor in each scene, and you transition from Scene A to B, it will have to shut down the capture engine in Scene A and then start up a new capture engine in Scene B. While this shut down/startup sequence is not the end of the world, it's good to avoid it if you can. Note that you only adopt this strategy if the settings on the Screen Capture actor are the same for each Scene. For an example of using background Scenes with the Screen Capture actor, take a look at the patch called screen-capture-using-background-scene.izz included with this download. Bug Reports if you find a bug, please let us know by opening a support ticket. Known Limitations On Windows computers with dual GPUs, you may be able to capture from the internal laptop display but not the external displays or vice-versa. This is a limitation of the system that Windows offers to perform screen capture found not only in this actor, but in major software like OBS (Open Broadcasting System). We are investigating to see if there is a solution to this issue.
Please Donate if You Use This Plugin! This emulation of the legendary Rutt/Etra Video hardware video synthesizer would not exist except for the creativity of Bill Etra, who passed away in 2016. He was survived by his partner Roz who is disabled, lives on a fixed income, and has no surviving family to help her. (Learn more about Bill and his partner Roz's story here.) But, right now, you can make a difference in Roz's life by making a donation to help support her via the donate button below maintained by the plugin's creator Vade. Please contribute to the memory of a true pioneer. About the Rutt Etra Plugin The v002 Rutt-Etra plugin by Vade is an emulation of the legendary Rutt/Etra Video hardware video synthesizer created by Bill Etra and Steve Rutt. It modulates the scanlines or points that make up a video stream based on the brightness of the source or of another video stream. The results are beautifully complex as was the original Rutt Etra. Here's an example of an eye modulated by the Rutt Etra plugin. There are quite a few inputs on this plugin, and you should make sure to experiment with them all. But the most important when you're beginning are as follows: • draw-mode: controls the method used to draw the modulated image. • z-extrude: the distance that the scanlines or points that make up the original will be modulated based on the brightness of the displace image. (If no video stream is connected to the displace input, then the source image is used to displace itself) • z-translate: How the image is translated towards or away from the 3D camera along the z-axis. The z-translate should generally be negative; otherwise, you may not see the image. If you don't see an image, the first thing to try is to make the z-translate more negative. • wire frame size: The thickness of the scanlines or points used to render the final image. Apple silicon (ARM/M1) The macOS version of this plugin has been compiled to run natively on both Intel-based and Apple silicon-based computers. Installing • This is a 64-bit plugin for Isadora 3 only. You can get the Isadora 2 version by clicking here. • Unzip the download and follow the instructions in the READ ME - Installation file. The source code for this plugin can be found on GitHub.
ArtNet 64bit
Art Net Plugins for Isadora 3 These two plugins allow you to send and receive ArtNet (DMX over Ethernet). If you are interested in controlling LED strips via ArtNet, please see this tutorial. The ArtNet Send tutorial file is available to help you learn how to use these actors. Apple silicon (ARM/M1) The macOS version of this plugin has been compiled to run natively on both Intel-based and Apple silicon based computers. Installation To install these plugins, click the download arrow and follow the instructions in the READ ME file.
Send PJLink
The Send PJLink actor allows you to send commands to a projector using the industry standard PJLink protocol. Using this plugin you can turn the projector on or off, close or open it's shutter and more. The most popular commands are listed in the 'command' input popup menu (right click the input to see the popup). For more unusual commands, you can set the command input to 'custom' and enter the PJLink command of your choice into the 'custom cmd' input. For complete instructions, please visit our Knowledge Base article Using the Send PJLink Actor. Apple silicon (ARM/M1) The macOS version of this plugin has been compiled to run natively on both Intel-based and Apple silicon based computers.
DX – DMX Universe – Enttec compatible
DX - DMX Universe - Enttec compatible, is the easiest way to output DMX data. This actor will work with an Enttec compatible usb serial output device. This User Actor support upto 512 DMX values (1 DMX universe). The included demo file is built around outputting to a simple 5 channel Par Can. It shows a few tips and tricks for working with DMX and the Matrix actors. I am happy to offer support via the forum.
UDP Communications: send and receive
The UDP Sender and Receiver User Actors offer robust, flexible, and efficient tools for transmitting and receiving messages over a network. These scripts are designed to support various encodings, handle binary and text data seamlessly, and dynamically manage configurations for IPs, ports, and message formatting. With built-in validation, error handling, and debugging features, they ensure reliable and accurate communication, making them ideal for both simple and advanced networking applications in Isadora. Internally they are powered by Python via the Pythoner actor (new to Isadora 4). Using the standard Python library, no additional modules need to be installed for usage. Features of the UDP Sender: Dynamic Configuration: Supports real-time updates to IP address, port, source port, encoding, and message content. Flexible Encoding: Allows sending messages in various formats, including utf-8, ascii, and raw binary. Source Port Binding: Optional source port configuration ensures compatibility with specific network requirements. Comprehensive Validation: Validates inputs like IP addresses, destination ports, and source ports for robustness. Efficient Socket Management: Reuses existing sockets where possible to optimize performance. Features of the UDP Receiver: Encoding Flexibility: Supports utf-8, ascii, and raw binary decoding, enabling handling of diverse message formats. Custom Message Formatting: Allows customization of message output with user-defined delimiters. Error Handling: Gracefully manages invalid inputs, decoding errors, and socket interruptions. Thread-Safe Operations: Ensures stability during concurrent operations with thread-safe mechanisms. Dynamic Parameter Updates: Automatically restarts the server when configuration changes, such as IP or port, are detected.
Pythoner Example File
The Pythoner Example file will be updated regularly after the release of Isadora 4 to contain examples covering topics like Machine Learning, Body Tracking, Hardware Interfacing, and much more. The current file contains a few examples that are meant to help QuickStart your usage of Pythoner. We have also prepared a walk through video that will help you understand how to use Pythoner.
RTMP Streamer
Now you can easily access live online streaming directly from Isadora. The new RTMP Streamer actor allows you to stream video and audio to services like YouTube, Twitch, Facebook, and more. Advanced options allow you to take control of your audio-video quality making the RTMP streamer actor perfect for integration into a variety of broadcast pipelines. In just minutes you can go live reaching a global audience. Be sure to read the knowledge base article for details on connecting to Youtube, Facebook, and Twitch. Or get started in minutes with this quick-start video: You will need the quick-start file to follow along. Minimum System Requirements: macOS Mojave or Windows 10 The RTMP Streamer Actor is compatible with macOS Mojave and later or Windows 10. It will not run appear in Isadora if you are running macOS High Sierra or earlier. The macOS version of this plugin has been compiled to run natively on both Intel-based and Apple silicon (ARM/M1) based computers. Minimum Isadora version: 3.1 This plugin works in Isadora 3.1 or later. It will not show up in earlier versions of Isadora.
Countdown to Date
You can select any date in the future and start a countdown in days, hours ,minutes and seconds or in years, days, hours, minutes and seconds. This user actor was made with JavaScript.
The midiLearn user actor locks to the first midi signal coming in and shows on the output side what type (control, note on/off) was triggered. In January 2010 Graham Thorne (aka Skulpture) started with the first MidiLearn actor that simply took the first note ON and locked it to that note. This encouraged me and I expanded its features with a reset function, control detection, switching between note ON and OFF etc. We both hope you have fun with it.
OpenNI Tracker
IMPORTANT: We have received reports that the OpenNi Tracker addon does not work on Apple computers with the M2 processor chip. At this time we do not recommend using M2 machines with OpenNi Tracker. The OpenNI Tracker allows Isadora to capture a depth map image, and to do body/skeleton tracking, using depth map cameras like the Kinect v1, Orbbec Astra and Intel Realsense. This bundle includes: OpenNI Tracker v0.9.8b6 Skeleton Decoder v0.9.4 Skeleton Visualizer v0.9.2 Using this Add-On on Apple Silicon (ARM/M1) Based Macs If want to use this actor on an Apple Silicon (ARM/M1) based Mac with Isadora 3.1 or later, you'll have to enable Intel emulation (Rosetta) mode on the Isadora application. Public Beta This actor is in public beta. There may be bugs that affect performance and/or lead to crashes. Because of this, we do not recommend using this actor for public performances or installations. If you do choose to use this beta version for such performances, you do so at your own risk. Compatible Cameras This plugin is currently compatible with the Kinect v2 (Kinect for Xbox One) , Kinect v1 (Kinect for Xbox 360, Models 1414 and 1473), the Orbbec Astra, and the Intel Realsense D435. Important: Read the "Read Me" Files! Everyone must read the file called __READ ME__ Installing the Tracker Plugins.rtf. Tutorials You find the tutorial for the OpenNI Tracker here: You can also go for a "deep dive" with Isadora's creator by watching Isadora Guru Session #13: Body Tracking with Depth Cameras
NDI Watcher
The NDI Watcher actor uses NewTek's NDI video streaming technology to allow you to receive NDI video streams broadcast from other computers or devices. This actor is in public beta. There may be bugs that affect performance and/or lead to crashes. Because of this, we do not recommend using this actor for public performances or installations. If you do choose to use this beta version for such performances, you do so at your own risk. Apple silicon (ARM/M1) The macOS version of this plugin has been compiled to run natively on both Intel-based and Apple silicon based computers. Installation Follow the instructions in the file Installation Instructions.rtf NDI 5 vs. NDI 4 vs. NDI 3 Isadora 3.1 and later will use NDI v5, while Isadora 3.0.7 uses NDI v4 and Isadora 3.0.6 and before use NDI v3. Because of this, multiple versions of the plugin are given in this distribution. Take care to install the correct version of the plugin for your version of Isadora, otherwise the plugin will not function or may not appear in Isadora at all. The name of the plugin shown in Isadora makes it clear which version of the plugin you are using. It will be called NDI 5 Watcher for NDI 5 version, and NDI 4 Watcher for the NDI 4 version. You cannot have multiple versions of the NDI Watcher plugin installed at the same time! Usage Instructions: Add the actor to the scene, and click in the value box to the left of 'ndi source'. A popup menu with the currently available NDI servers will appear. Select the NDI server you wish to receive Connect the 'video' output to the desired destination actor. Known Limitations Because the NDI 3 Watcher (required for Isadora 3.0.6 and earlier) uses NDI 3, it cannot receive from the NDI Camera app for iOS. NDI Best Practices NDI is a great technology, but it can't work miracles: sending video requires both bandwidth and a very fast connection. You simply can't expect to send full resolution HD video on a shared WiFi connection clogged by others! Follow these best practices to get the best results with the NDI on a network. Whenever Possible, Use a Hardwired Gigabit Ethernet Network To transmit full bandwidth, low latency video using NDI generally requires a hardwired gigabit Ethernet network. Using anything less than this can give less than poor results. If You Must Use WiFi, Get a Dedicated Router If you must use WiFi, then please work with a WiFi router dedicated to allowing NDI devices to communicate. Attempting to use NDI on a university or other public network that is filled with other people's data is a recipe for disaster. If you plan to use WiFi for NDI, get an inexpensive WiFi router and leave it disconnected from the Internet; even when not online, the router will allow your computer and other NDI sources or destinations to communicate.
Please Donate if You Use This Plugin! This emulation of the legendary Rutt/Etra Video hardware video synthesizer would not exist except for the creativity of Bill Etra, who passed away in 2016. He was survived by his partner Roz who is disabled, lives on a fixed income, and has no surviving family to help her. (Learn more about Bill and his partner Roz's story here.) But, right now, you can make a difference in Roz's life by making a donation to help support her via the donate button below maintained by the plugin's creator Vade. Please contribute to the memory of a true pioneer. About the Rutt Etra Plugin The v002 Rutt-Etra plugin by Vade is an emulation of the legendary Rutt/Etra Video hardware video synthesizer created by Bill Etra and Steve Rutt. It modulates the scanlines or points that make up a video stream based on the brightness of the source or of another video stream. The results are beautifully complex as was the original Rutt Etra. Here's an example of an eye modulated by the Rutt Etra plugin. There are quite a few inputs on this plugin, and you should make sure to experiment with them all. But the most important when you're beginning are as follows: • draw-mode: controls the method used to draw the modulated image. • z-extrude: the distance that the scanlines or points that make up the original will be modulated based on the brightness of the displace image. (If no video stream is connected to the displace input, then the source image is used to displace itself) • z-translate: How the image is translated towards or away from the 3D camera along the z-axis. The z-translate should generally be negative; otherwise, you may not see the image. If you don't see an image, the first thing to try is to make the z-translate more negative. • wire frame size: The thickness of the scanlines or points used to render the final image. Apple silicon (ARM/M1) The macOS version of this plugin has been compiled to run natively on both Intel-based and Apple silicon-based computers. Installing • This is a 64-bit plugin for Isadora 3 only. You can get the Isadora 2 version by clicking here. • Unzip the download and follow the instructions in the READ ME - Installation file. The source code for this plugin can be found on GitHub.
Jump By Name
Jumps to the first scene whose name begins with the specified text. This actor searches from the beginning of the scene list and jumps to the first matching scene, or does not jump if no matching scene is found. A match is defined as the search text matching the first characters of a scene name. Strange behaviours will occur if this property contains the delimiter character in it. Apple silicon (ARM/M1) The macOS version of this plugin has been compiled to run natively on both Intel-based and Apple silicon based computers. This actor was created by Benoît Vogel and Mark compiled it for 64 bit.
1 Wii Remote – User Actor
An Isadora User Actor, Isadora Patch, and OSCulator file that allows control of Isadora via OSC using a Wii Remote. OSCulator is a Mac-only software that costs $20 USD and, among other things, allows you to use a Wii Remote as a wireless controller by taking the data collected from the Wii Remote and transmitting it via OSC or MIDI to other software on your computer. When paired with Isadora, it allows you to use the Wii Remote as an interactive controller/data source for anything inside your Isadora Patch. CHANGELOG v3 - 2022-05-31Updated the Wii Remote User Actor to allow the first OSC Channel to be set (so it's easier to move to different files)Gave the Wii Remote User Actor a new input and four new outputs that give information about the chosen item (OSC channel, OSC address, function, location of button).Added a Comment to the first Scene that explains how the Wii Remote User Actor works.Added a Comment to the first Scene that explains how to use the Wii Remote User Actor with a file that isn't the example file (and therefore doesn't already have the OSC addresses setup).Created a User Actor for each of the three Logic examples in the second Scene (and added them to the download).Organized and labeled the OSC Multi Listeners better in the third Scene.Added screenshots of the OSCulator settings to the download.Added a text file with the OSCulator OSC addresses.v2 - 2020-11-04Changed the OSCulator file so that it uses port 8001 instead of port 8000 so that it does not conflict with ZoomOSC.Added three examples of how I use the Wiimote.One set of examples that trigger if the chosen button is pressed and released 3x within the span of 1 second.One set of examples that prevents you from triggering things with the "GO" button unless the "primer" button held down.One set of examples where accelerometer data is only allowed to pass through when a specific button is held down.
3D Game Style Navigation – Patch
This patch implements 3D style navigation using the mouse to determine the rotation (i.e., the direction you are looking) and the standard w-s-a-d keys to move forward, backward, left, or right, respectively. There is an example 3D model in the scene that has the letters AAA / BBB / CCC / DDD to give you an orientation. The patch uses a combination of a User Actor called "Keyboard Navigate" which calculates the correct x and z translation based on the current rotation, and another Javascript actor that computes the translation and rotation in the way the 3D Stage Orientation actor requires them. Note that the included three.min.js javascript library must accompany this patch, and must be at the same level as the Isadora .izz file that uses it.
Ableton Live – MIDI Program Change – User Actor
This User Actor accompanies the Control Isadora From Ableton Live Using MIDI tutorial found in the Tutorials - Scripting, Sensors and Interfacing section of of the TroikaTronix website. The User Actor will watch for MIDI Program Change Messages sent from Ableton Live. Three output options are available. Direct MIDI value Value as shown in Ableton Live (offset by 1 from MIDI) The MIDI value as a percentage You can change the outputs available by clicking the Actors Eye icon, and selecting the visible outputs.
Animate a Shape to follow Live Drawing – Patch
Animate a 'Shapes' actor output that follows and orients to a Stage Mouse Watcher and Live Drawing. For example an animated arrow head.
Arduino Firmata – TroikaTronix Plugin
WHAT IS FIRMATA? Firmata is a piece of software that you can upload to your Arduino board that offers standardized protocol for input and output. When you use Firmata, you are able to receive data from, or send data to, the Arduino pins without writing any additional software. The Isadora Arudino Firmata actor takes advantage of this system to provide input and output from those Arduino pins. HOW DO I USE FIRMATA WITH ARDUINO? First you need to understand how to attach switches, sensors, LEDs, motors and whatever else you desire to the physical input and output pins on your Arduino board. If you do a Google search for Arduino tutorials you'll find dozens upon dozens of tutorials online (both video and written) that can help you learn more about how to do this. You can also jump directly to the tutorials on the main Arduino site or follow this excellent tutorial created by Bonemap. Second, you need to have a basic understanding of how the Firmata system works. We found this tutorial on to be a good one. If you have attached devices to your Arduino input and output pins as described above, you can use the Firmata Test App to manually test the hardware connected to your Arduino input and output pins. Once you’ve accomplished the above, then you can put the Arduino Firmata actor into your patch and double-click it. In the editor dialog that appears, click the “Help” button to learn how to setup the serial port in Isadora and automatically generate a specification that will link the input and output pins on your Arduino. Once you've created a specification, the Arduino Firmata actor will receive data from the Arduino input pins, and send data to the Arduino output pins in a way that's similar to the Firmata Test App – except that you now have easy access to those pins in Isadora. KNOWN BUGS (Only for Isadora 3.0.7 or earlier on Windows) When running Isadora 3.0.7 or earlier on Windows, the “help” button in the dialog seen when you double-click the Arduino Firmata actor does not work. Instead you will need to double-click the file firmata-actor-help.html included in the same folder as the READ ME. We apologize for the inconvenience. The help button works fine in Isadora 3.0.8 and later.
ArtNet 32bit – TroikaTronix Plugin
32bit plugin for Isadora 2 These two plugins allow you to send and receive ArtNet (DMX over Ethernet). Instructions Download the plugins (both MacOS and Windows versions are included) In Isadora v2.6 or later, choose Help > Open Plugin Folder > TroikaTronix Actor Plugins to open the external plugins folder on your computer. Open the folder for your platform, either Macintosh or Windows Drag the contents into the plugins folder you opened above. Restart Isadora If you are interested in controlling LED strips via ArtNet, please see this tutorial. The ArtNet Send tutorial file is available to help you learn how to use these actors.
ArtNet 64bit – TroikaTronix Plugin
Art Net Plugins for Isadora 3 These two plugins allow you to send and receive ArtNet (DMX over Ethernet). If you are interested in controlling LED strips via ArtNet, please see this tutorial. The ArtNet Send tutorial file is available to help you learn how to use these actors. Apple silicon (ARM/M1) The macOS version of this plugin has been compiled to run natively on both Intel-based and Apple silicon based computers. Installation To install these plugins, click the download arrow and follow the instructions in the READ ME file.
Audio Trigger – User Actor
A simple User Actor that allows a sound file to be selected and then triggered with Keyboard Watcher, MIDI Note, MIDI Control Change, or OSC.For MIDI Notes it triggers when sent the specified note at any velocity, so make sure not to send a note off or you'll double-trigger it.For MIDI Control Changes it triggers when sent the specified controller at the specified value.For OSC it triggers when a value is sent on the specified channel that is greater than or equal to the specified value (default is 1 so it can be used with buttons that send 1/0).If you want it to trigger on value 0 for OSC, you'll need to open up the User Actor and make sure to change the 'value1' input of the Comparator actor to initialize at a value other than zero.If you want it to change the mode of the Comparator actor for OSC, you'll need to open up the User Actor and change it inside the User Actor.The download also includes a template Isadora Patch with a Scene that contains 18 of the User Actors, with ten of them already set to use keys 1 - 9 and 0.
Auto Re-launch Isadora (macOS AppleScript for Installations) – Application
Intended for use when using Isadora to run installation art pieces on an Apple computer, this download is a text file that contains instructions on how to create an AppleScript Application that will monitor whether Isadora is running or not. If it finds Isadora is not running, it will re-launch Isadora. Combined with the Isadora Preferences, this will ensure your installation stays up and running no matter what. Note: It is also linked at the top of the text file, but I also suggest configuring your installation computer by following the steps laid out in my macOS Isadora Production Computer Setup Guide.
Auto-Launch Isadora and Enable Serial Ports Workflow for macOS – Application
This Auto-Launch Isadora and Enable Serial Ports Workflow for macOS will allow you to set up an Apple computer so that, whenever you turn it on, it automatically logs in, launches Isadora, and triggers the "Enables Serial Ports" menu command. Once you understand the process, with a little bit of Googling for the correct bits of AppleScript, you'll be able to automate all sorts of things on startup for macOS-based Isadora art installations. The download includes an Automator workflow, a detailed readme document, and an AppleScript file (in case you want to edit or adapt the script yourself). Note: If you are on Windows, you can trigger hotkeys for menu items in Isadora by using Andy Carluccio's AutoHotkey Launcher Actor:
AutoHotKey Launcher Actor – User Plugin
We love Isadora for its diverse set of input and output control actors, among other amazing features. While there is a robust implementation of actors to control Isadora Actors with mouse and keyboard input, there is currently not an easy way to send keystrokes and mouse movements into other applications on the computer. This can be a challenge for interacting with software that does not have a remote control API, such as Google Earth, as was noted in a recent forum post. On macOS, a workaround for this problem has been to combine QLab / Osculator with Isadora to trigger Apple Scripts, which can simulate input to other programs running on the mac. Unfortunately, Windows users did not have an obvious workaround...until now! Introducing an AutoHotKey Actor for Windows! AutoHotKey (AHK) is a popular development framework for creating automation with keyboard and mouse inputs. From simple keyboard shortcuts to complex mouse-scanning and dynamic logic, AutoHotKey opens up the world of input automation in countless ways. There are many robust and freely available AHK scripts for automating all sorts of programs and processes, and now the AHK Actor brings these powerful scripts to Isadora! The AutoHotKey Launcher Actor is an Isadora SDK Actor I created (with @mark 's support and guidance!) that allows you to trigger an AHK script from within Isadora. It takes an absolute path to your .ahk file, as well as any CLI parameters your script will process, and of course a trigger to run the .ahk script with those parameters applied. To use the actor, you must be on Windows 10 and have AutoHotKey installed. To test the actor, place it in your patch. By default, AutoHotKey will install WindowSpy.ahk, a helper program for observing screen behavior, in the location: C:\Program Files\AutoHotkey\WindowSpy.ahk So, enter this path into the AHK Script Absolute Path input, and then click the trigger for Run. You can leave the AHK Parameters input blank. When you trigger the actor, WindowSpy should launch, and if it does, you are good to go! Otherwise, confirm that WindowSpy.ahk is located at that path, and verify that you have properly installed AutoHotKey. AHK Parameters is an input that takes CLI arguments to use when running a .ahk file. Check the documentation of your .ahk scripts for usage. All CLI arguments should be entered as a single text input. An example AHK file with CLI parameters is my Google Earth Pro Controller, for which my Actor inputs could be: 1) C:\\Users\\Andy Carluccio\\Documents\\AHK\\GoogleEarthControl.ahk 2) -location "University of Virginia" which, when run, would cause my Google Earth to spin over to the college. On the GitHub for the script, other CLI arguments are provided, which can be combined into a long text you place in the actor input. I hope that this actor opens up new worlds of automation for you and your projects! Please provide feedback, but know that this is something I am working on in my free time without company resources, and my availability to update it with new features is extremely limited. Thanks again @mark for giving us a wonderful sandbox to play in!
Barcro RLM W12 Serial Control – Patch
Introducing the Barco RLM W12 Serial Control Patch: With the Barco RLM W12 Serial Control patch, you gain limited control over your projector via a serial cable connection. Not only can you manage essential projector functions, but you also receive real-time status updates for the control buttons and individual lamp hours. Key Features: 1. Precise Projector Control: - Seamlessly control your projector's functions through a reliable serial connection. 2. Real-Time Status Updates: - Stay informed with live status updates for control buttons and lamp hours for each lamp, ensuring you're always in the know. 3. Safety Measures: - Prevent accidental power-off and lens mid-position commands with a 2-second press-and-hold requirement for these critical functions. 4. Factory Reset Capability: - Easily execute a factory reset command by pressing the "r" button and holding the factory reset button for 2 seconds.
Basics of NDI Input and Output – Patch
This is a very simple file that explains the very basics of using NDI with Isadora; how to output NDI from Isadora’s Stage Setup and how to pull in NDI using Isadora’s NDI Watcher actor. Note: Before working with this patch you'll want to download and install the official TroikaTronix NDI Watcher actor:
Bonemap – Audio Frequency 7 Band Analysis – Patch
Audio Frequency Analysis User Actor and demonstration patch Frequency Range - Frequency Values Sub-bass 20 to 60 Hz Bass 60 to 250 Hz Low midrange 250 to 500 Hz Midrange 500 Hz to 2 kHz Upper midrange 2 to 4 kHz Presence 4 to 6 kHz Brilliance 6 to 20 kHz More information available inside the user actor '7 Band Audio Frequency Analysis'. The patch demonstrates a user module that amalgamates numerous 3D Line actors to build an audio generative pattern.
Chromakey++ – User Actor
I adapted a green-screen shader from for this chromakey user actor. Original shadertoy code can be found here (by jackdavenport, posted on 30 / 05 / 2015) Some notes on its use: It doesn't take changing a number much to get a big effect. The padding number (padd) may not ever need to be much over the .05 default. The threshold doesn't need to be very big either for a large effect. The colour numbers represent how much of that colour is being keyed out of the source image. So if Red and Blue are at 0 and Green is at 1 then it would be set up for green-screening. (The default setting it comes in up with I believe.) You may find adding an HSL and/or a contrast actor between your source and this actor may help you tune out any green fuzzy bits in your key.
Circular Path by bonemap – Patch
Bonemap's Circular Path is an Isadora 3 (3.02 + ) user actor macro that provides the X and Y (vertical and Horizontal) coordinates to describe a circular path. The parameters include Reverse, Radius and Rotation Frequency. This is an example patch that demonstrates the user actor macro. The second part of the patch provides a Javascript (JS) option for X, Y circular motion with parameters for: Amplitude, Frequency, Vertical and Horizontal aspect ratios.
Collision Physics Javascript Patch – Patch
Basic Javascript Physics simulator... A demonstration patch that has Javascript collision detection as its core. Javascript starting code sourced from Isadora user @Marci and the following 2015 Isadora Forum thread: the following original code sources are referenced: the collision detection is just between the objects and the bounds of "the world". Packaged as a demonstration patch, updated with additional gravity and world parameters by bonemap Sept 2021
Control Address Wildcard Demo – Patch
Control Addresses are a new feature of Isadora 4. Simple in appearance, they are the key to a huge leap in Control Panel capabilities, in conjunction with the Show-Hide Control actor. This example patch will show you how you strategically give addresses to controls, and to use wildcard characters to show or hide groups of controls in one fell swoop.
Countdown to Date – Patch
You can select any date in the future and start a countdown in days, hours ,minutes and seconds or in years, days, hours, minutes and seconds. This user actor was made with JavaScript.
Cue System – User Actor
This is a system I've been using for a lot of years now. This allows me to do complex cue's inside of the scene.
Date Comparison User Actors – User Actor
These are various User Actors for comparing two dates, re-formatting dates, and checking if an expiration date has been reached. Thanks to Andy Carluccio of Liminal Entertainment Technologies for providing the JavaScript that made this all possible. Changelog: v2: Added an expanded version of the Date Convertor User Actor (Date Convertor v2)Added a new User Actor (Date Validator) created with more Javascript from the generous and brilliant Andy Carluccio.
Deadman’s Switch User Actor – User Actor
This Deadman's Switch User Actor gives you the option to set a key and then hook it up to a Gate actor so that you can keep the Gate open only when the key is held down, or only open the Gate when the key is released.
Decimal to binary and hexadecimal converter – User Actor
With this user actor you can convert a decimal number to a binary or hexadecimal value. This user actor is using javascript.
DX – 16 Color Palette Cycler – Patch
Animate upto 16 of your favorite colors in a color palette. Blend colors in a number of ways. Use HSBA or RGB with curves for each parameter... create unique color fades that you can apply to anything in Isadora More features: loop modes (wrap, forward, reverse, limited, pingpong) 2-16 colors color blend in a Million ways Hard cut colors (0 blend time) delay time between color fades interactive control
DX – 16bit DMX values – User Actor
This collection of user actors converts 16bit Int values (0 - 65535) to and from 2 DMX values (0 - 255). A device expecting 16bit values via DMX will accept the input using two DMX channels. Sending the values created by one of these user actors to the two assigned channels will provide the 16bit value to the device. The other user actor will allow you to receive 2 DMX values and combine these values to decode the 16bit value intended by the sending device. 16bit DMX values Allows input as either an Integer (0 - 65535) or via a Percentage value. Outputs two DMX values that can be used by a device to represent the 16bit input value. Value from 16bit DMX accepts 2 DMX values Decodes the DMX value and outputs both the Integer (0 - 65535) and Percentage value. Setup Select your input type of either Integer or Percentage. Se3nd the two DMX values to the assigned DMX channels for the device requiring a 16bit value.
DX – 20 band freq watcher sorted descending – User Actor
Required: Live capture Sound analysis must be active This User Actor breaks down the live feed input into 20 bands, and sorts them in descending order. The actors output includes all 20 bands in JSON format so that you can grab whatever data you want. In the Demo, I grab the #1 (most powered) frequency band, and the weakest to create some mind-blowing visuals ;) *NOTE: requires the JSON add-ons
DX – Advanced Envelope Scrubber – User Actor
The Advanced Envelope Scrubber actor provides a powerful 'timeline' tool that handles the display of numerous child scenes over time. It is a sort of framework for working with sequences of scenes. The child scenes are run from a Parents' position (as %), making it is very easy to link the controls to either Video or Audio playback. Originally designed to allow child scenes to be sequenced to a Parent scene playing a long audio file. The attached ZIP file contains both the User Actor and an example file that plays through two groups of scenes. Each Parent scene has a timer that provides a value ranging 0-100 much like the position output of a Movie Player. (My Timecode tools provide User Actors which make it easy to integrate with the use of Timecode in the Movie Player) Features: Attack, Sustain and Release values Visual graphing of the envelope for easier editing Curves can be assigned for each segment of the envelope Child scenes can use the Parents scene intensity for crossfades Works well with Layering Mode 'Ungrouped' for advanced video compositing Requirements: Part of the graphing feature uses the Grapher addon, but the basic graph and visualization of the envelope work without it.
DX – DMX Universe – Enttec compatible – User Actor
DX - DMX Universe - Enttec compatible, is the easiest way to output DMX data. This actor will work with an Enttec compatible usb serial output device. This User Actor support upto 512 DMX values (1 DMX universe). The included demo file is built around outputting to a simple 5 channel Par Can. It shows a few tips and tricks for working with DMX and the Matrix actors. I am happy to offer support via the forum.
DX – graphicPlacer-ZoomCalc – User Actor
Very useful for outputting graphics at actual size by setting the Projectors zoom to match the size of the image in relation to the target stage. eg: place a small image on a large stage without it being scaled to match, and animate its position with the position inputs of the Projector. The image shows a 256 x 256 pixel image being placed on a 480 x 270 pixel stage. For pixel perfect scaling the zoom needs to be set to 94.8148.
DX – JS – Grid Positions – example – Patch
Create an list of X Y position coordinates that create a grid using Javascript. In this example patch I use some Javascript to split the Isadora stage into a centered grid. I have used this in a number of my own projects, so I thought I would share this now. The project requires the JSON parser plugin: It isn't used heavily, and you could remove it from the project pretty easily. For now I have it included. I have created 3 sample scenes all using the same grid factors 1x2x3 = 6, so we have these possible layouts: 2x3 , 3x2 , 1x6 and 6x1. You could adjust these samples scenes to use: 1x2x2x3 = 12 producing six layouts or what ever other combination you like. More factors and possibilities mean more X,Y connections. The sample scenes are: Hexagons are drawn to the stage in alternating pattern grids each with some random settings and animation. Text Blocks (listing the XY values for each) much like the Hexagons but using an optimized reader approach for text animation Line Grid creating a colored grid of animated vertical and horizontal lines which draw the grid divisions The included images show a few layouts of each sample scene.
DX – JS – Multi Toggle
Easily toggle multiple outputs between On and Off states. This user actor contains a Javascript you can easily extend to support up to 99 toggle values. By default the User Actor is setup as a multi toggle of 10 values, but you can use it for 10 or less values by setting the group count input. Two additional features are included. If you input a value of Zero, all outputs are set to Off If you input a value greater than the group count input, then all outputs are set to On Example: if the group count is set to 5, an input value of Zero will set the first 5 outputs to Off, if an input value of 1 thru 5 is received then the corresponding output will be set to On and all others to Off, if a value greater than 5 is input all outputs will be set to On. A zip file contains the User Actor and an example file showing the above group of 5 setup as well as how to expand the JS actor contained to toggle up to 99 outputs.
DX – Kiosk ToolKit
This Isadora file contains a number of User Actors presented in the Build It video tutorial 'Build It! Kiosk ToolKit Adding Interactivity'. The kiosk toolkit is meant to make adding custom cursors and buttons to Isadora projects easier. It is perfect for cases where the Isadora interface is hidden and only the stage is presented to the user to interact with. User Actors are provided for creating Custom Cursors with normal, roll-over, and click states, as well as, for creating rectangular and circular buttons.
DX – Korg nanoKontrol2 – User Actor
This user actor is the simplest way to use a Korg nanoKontrol2 midi controller with Isadora. Works with the default midi mapping that comes pre-installed on the controller. Features Full access to every knob, slider, and set of buttons. 2 way communication allows the use of the built-in LED button lighting. Setup Place the user actor in your Isadora scene. Set the 'port IN' and 'port OUT' inputs of the user actor to the Midi ports you wish to use. Setup Isadora to use the same ports. Open Midi Setup and set the corresponding I/O port numbers to interface the Korg nanoKontrol2.
DX – Live10 – Isadora Theme
Live 10 offers a flat-dark Ableton 10 inspired UI. Actor links are made more high contrast when selected to help with complex patching.
DX – morph Color – User Actor
A simple but fun User Actor that RGB fades the output color into the input color. It features a switch for excluding the alpha value from the fade in cases where you want a consistent opacity. Use the 'smoothing' input to adjust how quickly the RGB fade occurs. 0 = instant, 1= never (default 0.95)
DX – Rotate Canvas – User Actor
Do you ever need to change the orientation of an image in Isadora? We have spin and we have flip, but these don't change the aspect of the canvas. They manipulate the image within the current canvas dimensions. This isn't always what we need. Sometimes we don't have time to open the image in our photo editing software and rotate the document. So, I made a quick little User Actor that allows you to rotate any video/image 90,180, and 270 degrees creating a new canvas aspect ratio.
DX – Rustbelt – Isadora Theme
Rustbelt was designed to be well suited to working in a dark space. The interface is dull except for the elements that you need to see. Actor links are made higher contrast when selected making complex patches easier to work on.
DX – Sprite Sheet Picker – User Actor
Sprite sheets are a popular graphic tool in video game production due to their ability to save memory and create flexible groupings of animations. The DX - Sprite Sheet Picker user actor make it easy to take control of grid based sprite sheets. Features playback of grid based sprite sheets select sprite cells sequentially or directly define sub sequences / ranges step through sequences forward or backwards jump between any cells in any order works with both square and non-square sprite tiles user actor outputs provide helpful feedback
DX – Value Decay – Patch
This user actor provides an alternative to the Decay Generator actor in Isadora, with some unique features. The Value Decay actor will accept a normalized (0-100) input value and decrease it over time (at a set rate). If a new value is input it is ignored unless it is greater than the current decay value. Included is the Value Decay user actor, as well as, an Isadora demo patch Features Speed adjustable decay of input value 2 value decrease methods. Linear, and by percentage (Log) Increasing input values pass thru. Decay only applied if input is static or less than current decay value.
DX – DMX 32 Channel Receiver – Enttec Compatible – User Actor
A simple user actor that works with DMX to USB serial input devices (enttec compatible). This actor outputs channels 1 thru 32. Its is easily updated to provide another range of channels if required. It is capable of being expanded to support the maximum of 512 channels provided in a DMX universe. Usage In Serial Port Setup, select your DMX device from the device pull-down for one of the available serial ports. (refer to the device documentation for specific settings. Often the defaults will work fine) Set the 'serial port' input of the actor to match the port number you setup. Enable the serial ports via the Communications menu option 'Enable Serial Ports' Any incoming DMX on channels 1-32 should now be output (DMX values range 0-255)
DX – Timecode Tools
The Timecode Tools are a series of user actors created to help me build a wider set of playback tools which I hope to offer in the near future. These user actors should prove useful to Isadora users who use timecode for precise control but want time and percent values for other calculations within the Isadora scene. User Actors are available for the following functions: media percentage to timecode timecode to media percentage timecode to time & elements time to timecode
Even or Odd Comparator User Actor & Example File – Patch
This User Actor receives an integer for an input, figures out whether that number is even or odd, and lets you trigger events based on the result.
Floating Tunnels by bonemap – Patch
Floating Tunnels by Bonemap is an Isadora 3 video user actor macro. It is a recursive pattern module, as the name suggests, it generates a representation of a floating tunnel. There are parameters for colour (hue range), sine and pulse frequency. It accepts a video texture. It has a background colour parameter that can be on or off.
Follow Spot – Patch
This user actor is for simulate a follow spot with shapes actor. It works with touch osc and you could choose the shapes, zoom, intensity, width, Height, Blur, RGB, spin ON and OFF and move the sapes with an XY controller. Inside the .zip you have: the user actor one .izz to test it and have the correct stream setup the layer for touch osc (iPad version).
Free Clouds patch – Patch
I made a simple patch that used clipart style 'cardboard' clouds to float across the screen. You can change the images to anything you want. This a nice and simple patch but it might be interesting for someone who is learning.
Grapher – TroikaTronix Plugin
Grapher displays one or more numeric values on a moving graph for easy visualization. This plugin might be most useful to teachers who are helping others to learn about Isadora. Grapher was created by Isadora's creator Mark Coniglio specifically for his workshop "What Do We Do With the Data?" at the Isadora Werkstatt 2019. If anything is unclear about these instructions, or if you have a problem using this actor, please let us know by making a post in the forum. One of our team, or one of the members of our awesome community, will be there to help. Apple silicon (ARM/M1) The macOS version of this plugin has been compiled to run natively on both Intel-based and Apple silicon based computers. Instructions Remember, you can see helpful instructions for any actor by mousing over the actor's inputs or outputs and seeing what appears in the Help View at the bottom right of the main Isadora window. But here is a quick summary of Grapher's inputs and what they do. Try Out the Grapher Actor Let's start with a simple example. 1) Connect a numeric input to 'value 1' input – you could use the output of a Mouse Watcher or a Wave Generator actor to give this actor a try. 2) Connect the 'video out' to a projector and Show Stages to see the graphed output. You'll see that the value received at 'value 1' is being drawn onto the graph, and that the graph slides to the right as time passes, as you might see on a heart monitor or chart recorder. Set the Vertical Range The vertical range for the graph is set by the 'range min' and 'range max' inputs, which default to -100 and +100. If you're using the Mouse Watcher, you'd want to set 'range min' to 0 so that Grapher's range matches the range of the Mouse Watcher. If the value you are receiving is small (e.g., -0.1 to +0.1) then you'd want to use those values for 'range min' and 'range max' so that the representation of the signal fills the entire graph vertically. Set the Time Scale The amount of time represented by the entire width of the graph is set by the 'time scale input, which is given in seconds. If you want to see the last 20 seconds of data in the output, set this input to 20. Working with Multiple Values If you want to graph multiple values: 1) Set the 'values' input to the number of values you require. 2) Additional 'value' inputs to which you can connect other values will appear below 'value 1' 3) You will see a line for each 'value' input drawn in the graph. To see this in action, set 'values' to 2 and connect the two outputs of a Mouse Watcher to the 'value 1' and 'value 2' inputs. Usually, when you are graphing multiple values, you'll want to set the 'color min' and 'color max' inputs to two different colors so each line in the graph will be a different color. For the greatest variation, pure red and pure blue are a good choices for these inputs. If you do this, the first line in the graph will be red, the last line will be blue, and the lines in between will show equally spaced colors between 'min color' and 'max color'. Other Parameters The 'line size' controls the size of the lines drawn in the graph, while the 'grid lines' and 'grid size' inputs allow you to draw equally spaced divisions on the horizontal axis. The 'width' and 'height' inputs determine the resolution of the output image, which is usually sent to a Projector actor but can be passed to any Isadora actor that accepts video input. You can enter any values you like here to control the aspect ratio and resolution of the output graph. We've found the default 1280 x 720 work quite well.
IzzyCast Basic Template Files – Patch
This quick-start example file will help you get going with IzzyCast. Watch our video walk through to learn how to get started with these files.
IzzyKorg – User Actor
IzzyKorg is a small wrapper around the most used MIDI Controller out there, the KORG nanoKONTROL 2. In my day to day practice, I use this little user actor for my students so they can quickly add a MIDI controller to there patch. All wrapped with a simple JSON interface that allows you to target the elements by doing [category]:[field] For example, the Knob on the first fader is "fader1:knob". Please be aware that I didn't add any feedback from the patch back to the controller in this version. Instructions Install the required plugins from Mark called JSON Parser / Bundler Put the User Actor in your Global User Actor Toolbox, that way you will always have it ready to go! For detailed instructions on how it works, please look inside the user actor by clicking on it :) Contact & License Feel free to use it for any work / commercial or non-commercial without the need for credit. If you have questions feel free to send me an e-mail at hello[@]
IzzySun – User Actor
IzzySun allows you to calculate the time that a sun/moon related event is happening at a certain location. Perfect for installation artist/performance artist that needs a certain event to happen every single day at Sunset. For more information please visit the forum topic here : If you need any help, feel free to send me an e-mail at hello[at] or by posting on the above forum topic.
JavaScript ASCII and Character Convertor – User Actor
This User Actor can convert ASCII values into characters, as well as convert single characters into ASCII values.Additionally, there is an output that tells you if the character is a number (0-9) and another output that gives you the character as an integer (instead of a string) if the character is a number (0-9). A complete table of ASCII characters can be found here: CHANGELOG: v2 2022-06-08Added an input that lets you set the notify mode for the Comparator used for the number-related outputs.
JavaScript Line Count – User Actor
This helpful JavaScript-based User Actor takes in a multi-line string and gives you a count of how many lines it contains (both as an integer and as a string). Credit goes to Andy Carluccio for the JavaScript code in this User Actor.
JavaScript Sequential Calculator – Patch
Ever have a sequence of shapes or images that you need to space evenly across the screen, or have a number of visual elements that need their position to be based on the position of the previous visual element in the sequence? If so, this JavaScript Sequential Calculator Macro will make your life much easier, since it'll allow you to adjust the position of everything in the sequence or the spacing between them. I've included a simple example patch that shows how this can be used to space three shapes easily and adjust them all as a group. Note: Since you need to set the number of outputs on the Javascript actor for this to work, it can't actually be part of a User Actor or Macro. Therefore I just put it into a Macro so that it can be saved as a Macro, searched for easily, then copy-pasted out of the Macro when it is needed. JavaScript code credit goes to Gertjan Biasino:
JavaScript String Length – User Actor
This User Actor can be fed a string of characters (or a value) and will tell you the number of characters (length) of the input. There is also an input that affects the count for the "value" input which allows you to either ignore or not ignore the "-" character if the incoming number is negative. Example Strings: Bob = 3 Terry = 5 Example Values: 76 = 2 0.3 = 3 -0.3 = 4 (with Ignore "-" set to "off") -0.3 = 3 (with Ignore "-" set to "on")
JS text – Matching, splitting, joining – Patch
This JavaScript example patch has five scenes. Each scene in the patch deals with a number of methods and provides examples for typical text based task useful when working with text based data sources e.g. XML, HTTP, JSON. Scene 1: Searching or matching text Scene 2: Searching or matching multiple text simultaneously Scene 3: Joining text Scene 4: Splitting text Scene 5: Replacing text
JSON Parser / JSON Bundler – TroikaTronix Plugin
These two actors allow you to parse or create data encapsulated in the JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) data interchange format. The JSON Parser allows you to access the individual elements of a JSON text string. The JSON Bundler bundles one or more numbers or text strings into a valid JSON text string. You can create more complex data structures by feeding one JSON Bundler actor into another. For details on how to use these actors, please refer to our knowledge base article. Apple silicon (ARM/M1) The macOS version of this plugin has been compiled to run natively on both Intel-based and Apple silicon based computers.
Jump By Name – TroikaTronix Plugin
Jumps to the first scene whose name begins with the specified text. This actor searches from the beginning of the scene list and jumps to the first matching scene, or does not jump if no matching scene is found. A match is defined as the search text matching the first characters of a scene name. Strange behaviours will occur if this property contains the delimiter character in it. Apple silicon (ARM/M1) The macOS version of this plugin has been compiled to run natively on both Intel-based and Apple silicon based computers. This actor was created by Benoît Vogel and Mark compiled it for 64 bit.
Keyboard Watcher Up/Down 2.0 User Actor & Example File – Patch
The Keyboard Watcher Up/Down 2.0 User Actor improves upon the Keyboard Watcher actor to make it into a reliable and practical show-ready tool by solving the problem of “continuous triggering” caused by keeping the key pressed down.
Language based – Number to Text Formatter – User Actor
Using this actor you can simply convert an Number to a Text output with 'X' amount of decimals within all kind of different languages. Do you need to convert 10,45 to 10.4 (so with a . instead of a , and cut it off at one decimal?) Then this plugin is for you! Great for international installations / touring work where numbers matter.
Leap Motion Watcher – TroikaTronix Plugin
Leap Motion Watcher for Isadora 3.1 or Later Be sure to read the READ ME - Installation.rtf file before using the plugin! It is required to install software from Ultraleap before use.
List Selector Control : example file – Tutorial
Isadora 3.2 introduced a powerful new control called the List Selector that allows you to select items from a dynamically populated list. This example files both walks you through the basics of using this new control and supplies tools for creating advanced setups more easily. A Quick-start mini-tutorial that takes a look at this example file is available on Youtube.
Loop movie V2 – Patch
V2 of LOOP MOVIE USER ACTOR (added position slider and MIDI command for all controls) This user actor allows you to loop movie on fly and change it as you want with keyboard, Midi or OSC. You could too move into position of loop with a slider (Midi or OSC) Play : spacebar Pause : p Stop : s loop start : I (choose the first point of loop) loop end : o (choose the final point of loop) loop all movie : a (release first and final point of loop to continue playing movie) loop enable on : l (active loop enable - who is active by default) loop enable of : n (if you want to read a part of movie or all the movie and automatically stop it) you could choose IP and PORT for touch osc. you could choose MIDI PORT and CHANNEL for your Controller and choose Midi Note and Midi CC for all controls. Zip contains : User actor, loop movie V2.izz to have the stream setup for touch OSC and two layer for touch OSC for all this control (for iPad and iPhone) including volume and position of movie. If you have any question you could contact me: celio.noel at
Media Info – User Actor
This User Actor provides numerous pieces of information about the chosen media, as well as using Javascript to remove the file extension so that the name of the file can be used elsewhere in your Isadora patch for text parsing or sent into Zoom chat using ZoomOSC as part of a chatbot function.
MidiLearn – User Actor
The midiLearn user actor locks to the first midi signal coming in and shows on the output side what type (control, note on/off) was triggered. In January 2010 Graham Thorne (aka Skulpture) started with the first MidiLearn actor that simply took the first note ON and locked it to that note. This encouraged me and I expanded its features with a reset function, control detection, switching between note ON and OFF etc. We both hope you have fun with it.
Monokai – Isadora Theme
Monokai is a modern Isadora 3.x theme inspired on the Monokai Theme of modern code editors. Designed by Juriaan Gregor. Feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments or send me an email at hello[at]
Mouse Control of 3D Particles – Patch
The first Scene of this patch is a cool, simple demonstration of how to use your computer mouse to control 3D particles in Isadora. The next few Scenes take this concept and run with it, playing with color, size, replication, and video effects. There are two scenes at the end of the patch that are more complex. The second-to-last scene lets you click on a location on the Stage to create fireworks, and/or generate fireworks randomly, and/or change a number of different variables about the fireworks. The last scene uses a 3D Particles actor with some flip actors and a Get Stage Image actor to create a feedback loop that lets you do aesthetically pleasing, semi-random digital drawings.
NDI Watcher – TroikaTronix Plugin
The NDI Watcher actor uses NewTek's NDI video streaming technology to allow you to receive NDI video streams broadcast from other computers or devices. This actor is in public beta. There may be bugs that affect performance and/or lead to crashes. Because of this, we do not recommend using this actor for public performances or installations. If you do choose to use this beta version for such performances, you do so at your own risk. Apple silicon (ARM/M1) The macOS version of this plugin has been compiled to run natively on both Intel-based and Apple silicon based computers. Installation Follow the instructions in the file Installation Instructions.rtf NDI 5 vs. NDI 4 vs. NDI 3 Isadora 3.1 and later will use NDI v5, while Isadora 3.0.7 uses NDI v4 and Isadora 3.0.6 and before use NDI v3. Because of this, multiple versions of the plugin are given in this distribution. Take care to install the correct version of the plugin for your version of Isadora, otherwise the plugin will not function or may not appear in Isadora at all. The name of the plugin shown in Isadora makes it clear which version of the plugin you are using. It will be called NDI 5 Watcher for NDI 5 version, and NDI 4 Watcher for the NDI 4 version. You cannot have multiple versions of the NDI Watcher plugin installed at the same time! Usage Instructions: Add the actor to the scene, and click in the value box to the left of 'ndi source'. A popup menu with the currently available NDI servers will appear. Select the NDI server you wish to receive Connect the 'video' output to the desired destination actor. Known Limitations Because the NDI 3 Watcher (required for Isadora 3.0.6 and earlier) uses NDI 3, it cannot receive from the NDI Camera app for iOS. NDI Best Practices NDI is a great technology, but it can't work miracles: sending video requires both bandwidth and a very fast connection. You simply can't expect to send full resolution HD video on a shared WiFi connection clogged by others! Follow these best practices to get the best results with the NDI on a network. Whenever Possible, Use a Hardwired Gigabit Ethernet Network To transmit full bandwidth, low latency video using NDI generally requires a hardwired gigabit Ethernet network. Using anything less than this can give less than poor results. If You Must Use WiFi, Get a Dedicated Router If you must use WiFi, then please work with a WiFi router dedicated to allowing NDI devices to communicate. Attempting to use NDI on a university or other public network that is filled with other people's data is a recipe for disaster. If you plan to use WiFi for NDI, get an inexpensive WiFi router and leave it disconnected from the Internet; even when not online, the router will allow your computer and other NDI sources or destinations to communicate.
OpenNi Line Puppet – Patch
Line Puppet for OpenNI Tracker A Skeleton Decoder action figure that uses multiple '3D Lines'. Paired with the OpenNI Tracker module, Line Puppet provides a modifiable figure that moves with depth camera skeleton tracking data. The figure is constructed in two halves with colour and line size parameters. Set the OpenNI Tracker parameter for 'skeleton scale' to 'cm' for expected scaling.
OpenNI Tracker – TroikaTronix Plugin
IMPORTANT: We have received reports that the OpenNi Tracker addon does not work on Apple computers with the M2 processor chip. At this time we do not recommend using M2 machines with OpenNi Tracker. The OpenNI Tracker allows Isadora to capture a depth map image, and to do body/skeleton tracking, using depth map cameras like the Kinect v1, Orbbec Astra and Intel Realsense. This bundle includes: OpenNI Tracker v0.9.8b6 Skeleton Decoder v0.9.4 Skeleton Visualizer v0.9.2 Using this Add-On on Apple Silicon (ARM/M1) Based Macs If want to use this actor on an Apple Silicon (ARM/M1) based Mac with Isadora 3.1 or later, you'll have to enable Intel emulation (Rosetta) mode on the Isadora application. Public Beta This actor is in public beta. There may be bugs that affect performance and/or lead to crashes. Because of this, we do not recommend using this actor for public performances or installations. If you do choose to use this beta version for such performances, you do so at your own risk. Compatible Cameras This plugin is currently compatible with the Kinect v2 (Kinect for Xbox One) , Kinect v1 (Kinect for Xbox 360, Models 1414 and 1473), the Orbbec Astra, and the Intel Realsense D435. Important: Read the "Read Me" Files! Everyone must read the file called __READ ME__ Installing the Tracker Plugins.rtf. Tutorials You find the tutorial for the OpenNI Tracker here: You can also go for a "deep dive" with Isadora's creator by watching Isadora Guru Session #13: Body Tracking with Depth Cameras
OSC Basic Test File – Patch
This helpful OSC Basic Test File comes with a read-me document that will help you troubleshoot if you're finding it tricky to send OSC to or from Isadora.
Pay me Actor – Patch
This is a funny but sometimes useful User Actor: Sometimes you help people out and write a quick and dirty patch for free, so they can test their idea. But you don't want them to tour with it and earn money from your work. Than this actor is perfect. After a set time on all the screens a text will appear. If they still want to use it they will have to contact you to get rid of it.
Percentage to Timecode User Actor & Example File – Patch
Sometimes you need both percentage-based and timecode-based control of the same Movie Player actor but end up being forced to pick one or the other. Never compromise again with the Percentage to Timecode User Actor! Keep your Movie Player actor in timecode mode and connect this User Actor to its position input for percentage-based control. This allows you to, for example, use a Slider control to scrub through a Movie Player actor that's in timecode mode. The example file for this relies on videos that exceed the upload limit for this page, but you can download it from Dropbox:
Projector mapping Touch OSC – User Actor
This user actor is for mapping a rectangle with touch osc. You could adjust 4 Rectangle Point (offset x and y) and reset it. Inside the .zip you have : the user actor one .izz to test it and have the correct stream setup two layer for touch osc (One for iPad and one for iPhone)
PTZ Camera Control – User Actor
These user actors are for use with the PTZOptics PT20X-SDI-G2 camera (and other cameras that use the VISCA protocol). Control is done through commands based on VISCA protocol through TCP / IP. If you use another form of communication (RS-232, RS-485 e.g.) the sent commands do not change. The PTZ control of the camera is done through an HID compatible arcade joystick (you can use whatever you want but it has to be HID) and you will have to configure the ports in Isadora to correspond with the functions.
Pythoner Example File – TroikaTronix Plugin
The Pythoner Example file will be updated regularly after the release of Isadora 4 to contain examples covering topics like Machine Learning, Body Tracking, Hardware Interfacing, and much more. The current file contains a few examples that are meant to help QuickStart your usage of Pythoner. We have also prepared a walk through video that will help you understand how to use Pythoner.
QLab User Actors and Example File – User Actor
This helpful little download contains example file for Isadora with User Actors that allow you to easily trigger QLab cues via OSC using Isadora. The download also includes an example QLab file, a number of screenshots, and an example gif. An explanation of how to set up and use these User Actors can be found in this Knowledgebase article: Be sure to also check out Our Knowledgebase article on the subject of controlling Isadora via Qlab using OSC More information about QLab's OSC capabilities QLab's OSC Dictionary
Rainbow Difference Trails – Patch
In this mini-tutorial, you'll learn how to use the Difference actor to add psychedelic rainbow motion blur trails to a live video feed.
Random Media + Random Duration – Patch
This example patch has twelve example scenes that show how to:Randomly select a video, picture, or sound file to be played (without repeating any files until each has been played once, after which a new random order is generated)Play the randomly selected file for a set duration then start the next random file immediatelyPlay the randomly selected file for a random duration then start the next random file immediatelyPlay the randomly selected file for a set duration then start then crossfade to the next random filePlay the randomly selected file for a random duration then crossfade to the next random file
Random Number Display – Patch
Lottery or Bingo simulator with a colourful display. Do you need a random number generator for your lottery or bingo game? Perhaps you want to generate numbers as a way to encrypt a passcode. This random number generator provides five different sources for random numbers each with its own scene and method in Isadora. 10 numbers are generated from a field of 100 using the keyboard 'g' press. NOTE! some scenes require the JSON Parser plugin which can be found here:
Read Text From File – TroikaTronix Plugin
This plugin reads a text file and sends the contents to a text output on the actor, offering options to show a single specific character, line, or paragraph. Thank you to Benoît Vogel who originally wrote this plugin and contributed it to the Isadora community. It is now maintained by TroikaTronix. Installation Read the READ ME - Installation.rtf file included with the download. Apple silicon (ARM/M1) The macOS version of this plugin has been compiled to run natively on both Intel-based and Apple silicon based computers. v1.1.3 Fixes: The file path input now allows for partial path names. The 'read mode' and 'start' inputs now work properly if the text file contains non-ASCII characters. No longer crashes if the 'file path' input points to a non-existent file.
Rokoko Studio Live Watcher – TroikaTronix Plugin
The Rokoko Studio Live Watcher receives 3D motion capture data from a Rokoko Smartsuit Pro via the Rokoko Studio application, allowing you to use high-precision gestural data to manipulate media within Isadora. (Please note that you need to have the Plus pricing plan from Rokoko to stream mocap data to any external software, including Isadora.) Learning to Use the Rokoko Studio Live Watcher This download includes a "mini-tutorial", an Isadora demo file, and detailed instructions on how you can connect the Smartsuit Pro to Isadora. For a deep dive on this actor and what it can do, please join Isadora's creator Mark Coniglio for Guru Session #19: Body Tracking with the Rokoko Smartsuit Pro™ Apple silicon (ARM/M1) The macOS version of this plugin has been compiled to run natively on both Intel-based and Apple silicon based computers.
RTMP Streamer – TroikaTronix Plugin
Now you can easily access live online streaming directly from Isadora. The new RTMP Streamer actor allows you to stream video and audio to services like YouTube, Twitch, Facebook, and more. Advanced options allow you to take control of your audio-video quality making the RTMP streamer actor perfect for integration into a variety of broadcast pipelines. In just minutes you can go live reaching a global audience. Be sure to read the knowledge base article for details on connecting to Youtube, Facebook, and Twitch. Or get started in minutes with this quick-start video: You will need the quick-start file to follow along. Minimum System Requirements: macOS Mojave or Windows 10 The RTMP Streamer Actor is compatible with macOS Mojave and later or Windows 10. It will not run appear in Isadora if you are running macOS High Sierra or earlier. The macOS version of this plugin has been compiled to run natively on both Intel-based and Apple silicon (ARM/M1) based computers. Minimum Isadora version: 3.1 This plugin works in Isadora 3.1 or later. It will not show up in earlier versions of Isadora.
Runtime Recorder – User Actor
This User Actor can record your start time, current time, and runtime into a text file. If you put this in a background Scene at the beginning of your file, you can use it to automatically record the exact time your show starts, ends, and how long it lasted. This can also be useful for debugging if you're leaving a file running long-term and finding that it experiences issues after a certain amount of time. This User Actor allows you to: Define a suffix to add to the filename Set the interval at which you want it to write the current time and runtime to the text file. Turn it on and off (which will start the timer over in a new file) See the filename, start time, last recorded time, and runtime on its outputs. Please note that this User Actor should be put into a background Scene (video tutorial, written tutorial) that you leave active, as you need to enable the User Actor and then have it continue to be in an active Scene in order to keep updating the times in the text file. Every time you enable and disable this User Actor, or leave and re-enter the Scene it's in, the User Actor will create a new text file with a new start time. Changelog v3 - 2022-12-07 Fixed some math inside the Time Converter User Actor that's used internally. Changelog v2 - 2022-12-06 Inputs Added a non-functional "—write interval—" input purely for labeling purposes. (It relates to the inputs below it.) Renamed the pre-existing write interval inputs from "write interval (mins)" and "write interval (secs)" to "mins" and "secs" Added write interval inputs for weeks, days, and hours (so now the write interval can be any combination of weeks, days, hours, minutes, and seconds). Outputs Cleaned the text on the outputs so that a fresh version of the User Actor shows timecodes of "00:00:00" instead of the random values that were present when I ran my last test Added a "write" output in case anyone wants to trigger anything at the same time Connected the "Runtime" output to the series of actors that makes the runtime timecode. Previously it was connected to the associated output on the Data Array, so it would only update at whatever interval you set. With this change, the runtime output will update for you visually in real time instead of at the set intverval. Misc Added Javascript-powered User Actor inside to handle time conversion from weeks/days/hours/minutes/seconds to total seconds for the intervals.
Rutt-Etra FOR ISADORA 2 – TroikaTronix Plugin
Please Donate if You Use This Plugin! This emulation of the legendary Rutt/Etra Video hardware video synthesizer would not exist except for the creativity of Bill Etra, who passed away in 2016. He was survived by his partner Roz who is disabled, lives on a fixed income, and has no surviving family to help her. (Learn more about Bill and his partner Roz's story here.) But, right now, you can make a difference in Roz's life by making a donation to help support her via the donate button below maintained by the plugin's creator Vade. Please contribute to the memory of a true pioneer. The v002 Rutt-Etra plugin by Vade is an emulation of the legendary Rutt/Etra Video hardware video synthesizer created by Bill Etra and Steve Rutt. It modulates the scanlines or points that make up a video stream based on the brightness of the source or of another video stream. The results are beautifully complex as was the original Rutt Etra. Here's an example of an eye modulated by the Rutt Etra plugin. There are quite a few inputs on this plugin, and you should make sure to experiment with them all. But the most important when you're beginning are as follows: draw-mode: controls the method used to draw the modulated image. z-extrude: the distance that the scanlines or points that make up the original will be modulated based on the brightness of the displace image. (If no video stream is connected to the displace input, then the source image is used to displace itself) z-translate: How the image is translated towards or away from the 3D camera along the z-axis. The z-translate should generally be negative; otherwise, you may not see the image. If you don't see an image, the first thing to try is to make the z-translate more negative. wire frame size: The thickness of the scanlines or points used to render the final image. Installing This is a 64-bit plugin for Isadora 3 only. You can get the Isadora 2 version by clicking here. Unzip the download and open the folder for your platform (i.e., Macintosh or Windows) • Choose Help > Open Plugin Folder > TroikaTronix Actor Plugins to open the external plugins folder on your computer. Drag the plugin to the TroikaTronix Actor Plugins folder opened above Restart Isadora 3 The source code for this plugin can be found on GitHub.
Rutt-Etra FOR ISADORA 3 – TroikaTronix Plugin
Please Donate if You Use This Plugin! This emulation of the legendary Rutt/Etra Video hardware video synthesizer would not exist except for the creativity of Bill Etra, who passed away in 2016. He was survived by his partner Roz who is disabled, lives on a fixed income, and has no surviving family to help her. (Learn more about Bill and his partner Roz's story here.) But, right now, you can make a difference in Roz's life by making a donation to help support her via the donate button below maintained by the plugin's creator Vade. Please contribute to the memory of a true pioneer. About the Rutt Etra Plugin The v002 Rutt-Etra plugin by Vade is an emulation of the legendary Rutt/Etra Video hardware video synthesizer created by Bill Etra and Steve Rutt. It modulates the scanlines or points that make up a video stream based on the brightness of the source or of another video stream. The results are beautifully complex as was the original Rutt Etra. Here's an example of an eye modulated by the Rutt Etra plugin. There are quite a few inputs on this plugin, and you should make sure to experiment with them all. But the most important when you're beginning are as follows: • draw-mode: controls the method used to draw the modulated image. • z-extrude: the distance that the scanlines or points that make up the original will be modulated based on the brightness of the displace image. (If no video stream is connected to the displace input, then the source image is used to displace itself) • z-translate: How the image is translated towards or away from the 3D camera along the z-axis. The z-translate should generally be negative; otherwise, you may not see the image. If you don't see an image, the first thing to try is to make the z-translate more negative. • wire frame size: The thickness of the scanlines or points used to render the final image. Apple silicon (ARM/M1) The macOS version of this plugin has been compiled to run natively on both Intel-based and Apple silicon-based computers. Installing • This is a 64-bit plugin for Isadora 3 only. You can get the Isadora 2 version by clicking here. • Unzip the download and follow the instructions in the READ ME - Installation file. The source code for this plugin can be found on GitHub.
sample and hold – User Actor
A simple user actor that holds a changing value for a desired amount of time and then udpates the output value with the newest value.
Screen Capture – TroikaTronix Plugin
The Screen Capture actor will capture the video image from a display or a window and bring it into Isadora as a standard video stream. Simply choose the display or window you want to capture, and a live capture of that area of the display will appear at the video output. Isadora 3.x and above only! The Screen Capture actor only works with Isadora 3.x and above! Isadora 2.x and Isadora 1.x will not work with this add-on. Apple silicon (ARM/M1) The macOS version of this plugin has been compiled to run natively on both Intel-based and Apple silicon based computers. Instructions / Getting Help Our online mini-tutorial will tell you what you need to know to get up and running with this actor. You can also refer to the integrated help for more information. Hover your cursor over any input or output, or the actor itself, and look in the Help View at the bottom right for further information. If you need additional assistance using this actor, try asking for help in the TroikaTronix Forum. Our team and our community of users are ready to help. Best Practices When possible, we recommend that you place the Screen Capture actor in a background Scene and broadcast the video output to other scenes that need it. Why? Because when you have a Screen Capture actor in each scene, and you transition from Scene A to B, it will have to shut down the capture engine in Scene A and then start up a new capture engine in Scene B. While this shut down/startup sequence is not the end of the world, it's good to avoid it if you can. Note that you only adopt this strategy if the settings on the Screen Capture actor are the same for each Scene. For an example of using background Scenes with the Screen Capture actor, take a look at the patch called screen-capture-using-background-scene.izz included with this download. Bug Reports if you find a bug, please let us know by opening a support ticket. Known Limitations On Windows computers with dual GPUs, you may be able to capture from the internal laptop display but not the external displays or vice-versa. This is a limitation of the system that Windows offers to perform screen capture found not only in this actor, but in major software like OBS (Open Broadcasting System). We are investigating to see if there is a solution to this issue.
Seek Target Value – TroikaTronix Plugin
Seek Target Value continuously seeks the specified target value by increasing or decreasing the current output value by the amount specified by the 'change/sec' input property. Like the built-in Smoother actor, this actor will smooth out jittery/noisy input values. The difference is that the response is linear over time, unlike of the exponential response of the Smoother actor. Apple silicon (ARM/M1) The macOS version of this plugin has been compiled to run natively on both Intel-based and Apple silicon based computers.
Send PJLink – TroikaTronix Plugin
The Send PJLink actor allows you to send commands to a projector using the industry standard PJLink protocol. Using this plugin you can turn the projector on or off, close or open it's shutter and more. The most popular commands are listed in the 'command' input popup menu (right click the input to see the popup). For more unusual commands, you can set the command input to 'custom' and enter the PJLink command of your choice into the 'custom cmd' input. For complete instructions, please visit our Knowledge Base article Using the Send PJLink Actor. Apple silicon (ARM/M1) The macOS version of this plugin has been compiled to run natively on both Intel-based and Apple silicon based computers.
Sentence clouds & paragraph trails – Patch
This patch is programmed to read an external text file through a 'Data Array' actor and format the words into a visual grid that can then be used by a '3D Particles' actor to form sentence clouds or paragraph trails. The word grid (once completed) is then captured as a picture into the media bin and made available to the particles actor. In the download there are example text files with short paragraphs. The source external text file has been formatted with single word line entries - all up about 225 words (this was formatted externally using TextEdit software). The text file is read into Isadora with a Data Array actor and formatted into a 15 x 15 grid on a Virtual Stage via a Text Draw actor. The grid coordinates are provided by another external text file and read sequentially by another Data Array actor into the Text Draw actor. The grid coordinates have been generated by MeshLab software. A Counter actor then delivers each word to the Text Draw actor as its position is being provided by the gird coordinates. A feedback loop is created by feeding the Virtual Stage back into the Text Draw actor with a Get Stage Image actor, thus a visual grid of words is constructed on the Virtual Stage. This word grid is now a sprite sheet that can then be used by a 3D particles actor to deliver each section of the grid to individual particles as they are emitted. The Virtual Stage is captured as an image with the 'Capture Stage to Image' actor and the capture process is halted and deactivated once the image file appears in the media bin. This new image asset is accessed by the '3D particles' actor to form the visual display and cycle through the word grid delivering each word to an individual particle as it is emitted.
Show-Hide Control Actor Example FIle – Patch
You can now use the Show-Hide Controls actor to build yourself multiple Control Panels that only show up in their desired Scenes, even if those Scenes are not consecutive! So for example, if Scenes 1 & 3 use the same Control Panel and Scenes 2 & 4 use the same Control Panel, you can hide everything with one Show-Hide Control actor, and then show only specific controls with a second Show-Hide Control actor. Using this method, when you switch between your Scenes it will show and hide the right Control Panels. (Plus changes you make to the Control Panel in Scene 2 will be present in Scene 4, which wasn't possible before!) This example file by TroikaTronix Staff Member L Wilson-Spiro (aka Woland) demonstrates this idea and provides two User Actors to help speed up your workflow.
Simple MIDI Example – Patch
A short example file showing some simple ways to use MIDI notes to change values in your patch. It includes two screenshots showing basic Live Capture and MIDI Setup for sending MIDI notes from Isadora to Isadora. The patch covers:Starting Live CaptureSending MIDI from Isadora to IsadoraUsing a Text Draw actor to display the incoming MIDI Note and a Speak Text actor to say it.Colorizing live video dynamically based on the pitch of the MIDI note.Colorizing Shape with one of three pre-selected colors based on which of three ranges the incoming MIDI note falls into.Colorizing a pulsing/exploding shape with Explode and a Decay GeneratorUsing the MIDI note to change the color of the Live Drawing actor while using the mouse to draw.Using the MIDI note to change the color of the Live Drawing actor while using the pitch and velocity of the note as x/y coordinates, letting you draw automatically with the random MIDI notes.
Simple Stage coordinate (0-100) – User Actor
The name is the program. Key 'c' (can be changed) to show/hide adapts its size to the given stage
slideshow – User Actor
This patch plays a slideshow with a selection of pictures of the media bin. The pictures are scaled to fit best into the output window (preserving the aspect). The transition between the pics is a crossfade. Inputs: first pic, last pic, pic time, crossfade time, run/stop, restart outputs: video out, pic count, loop end
Smooth Random – User Actor
This Small little actor fades between random values I have used this in multiple projects to animate objects. The output can be curved. The rate input is the time it takes to go from 0 to 100 (or from the min to the max) When the distance between the values is smaller the speed is lowered. When an object is connected, this makes sure the object is moving at a constant speed.
Snapshots Mini Example File – Patch
Snapshots are an incredibly useful, and often overlooked, feature of Isadora. If you’re still unsure about how they work, we recommend downloading this file for an example of basic functionality, and how you might want to use them. You can learn even more about Snapshots from the Isadora Manual:
Snowperson User Actor – User Actor
I created this User Actor in a futile attempt to distract myself from the stifling Berlin summer heat. Since this User Actor failed to do anything about the temperature, hopefully someone will find it to be an interesting example of how to use Shapes actors to create simple characters and animations. The use of the 3D Particles actor to create snow also serves as a cursory example of how to use Isadora actors to create simple weather animations that, unlike videos of weather, can play infinitely without the need to worry about disguising a loop point.The download contains the User Actor and a simple example file.The first Scene of the example file contains one instance of the User Actor with default settings which creates a snowperson at the center of the screen with continuous snowfall.The second Scene of the example file contains four instances of the User Actor adjusted to make a little snow person family that all blink in a randomized order at random intervals.
Sound to shape – User Actor
An actor that uses the chosen sound-in to change the height of 4 rectangular blocks. Make sure you select the Sound Frequency Analysis option in the Sound Input settings of Live Capture.
SRT Subtitle Player – TroikaTronix Plugin
Plays a subtitle/caption file stored in the SRT format. Whenever a new timecode value is received at the 'time' input, this actor will send the subtitle/caption for that timecode location to the text output. You can then connect that text output to a Text Draw actor to generate visual subtitles for a movie. Any timecode source can be used for the 'time' input, but most often you would use the 'position' output of a Movie Player after switching the Movie Player to use timecode. (To do this, right-click the Movie Player actor and choose "Use Timecode" from the popup menu.) The SRT Subtitle Player actor assumes that the SRT file is stored in UTF-8 format; it does not do automatic character set detection. If your SRT file is stored using another character set, you can use the free Aegisub software available on GitHub to convert it to UTF-8. Apple silicon (ARM/M1) The macOS version of this plugin has been compiled to run natively on both Intel-based and Apple silicon based computers.
Stage Mouse Watcher to Live Drawing Scale Calculator User Actor & Example File – Patch
This example patch, and its associated user actor, will help you transform a simple flick of the wrist with your mouse into an interactive and content-generating artistic gesture by showing you how to perform the value scaling that is required to make the Live Drawing actor work with the Stage Mouse Watcher actor.
Swirl GLSL Shader – Patch
GLSL Shader created by Mark 'center x' and 'center y' control the position of the swirl 'radius' controls the size of the swirl 'swirliness' controls how swirly the swirl is.
Synched Control Panel and Keyboard Watcher – Patch
This Isadora example file demonstrates how to control a Gate actor in your patch with either a Keyboard Watcher actor or one of a number of different Controls while still keeping the Control Panel in sync and showing the correct state of the Gate.
Syphon Virtual Webcam
About Syphon Virtual Webcam Syphon Virtual Webcam is a free app, created for you by TroikaTronix/Isadora, that allows you to send a Syphon video stream to a compatible application that supports video input from a webcam. It relies on the Open Broadcasting System (OBS) Virtual Webcam driver first implemented by John Boiles. Installation: Users with OBS v26.1 or Later If you have installed OBS v26.1 or later, you can install the latest OBS Virtual Webcam driver by opening OBS and choosing Help > Install OBS Virtual Webcam. Please note that you cannot use Syphon Virtual Webcam while OBS's virtual webcam output is running, i.e., after choosing Start Virtual Webcam; trying to do this may lead to unpredictable results including crashes. Installation: Users with OBS Versions Earlier than 26.1 or without OBS Installed At All If you have not installed OBS (or have installed a version of OBS before v26.1) then Syphon Virtual Camera will automatically guide you through the process of downloading and installing the standalone OBS Virtual Webcam driver from John Boiles' GitHub Repository. Using Syphon Virtual Webcam To use Syphon Virtual Webcam, simply install the application and double-click it. The first time you use it, you'll be guided to download an open source virtual webcam driver created for OBS (Open Broadcasting System). After that, simply: Ensure your Syphon source is running. Select your Syphon source using the popup menu in the main window. Start the app that will receive a signal from the virtual webcam Choose "OBS Virtual Camera" as the webcam source Click the "Mirror" checkbox if you need to flip the image horizontally. If you don't see "OBS Virtual Webcam" in the list of webcams, then your app may not be compatible with virtual webcams. Check the list of applications compatible with OBS Virtual Webcam. We have a short video tutorial that takes you through the entire process. If you have questions or need help with this plugin, please post them to this thread in our forum. The full source code is available on our GitHub page.
Text Comparator Example File – Patch
If you’re curious about the Text Comparator actor, this example file will show you how it can be integrated into your patch for more real-time interaction.
Text Comparator Expanded – User Actor
This User Actor has all the functions of the normal Text Comparator actor but adds an additional mode that detects if the incoming string ('text 1' input) contains the string specified in the 'text 2' input. This additional mode is extremely useful for parsing text where you're not looking for an exact match, but rather to see if a certain character, word, or series of words is present somewhere in the incoming string. I use this User Actor in tandem with ZoomOSC to parse Zoom chat for chat commands in order to make Zoom-native, interactive games, Zoom Chat commands, chatbots, voting/polling/scoring mechanics, and virtual theatre functions with Isadora.
Thru User Actors & Example File – Patch
These 16 User Actors (all for different input/output property settings and data types) can act as mobile connection hubs for many outputs and inputs that are all going to or coming from the same place. They are great for daisy-chaining, building in a modular way, consolidating your Control IDS to make it easier to re-use large parts of an Isadora Patch in new files, serving as placeholders, and can allow you to experiment with upstream data without having to re-draw downstream connections every time you change an actor.
TimerTool – User Actor
Start a timer or a countdown? Want to see your movie position in seconds? TimerTool outputs your movie position in seconds and shows it as video or number, you can choose to show the time passed or the time left of the movie. Or just start a timer with a trigger and output it as movie or number, or do the opposite type in a number in seconds to start a countdown.
Total Number of Scenes – User Actor
This small User Actor does exactly what the name suggests: it will count how many Scenes are present in the patch, and update itself automatically at every change, as well as manually. At its heart lie a few lines of JavaScript written by Andy Carluccio using the JavaScript Actor.
Traktor Pro 3 – DJ Sync – User Actor
This actor takes MIDI data from native Instruments Traktor Pro 3 software and converts it into a number piece of useful information, such as tap tempo, mixer x-fade position, track volume positions, filter position and dry/wet master position. It uses the 'Real-Time Watcher' actor to take a 'beat' from the DJ software. You need to enable MIDI in on Port 1 (or change it if required) Tutorial here: Note: This does require a manual set up at the Dj software end. Please contact me for help if you need help.
Trigger Once! – User Actor
Have you ever wanted to send a trigger and then block all the other triggers? I.E: Just Trigger Once! Ever wanted to receive a trigger from an Arduino (or similar) and then stop all other triggers for X amount of time? Or decide to open the gate again manually? Well, this is for you. I do a lot of install work and interactive stuff which means I want something to trigger and then block and ignore all the incoming triggers until X amount of time, or when a video/audio file finishes and then automatically open the gate again. If this rings a bell with you? Then this actor is for you. 1) "Trigger" only sends a "Trigger out" once - and will ignore everything else forever. 2) Click "Reset" to manually open the gate. This could be connected to a sensor, keyboard watcher, MIDI controller to anything. 3) If you choose a "Reset Time" the first trigger will "Trigger out" and then wait until the X amount of seconds you decided. 4) The "Gate Reset" is a visual aid to show you how long is left in % until the gate re-opens. Enjoy!
A nice set of freeframeGL effects created by TroikaTronix. FFGLAlphaToRGB FFGLGradient FFGLHeat FFGLPanSpinZoom FFGLSlider FFGLTile FFGLTime Please read the instructions that come with the download! Apple silicon (ARM/M1) The macOS versions of these plugins have been compiled to run natively on both Intel-based and Apple silicon based computers. Version History v1.2 Update: macOS plugins to un natively on both Intel-based and Apple silicon based computers. Updated the install scripts to make the installation process as easy as possible. v1.1 Update: "Notarized" all macOS plugins to ensure compatibility with the security requirements of Catalina and Big Sur
TT GLSL Shaders FOR ISADORA 2 & 3 – GLSL Shader
A nice set of GLSL (OpenGL Shader Language) shader effects created by TroikaTronix. TT Bulge Distortion (v1.3) TT Color Bands TT Dots TT Edge Blend TT Edge Detect TT Emboss TT False Color TT Gamma TT Grid Chopper TT Grid Warp TT Highlights And Shadows TT Kaleidoscope (v1.3) TT LaPlacian Emboss TT Monochrome TT Pinch Distortion (v1.3) TT Pixellate TT Polka Dot TT Psycho Colors TT RGB Modulation TT SCE Adjust TT Sharpen TT Sliding Gradient TT Solarize TT Sorbel Edge Detection TT Swirl (v1.3) TT TV Lines TT Vignette TT White Balance TT XY Luma Gradient (Items marked v1.2 are new as of v1.3)
Tutorial: Alpha Mask – Patch
In this mini-tutorial by L Wilson-Spiro you'll learn how to use the Alpha Mask actor. It starts with simple steps using just the Shapes and Alpha Mask actors, and proceeds to gets more complex, showing how to make alpha masks explode into pieces, video static effects, a moving video spotlight controlled by your mouse that inverts colors, and how to use background subtraction to create a ghost effect.
Tutorial: Basic Motion Tracking – Patch
In this mini-tutorial by L Wilson-Spiro you'll learn how to do basic motion tracking with the Eyes actor Use motion tracking data from the Eyes actor to affect other actors in your Isadora Patch, and combine the Freeze and Effect Mixer actors to make motion tracking easier.
Tutorial: OpenNI Tracker – Patch
This tutorial file (for Isadora 3.0.7 or later) is a companion to our OpenNI Tracker plugin. It is designed to introduce you to the most important features of this plugin so that you can quickly get started tracking bodies in Isadora. Before running this tutorial, you must download and install the OpenNI Tracker plugin. You can get the plugin here: Once the plugins are installed, just open the openni-tracker-tutorial.izz file in Isadora and follow the instructions that appear on Isadora's stage.
Two Point Bezier Shape – GLSL Shader
A GLSL actor that provides the X and Y uniform variables for a Bezier shape along two points on a diagonal. Original bezier function by Golan Levin and Collaborators. Original Author @kyndinfo - 2016. Cubic Bezier through two points. Available at Adapted for Isadora by Bonemap 2020
UDP Communications: send and receive – User Actor
The UDP Sender and Receiver User Actors offer robust, flexible, and efficient tools for transmitting and receiving messages over a network. These scripts are designed to support various encodings, handle binary and text data seamlessly, and dynamically manage configurations for IPs, ports, and message formatting. With built-in validation, error handling, and debugging features, they ensure reliable and accurate communication, making them ideal for both simple and advanced networking applications in Isadora. Internally they are powered by Python via the Pythoner actor (new to Isadora 4). Using the standard Python library, no additional modules need to be installed for usage. Features of the UDP Sender: Dynamic Configuration: Supports real-time updates to IP address, port, source port, encoding, and message content. Flexible Encoding: Allows sending messages in various formats, including utf-8, ascii, and raw binary. Source Port Binding: Optional source port configuration ensures compatibility with specific network requirements. Comprehensive Validation: Validates inputs like IP addresses, destination ports, and source ports for robustness. Efficient Socket Management: Reuses existing sockets where possible to optimize performance. Features of the UDP Receiver: Encoding Flexibility: Supports utf-8, ascii, and raw binary decoding, enabling handling of diverse message formats. Custom Message Formatting: Allows customization of message output with user-defined delimiters. Error Handling: Gracefully manages invalid inputs, decoding errors, and socket interruptions. Thread-Safe Operations: Ensures stability during concurrent operations with thread-safe mechanisms. Dynamic Parameter Updates: Automatically restarts the server when configuration changes, such as IP or port, are detected.
Video Switcher User Actor & Example File – Patch
The Video Switcher patch gives you a show-ready interface to control and live-mix up to 4 video sources with audio. Use it as is, or customize the interface to your needs. The download also comes with a Video Switcher User Actor which you can bring into your own patches. The example file relies on video files that exceed the upload limit here, so follow this Dropbox link to download it instead:
VISCA Controller Four Camera Template File – Patch
This template file for the VISCA PTZ Controller actor created by TroikaTronix Staff Member L Wilson-Spiro (aka Woland) allows: Easy use of four PTZ Cameras at the same with a robust Control Panel Switching between five different Control Panels via a Radio Button at the top left of the Control Panel that uses the Show Hide Control actor Video source selection (choice between NDI or Video In Watcher) Pan, Tilt, and Zoom adjustment Saving, updating, replacing, adding, and deleting presets for each camera
Visualization blob target – User Actor
Show on the stage the chosen proximity zone for the Blob Target Actor. Please select position and size in this actor and connect it to the Blob Target Actor to transfer these value. (see picture) You must use one actor for every target. Key 'h' (can be changed) to hide/show the zones. You can choose a different color for every zone. DO NOT FORGET to set the size of the monitor in Eyes (column, row) or Eyes++ (h res, v res) according to the stage ratio.
Visualization Tracking zone – User Actor
Set and visualize on the chosen stage a rectangle as a tracking zone. Output is 1 for inside the zone, 0 outside. You can hide/show the zone with the key 'h' (can be changed) when the zones are visible, as help for tracking , the zone will highlight ( value of "intensity over") if an object is inside. You can choose an other color for every zone. DO NOT FORGET to set the size of the monitor in Eyes (column, row) or Eyes++ (h res, v res) according to the stage ratio.
Wiggle – User Actor
This user actor mimics the 'Wiggle' expression found in After Effects. It constantly (and smoothly) fades the 'value in' up and down by a random amount based on the next two inputs. The fourth input 'curvature' changes the feel or smoothness of the fades by adjusting the curvature of the two Ease In-Out actors inside the user actor: > Frequency = how often to change (or how fast to wiggle) > Amplitude = how much to change (or how big a wiggle) > Curvature = the ramp of each change (or how smooth a wiggle) It can be used as a generator on it's own, as it will will only rest when given a frequency or amplitude of 0. It can also be applied to changing values, such as those from an envelope generator. This can be useful when trying create more 'natural' looking movement for example or to imitate something like camera shake. For any suggestions for improvements to the actor, help with using it or to show off some examples of it in use please use this thread on the forum:
Wipe Transition User Actors – User Actor
These two Wipe Transition User Actors allow you to feed in two video sources and then transition from one source to the other (and back) with a wipe transition from the left, right, top, bottom, or any combination of those four directions.
Working With the Cue List Editor and Cue Sheets: Example File – Patch
Isadora 3.2.6 includes numerous enhancements to the Cue Sheet and Cue Sheet Editor. It is highly recommended you update to at least 3.2.6 before working with this file. This example file accompanies the mini-tutorial on Youtube which introduces you to these convenient tools and how to work with them to add sequential cues to any of your Isadora scenes adding another level of control to your Isadora workflow. A Quick-start mini-tutorial that walks you through this example file is available on Youtube.
Zoom meeting cropper javascript – User Actor
This is mostly about the javascript User Actor embedded in the example izzy file. The javascript will calculate the Isadora Panner values needed to easily create lists of actors to construct a scene.
ZoomOSC Name To Video – User Actor
This is a project using a few user actors for dealing with ZoomOSC and auto-cropping the participants and creating scenes from them. It makes heavy use of Global Values by setting them for the panner values for every frame in every gallery size of ZoomOSC. It also uses Global Values to retain all the data associated with each person in the meeting. This combination allows us to easily fine the right cropping for any given user. The User Actor that calculates the cropping is "Calculate Frame Croppers" which is on the OSCListen scene. The User Actor "Gallery Video Broadcasters" sets a broadcaster for each of the cropped videos from the scraped screen. In the "Sample Scene" scene, we have the pair of User Actors: "Name To Video", which takes names as input and sends vid-gpu as output for each of the names participants in the meeting. The "Layout" actor, passes each of those videos to projectors for layout. Version 1.1.0 changed to passing JSON data rather than individual numbers so that it can scale up with fewer lines drawn. I added a checklist to the OSCListn page: You must have a Pro license for ZoomOSC to receive the /list/ message You must turn OFF self-view in the gallery You must set Settings / Additional Settings / Gallery tracking mode to ZoomID If you ever need to reset the frames, hit the 'd' key to send a /list/ command You must install the Isadora plugins: screen-capture JSON Parser / JSON Bundler
ZoomOSC User Actors & Template File – Patch
User Actors and a template file for working with Liminal Entertainment Technologies' software ZoomOSC. These User Actors and this Isadora template file aim to make it as easy as possible to get up and running with ZoomOSC. If you've already set up OSC communication between Isadora and ZoomOSC by changing the required settings in ZoomOSC, then this file is plug-and-play (meaning it should work immediately without any adjustments or setup on the Isadora side). Changelog v10 (2021-12-14):Added a Scene called "Example Functions" that outlines some basic functions that can be performed with the User Actors.Added a Scene called "Chat Commands" that outlines how to create chat commands.There are two new User Actors in the User Actors folder: "Chat Command" and "Chat Command Settings".Moved the "Liminal 48 Zoom Selector" to its own Isadora file.Changelog v8 (2021-12-1):Note: If you already have the User Actors in your Global User Actors Folder, trash your current version of the "Chat Parser" and "Chatbot Response" User Actors and get the new ones from this download.Simplified the setup by combining the four necessary setup User Actors into a new User Actor "ZoomOSC Setup". (If you want to use this User Actor in other files, you'll need to put it into your Global User Actor Folder.)Updated the instructions slightly in the "Show Template" Scene.Added a new example Scene "Marco Polo Chatbot".Fixed a parsing bug in the Chat Parser User Actor.Fixed a parsing bug in the Chatbot Response User Actor.Added a description of the 3-Value Comparator inside the User Actor and the "Javascript (User Actors)" Scene.Added explanations on how to do custom settings for OSC Channels, UDP Addresses, and Ports in the "Setup (User Actors)" Scene (scroll down).Changelog v7 (2021-11-15):Added a "ZoomOSC Setup" Scene + Screenshot of ZoomOSC SettingsAdded an example chat-parsing SceneAdded all User Actors in a folder
Leap Motion Watcher – TroikaTronix Plugin
Leap Motion Watcher for Isadora 3.1 or Later Be sure to read the READ ME - Installation.rtf file before using the plugin! It is required to install software from Ultraleap before use.
Auto Re-launch Isadora (macOS AppleScript for Installations) – Application
Intended for use when using Isadora to run installation art pieces on an Apple computer, this download is a text file that contains instructions on how to create an AppleScript Application that will monitor whether Isadora is running or not. If it finds Isadora is not running, it will re-launch Isadora. Combined with the Isadora Preferences, this will ensure your installation stays up and running no matter what. Note: It is also linked at the top of the text file, but I also suggest configuring your installation computer by following the steps laid out in my macOS Isadora Production Computer Setup Guide.
UDP Communications: send and receive – User Actor
The UDP Sender and Receiver User Actors offer robust, flexible, and efficient tools for transmitting and receiving messages over a network. These scripts are designed to support various encodings, handle binary and text data seamlessly, and dynamically manage configurations for IPs, ports, and message formatting. With built-in validation, error handling, and debugging features, they ensure reliable and accurate communication, making them ideal for both simple and advanced networking applications in Isadora. Internally they are powered by Python via the Pythoner actor (new to Isadora 4). Using the standard Python library, no additional modules need to be installed for usage. Features of the UDP Sender: Dynamic Configuration: Supports real-time updates to IP address, port, source port, encoding, and message content. Flexible Encoding: Allows sending messages in various formats, including utf-8, ascii, and raw binary. Source Port Binding: Optional source port configuration ensures compatibility with specific network requirements. Comprehensive Validation: Validates inputs like IP addresses, destination ports, and source ports for robustness. Efficient Socket Management: Reuses existing sockets where possible to optimize performance. Features of the UDP Receiver: Encoding Flexibility: Supports utf-8, ascii, and raw binary decoding, enabling handling of diverse message formats. Custom Message Formatting: Allows customization of message output with user-defined delimiters. Error Handling: Gracefully manages invalid inputs, decoding errors, and socket interruptions. Thread-Safe Operations: Ensures stability during concurrent operations with thread-safe mechanisms. Dynamic Parameter Updates: Automatically restarts the server when configuration changes, such as IP or port, are detected.
Control Address Wildcard Demo – Patch
Control Addresses are a new feature of Isadora 4. Simple in appearance, they are the key to a huge leap in Control Panel capabilities, in conjunction with the Show-Hide Control actor. This example patch will show you how you strategically give addresses to controls, and to use wildcard characters to show or hide groups of controls in one fell swoop.
Pythoner Example File – TroikaTronix Plugin
The Pythoner Example file will be updated regularly after the release of Isadora 4 to contain examples covering topics like Machine Learning, Body Tracking, Hardware Interfacing, and much more. The current file contains a few examples that are meant to help QuickStart your usage of Pythoner. We have also prepared a walk through video that will help you understand how to use Pythoner.
Text Comparator Expanded – User Actor
This User Actor has all the functions of the normal Text Comparator actor but adds an additional mode that detects if the incoming string ('text 1' input) contains the string specified in the 'text 2' input. This additional mode is extremely useful for parsing text where you're not looking for an exact match, but rather to see if a certain character, word, or series of words is present somewhere in the incoming string. I use this User Actor in tandem with ZoomOSC to parse Zoom chat for chat commands in order to make Zoom-native, interactive games, Zoom Chat commands, chatbots, voting/polling/scoring mechanics, and virtual theatre functions with Isadora.
VISCA Controller Four Camera Template File – Patch
This template file for the VISCA PTZ Controller actor created by TroikaTronix Staff Member L Wilson-Spiro (aka Woland) allows: Easy use of four PTZ Cameras at the same with a robust Control Panel Switching between five different Control Panels via a Radio Button at the top left of the Control Panel that uses the Show Hide Control actor Video source selection (choice between NDI or Video In Watcher) Pan, Tilt, and Zoom adjustment Saving, updating, replacing, adding, and deleting presets for each camera
Show-Hide Control Actor Example FIle – Patch
You can now use the Show-Hide Controls actor to build yourself multiple Control Panels that only show up in their desired Scenes, even if those Scenes are not consecutive! So for example, if Scenes 1 & 3 use the same Control Panel and Scenes 2 & 4 use the same Control Panel, you can hide everything with one Show-Hide Control actor, and then show only specific controls with a second Show-Hide Control actor. Using this method, when you switch between your Scenes it will show and hide the right Control Panels. (Plus changes you make to the Control Panel in Scene 2 will be present in Scene 4, which wasn't possible before!) This example file by TroikaTronix Staff Member L Wilson-Spiro (aka Woland) demonstrates this idea and provides two User Actors to help speed up your workflow.
IzzyCast Basic Template Files – Patch
This quick-start example file will help you get going with IzzyCast. Watch our video walk through to learn how to get started with these files.
Total Number of Scenes – User Actor
This small User Actor does exactly what the name suggests: it will count how many Scenes are present in the patch, and update itself automatically at every change, as well as manually. At its heart lie a few lines of JavaScript written by Andy Carluccio using the JavaScript Actor.
Text Comparator Example File – Patch
If you’re curious about the Text Comparator actor, this example file will show you how it can be integrated into your patch for more real-time interaction.
Thru User Actors & Example File – Patch
These 16 User Actors (all for different input/output property settings and data types) can act as mobile connection hubs for many outputs and inputs that are all going to or coming from the same place. They are great for daisy-chaining, building in a modular way, consolidating your Control IDS to make it easier to re-use large parts of an Isadora Patch in new files, serving as placeholders, and can allow you to experiment with upstream data without having to re-draw downstream connections every time you change an actor.
Percentage to Timecode User Actor & Example File – Patch
Sometimes you need both percentage-based and timecode-based control of the same Movie Player actor but end up being forced to pick one or the other. Never compromise again with the Percentage to Timecode User Actor! Keep your Movie Player actor in timecode mode and connect this User Actor to its position input for percentage-based control. This allows you to, for example, use a Slider control to scrub through a Movie Player actor that's in timecode mode. The example file for this relies on videos that exceed the upload limit for this page, but you can download it from Dropbox:
Keyboard Watcher Up/Down 2.0 User Actor & Example File – Patch
The Keyboard Watcher Up/Down 2.0 User Actor improves upon the Keyboard Watcher actor to make it into a reliable and practical show-ready tool by solving the problem of “continuous triggering” caused by keeping the key pressed down.
Video Switcher User Actor & Example File – Patch
The Video Switcher patch gives you a show-ready interface to control and live-mix up to 4 video sources with audio. Use it as is, or customize the interface to your needs. The download also comes with a Video Switcher User Actor which you can bring into your own patches. The example file relies on video files that exceed the upload limit here, so follow this Dropbox link to download it instead:
Stage Mouse Watcher to Live Drawing Scale Calculator User Actor & Example File – Patch
This example patch, and its associated user actor, will help you transform a simple flick of the wrist with your mouse into an interactive and content-generating artistic gesture by showing you how to perform the value scaling that is required to make the Live Drawing actor work with the Stage Mouse Watcher actor.
Even or Odd Comparator User Actor & Example File – Patch
This User Actor receives an integer for an input, figures out whether that number is even or odd, and lets you trigger events based on the result.
Barcro RLM W12 Serial Control – Patch
Introducing the Barco RLM W12 Serial Control Patch: With the Barco RLM W12 Serial Control patch, you gain limited control over your projector via a serial cable connection. Not only can you manage essential projector functions, but you also receive real-time status updates for the control buttons and individual lamp hours. Key Features: 1. Precise Projector Control: - Seamlessly control your projector's functions through a reliable serial connection. 2. Real-Time Status Updates: - Stay informed with live status updates for control buttons and lamp hours for each lamp, ensuring you're always in the know. 3. Safety Measures: - Prevent accidental power-off and lens mid-position commands with a 2-second press-and-hold requirement for these critical functions. 4. Factory Reset Capability: - Easily execute a factory reset command by pressing the "r" button and holding the factory reset button for 2 seconds.
PTZ Camera Control – User Actor
These user actors are for use with the PTZOptics PT20X-SDI-G2 camera (and other cameras that use the VISCA protocol). Control is done through commands based on VISCA protocol through TCP / IP. If you use another form of communication (RS-232, RS-485 e.g.) the sent commands do not change. The PTZ control of the camera is done through an HID compatible arcade joystick (you can use whatever you want but it has to be HID) and you will have to configure the ports in Isadora to correspond with the functions.
Arduino Firmata – TroikaTronix Plugin
WHAT IS FIRMATA? Firmata is a piece of software that you can upload to your Arduino board that offers standardized protocol for input and output. When you use Firmata, you are able to receive data from, or send data to, the Arduino pins without writing any additional software. The Isadora Arudino Firmata actor takes advantage of this system to provide input and output from those Arduino pins. HOW DO I USE FIRMATA WITH ARDUINO? First you need to understand how to attach switches, sensors, LEDs, motors and whatever else you desire to the physical input and output pins on your Arduino board. If you do a Google search for Arduino tutorials you'll find dozens upon dozens of tutorials online (both video and written) that can help you learn more about how to do this. You can also jump directly to the tutorials on the main Arduino site or follow this excellent tutorial created by Bonemap. Second, you need to have a basic understanding of how the Firmata system works. We found this tutorial on to be a good one. If you have attached devices to your Arduino input and output pins as described above, you can use the Firmata Test App to manually test the hardware connected to your Arduino input and output pins. Once you’ve accomplished the above, then you can put the Arduino Firmata actor into your patch and double-click it. In the editor dialog that appears, click the “Help” button to learn how to setup the serial port in Isadora and automatically generate a specification that will link the input and output pins on your Arduino. Once you've created a specification, the Arduino Firmata actor will receive data from the Arduino input pins, and send data to the Arduino output pins in a way that's similar to the Firmata Test App – except that you now have easy access to those pins in Isadora. KNOWN BUGS (Only for Isadora 3.0.7 or earlier on Windows) When running Isadora 3.0.7 or earlier on Windows, the “help” button in the dialog seen when you double-click the Arduino Firmata actor does not work. Instead you will need to double-click the file firmata-actor-help.html included in the same folder as the READ ME. We apologize for the inconvenience. The help button works fine in Isadora 3.0.8 and later.
Trigger Once! – User Actor
Have you ever wanted to send a trigger and then block all the other triggers? I.E: Just Trigger Once! Ever wanted to receive a trigger from an Arduino (or similar) and then stop all other triggers for X amount of time? Or decide to open the gate again manually? Well, this is for you. I do a lot of install work and interactive stuff which means I want something to trigger and then block and ignore all the incoming triggers until X amount of time, or when a video/audio file finishes and then automatically open the gate again. If this rings a bell with you? Then this actor is for you. 1) "Trigger" only sends a "Trigger out" once - and will ignore everything else forever. 2) Click "Reset" to manually open the gate. This could be connected to a sensor, keyboard watcher, MIDI controller to anything. 3) If you choose a "Reset Time" the first trigger will "Trigger out" and then wait until the X amount of seconds you decided. 4) The "Gate Reset" is a visual aid to show you how long is left in % until the gate re-opens. Enjoy!
Rokoko Studio Live Watcher – TroikaTronix Plugin
The Rokoko Studio Live Watcher receives 3D motion capture data from a Rokoko Smartsuit Pro via the Rokoko Studio application, allowing you to use high-precision gestural data to manipulate media within Isadora. (Please note that you need to have the Plus pricing plan from Rokoko to stream mocap data to any external software, including Isadora.) Learning to Use the Rokoko Studio Live Watcher This download includes a "mini-tutorial", an Isadora demo file, and detailed instructions on how you can connect the Smartsuit Pro to Isadora. For a deep dive on this actor and what it can do, please join Isadora's creator Mark Coniglio for Guru Session #19: Body Tracking with the Rokoko Smartsuit Pro™ Apple silicon (ARM/M1) The macOS version of this plugin has been compiled to run natively on both Intel-based and Apple silicon based computers.
RTMP Streamer – TroikaTronix Plugin
Now you can easily access live online streaming directly from Isadora. The new RTMP Streamer actor allows you to stream video and audio to services like YouTube, Twitch, Facebook, and more. Advanced options allow you to take control of your audio-video quality making the RTMP streamer actor perfect for integration into a variety of broadcast pipelines. In just minutes you can go live reaching a global audience. Be sure to read the knowledge base article for details on connecting to Youtube, Facebook, and Twitch. Or get started in minutes with this quick-start video: You will need the quick-start file to follow along. Minimum System Requirements: macOS Mojave or Windows 10 The RTMP Streamer Actor is compatible with macOS Mojave and later or Windows 10. It will not run appear in Isadora if you are running macOS High Sierra or earlier. The macOS version of this plugin has been compiled to run natively on both Intel-based and Apple silicon (ARM/M1) based computers. Minimum Isadora version: 3.1 This plugin works in Isadora 3.1 or later. It will not show up in earlier versions of Isadora.
NDI Watcher – TroikaTronix Plugin
The NDI Watcher actor uses NewTek's NDI video streaming technology to allow you to receive NDI video streams broadcast from other computers or devices. This actor is in public beta. There may be bugs that affect performance and/or lead to crashes. Because of this, we do not recommend using this actor for public performances or installations. If you do choose to use this beta version for such performances, you do so at your own risk. Apple silicon (ARM/M1) The macOS version of this plugin has been compiled to run natively on both Intel-based and Apple silicon based computers. Installation Follow the instructions in the file Installation Instructions.rtf NDI 5 vs. NDI 4 vs. NDI 3 Isadora 3.1 and later will use NDI v5, while Isadora 3.0.7 uses NDI v4 and Isadora 3.0.6 and before use NDI v3. Because of this, multiple versions of the plugin are given in this distribution. Take care to install the correct version of the plugin for your version of Isadora, otherwise the plugin will not function or may not appear in Isadora at all. The name of the plugin shown in Isadora makes it clear which version of the plugin you are using. It will be called NDI 5 Watcher for NDI 5 version, and NDI 4 Watcher for the NDI 4 version. You cannot have multiple versions of the NDI Watcher plugin installed at the same time! Usage Instructions: Add the actor to the scene, and click in the value box to the left of 'ndi source'. A popup menu with the currently available NDI servers will appear. Select the NDI server you wish to receive Connect the 'video' output to the desired destination actor. Known Limitations Because the NDI 3 Watcher (required for Isadora 3.0.6 and earlier) uses NDI 3, it cannot receive from the NDI Camera app for iOS. NDI Best Practices NDI is a great technology, but it can't work miracles: sending video requires both bandwidth and a very fast connection. You simply can't expect to send full resolution HD video on a shared WiFi connection clogged by others! Follow these best practices to get the best results with the NDI on a network. Whenever Possible, Use a Hardwired Gigabit Ethernet Network To transmit full bandwidth, low latency video using NDI generally requires a hardwired gigabit Ethernet network. Using anything less than this can give less than poor results. If You Must Use WiFi, Get a Dedicated Router If you must use WiFi, then please work with a WiFi router dedicated to allowing NDI devices to communicate. Attempting to use NDI on a university or other public network that is filled with other people's data is a recipe for disaster. If you plan to use WiFi for NDI, get an inexpensive WiFi router and leave it disconnected from the Internet; even when not online, the router will allow your computer and other NDI sources or destinations to communicate.
JSON Parser / JSON Bundler – TroikaTronix Plugin
These two actors allow you to parse or create data encapsulated in the JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) data interchange format. The JSON Parser allows you to access the individual elements of a JSON text string. The JSON Bundler bundles one or more numbers or text strings into a valid JSON text string. You can create more complex data structures by feeding one JSON Bundler actor into another. For details on how to use these actors, please refer to our knowledge base article. Apple silicon (ARM/M1) The macOS version of this plugin has been compiled to run natively on both Intel-based and Apple silicon based computers.
A nice set of freeframeGL effects created by TroikaTronix. FFGLAlphaToRGB FFGLGradient FFGLHeat FFGLPanSpinZoom FFGLSlider FFGLTile FFGLTime Please read the instructions that come with the download! Apple silicon (ARM/M1) The macOS versions of these plugins have been compiled to run natively on both Intel-based and Apple silicon based computers. Version History v1.2 Update: macOS plugins to un natively on both Intel-based and Apple silicon based computers. Updated the install scripts to make the installation process as easy as possible. v1.1 Update: "Notarized" all macOS plugins to ensure compatibility with the security requirements of Catalina and Big Sur
DX – 16bit DMX values – User Actor
This collection of user actors converts 16bit Int values (0 - 65535) to and from 2 DMX values (0 - 255). A device expecting 16bit values via DMX will accept the input using two DMX channels. Sending the values created by one of these user actors to the two assigned channels will provide the 16bit value to the device. The other user actor will allow you to receive 2 DMX values and combine these values to decode the 16bit value intended by the sending device. 16bit DMX values Allows input as either an Integer (0 - 65535) or via a Percentage value. Outputs two DMX values that can be used by a device to represent the 16bit input value. Value from 16bit DMX accepts 2 DMX values Decodes the DMX value and outputs both the Integer (0 - 65535) and Percentage value. Setup Select your input type of either Integer or Percentage. Se3nd the two DMX values to the assigned DMX channels for the device requiring a 16bit value.
Working With the Cue List Editor and Cue Sheets: Example File – Patch
Isadora 3.2.6 includes numerous enhancements to the Cue Sheet and Cue Sheet Editor. It is highly recommended you update to at least 3.2.6 before working with this file. This example file accompanies the mini-tutorial on Youtube which introduces you to these convenient tools and how to work with them to add sequential cues to any of your Isadora scenes adding another level of control to your Isadora workflow. A Quick-start mini-tutorial that walks you through this example file is available on Youtube.
Runtime Recorder – User Actor
This User Actor can record your start time, current time, and runtime into a text file. If you put this in a background Scene at the beginning of your file, you can use it to automatically record the exact time your show starts, ends, and how long it lasted. This can also be useful for debugging if you're leaving a file running long-term and finding that it experiences issues after a certain amount of time. This User Actor allows you to: Define a suffix to add to the filename Set the interval at which you want it to write the current time and runtime to the text file. Turn it on and off (which will start the timer over in a new file) See the filename, start time, last recorded time, and runtime on its outputs. Please note that this User Actor should be put into a background Scene (video tutorial, written tutorial) that you leave active, as you need to enable the User Actor and then have it continue to be in an active Scene in order to keep updating the times in the text file. Every time you enable and disable this User Actor, or leave and re-enter the Scene it's in, the User Actor will create a new text file with a new start time. Changelog v3 - 2022-12-07 Fixed some math inside the Time Converter User Actor that's used internally. Changelog v2 - 2022-12-06 Inputs Added a non-functional "—write interval—" input purely for labeling purposes. (It relates to the inputs below it.) Renamed the pre-existing write interval inputs from "write interval (mins)" and "write interval (secs)" to "mins" and "secs" Added write interval inputs for weeks, days, and hours (so now the write interval can be any combination of weeks, days, hours, minutes, and seconds). Outputs Cleaned the text on the outputs so that a fresh version of the User Actor shows timecodes of "00:00:00" instead of the random values that were present when I ran my last test Added a "write" output in case anyone wants to trigger anything at the same time Connected the "Runtime" output to the series of actors that makes the runtime timecode. Previously it was connected to the associated output on the Data Array, so it would only update at whatever interval you set. With this change, the runtime output will update for you visually in real time instead of at the set intverval. Misc Added Javascript-powered User Actor inside to handle time conversion from weeks/days/hours/minutes/seconds to total seconds for the intervals.
DX – Kiosk ToolKit
This Isadora file contains a number of User Actors presented in the Build It video tutorial 'Build It! Kiosk ToolKit Adding Interactivity'. The kiosk toolkit is meant to make adding custom cursors and buttons to Isadora projects easier. It is perfect for cases where the Isadora interface is hidden and only the stage is presented to the user to interact with. User Actors are provided for creating Custom Cursors with normal, roll-over, and click states, as well as, for creating rectangular and circular buttons.
Animate a Shape to follow Live Drawing – Patch
Animate a 'Shapes' actor output that follows and orients to a Stage Mouse Watcher and Live Drawing. For example an animated arrow head.
JS text – Matching, splitting, joining – Patch
This JavaScript example patch has five scenes. Each scene in the patch deals with a number of methods and provides examples for typical text based task useful when working with text based data sources e.g. XML, HTTP, JSON. Scene 1: Searching or matching text Scene 2: Searching or matching multiple text simultaneously Scene 3: Joining text Scene 4: Splitting text Scene 5: Replacing text
Sentence clouds & paragraph trails – Patch
This patch is programmed to read an external text file through a 'Data Array' actor and format the words into a visual grid that can then be used by a '3D Particles' actor to form sentence clouds or paragraph trails. The word grid (once completed) is then captured as a picture into the media bin and made available to the particles actor. In the download there are example text files with short paragraphs. The source external text file has been formatted with single word line entries - all up about 225 words (this was formatted externally using TextEdit software). The text file is read into Isadora with a Data Array actor and formatted into a 15 x 15 grid on a Virtual Stage via a Text Draw actor. The grid coordinates are provided by another external text file and read sequentially by another Data Array actor into the Text Draw actor. The grid coordinates have been generated by MeshLab software. A Counter actor then delivers each word to the Text Draw actor as its position is being provided by the gird coordinates. A feedback loop is created by feeding the Virtual Stage back into the Text Draw actor with a Get Stage Image actor, thus a visual grid of words is constructed on the Virtual Stage. This word grid is now a sprite sheet that can then be used by a 3D particles actor to deliver each section of the grid to individual particles as they are emitted. The Virtual Stage is captured as an image with the 'Capture Stage to Image' actor and the capture process is halted and deactivated once the image file appears in the media bin. This new image asset is accessed by the '3D particles' actor to form the visual display and cycle through the word grid delivering each word to an individual particle as it is emitted.
Auto-Launch Isadora and Enable Serial Ports Workflow for macOS – Application
This Auto-Launch Isadora and Enable Serial Ports Workflow for macOS will allow you to set up an Apple computer so that, whenever you turn it on, it automatically logs in, launches Isadora, and triggers the "Enables Serial Ports" menu command. Once you understand the process, with a little bit of Googling for the correct bits of AppleScript, you'll be able to automate all sorts of things on startup for macOS-based Isadora art installations. The download includes an Automator workflow, a detailed readme document, and an AppleScript file (in case you want to edit or adapt the script yourself). Note: If you are on Windows, you can trigger hotkeys for menu items in Isadora by using Andy Carluccio's AutoHotkey Launcher Actor:
Synched Control Panel and Keyboard Watcher – Patch
This Isadora example file demonstrates how to control a Gate actor in your patch with either a Keyboard Watcher actor or one of a number of different Controls while still keeping the Control Panel in sync and showing the correct state of the Gate.
ZoomOSC User Actors & Template File – Patch
User Actors and a template file for working with Liminal Entertainment Technologies' software ZoomOSC. These User Actors and this Isadora template file aim to make it as easy as possible to get up and running with ZoomOSC. If you've already set up OSC communication between Isadora and ZoomOSC by changing the required settings in ZoomOSC, then this file is plug-and-play (meaning it should work immediately without any adjustments or setup on the Isadora side). Changelog v10 (2021-12-14):Added a Scene called "Example Functions" that outlines some basic functions that can be performed with the User Actors.Added a Scene called "Chat Commands" that outlines how to create chat commands.There are two new User Actors in the User Actors folder: "Chat Command" and "Chat Command Settings".Moved the "Liminal 48 Zoom Selector" to its own Isadora file.Changelog v8 (2021-12-1):Note: If you already have the User Actors in your Global User Actors Folder, trash your current version of the "Chat Parser" and "Chatbot Response" User Actors and get the new ones from this download.Simplified the setup by combining the four necessary setup User Actors into a new User Actor "ZoomOSC Setup". (If you want to use this User Actor in other files, you'll need to put it into your Global User Actor Folder.)Updated the instructions slightly in the "Show Template" Scene.Added a new example Scene "Marco Polo Chatbot".Fixed a parsing bug in the Chat Parser User Actor.Fixed a parsing bug in the Chatbot Response User Actor.Added a description of the 3-Value Comparator inside the User Actor and the "Javascript (User Actors)" Scene.Added explanations on how to do custom settings for OSC Channels, UDP Addresses, and Ports in the "Setup (User Actors)" Scene (scroll down).Changelog v7 (2021-11-15):Added a "ZoomOSC Setup" Scene + Screenshot of ZoomOSC SettingsAdded an example chat-parsing SceneAdded all User Actors in a folder
Random Media + Random Duration – Patch
This example patch has twelve example scenes that show how to:Randomly select a video, picture, or sound file to be played (without repeating any files until each has been played once, after which a new random order is generated)Play the randomly selected file for a set duration then start the next random file immediatelyPlay the randomly selected file for a random duration then start the next random file immediatelyPlay the randomly selected file for a set duration then start then crossfade to the next random filePlay the randomly selected file for a random duration then crossfade to the next random file
Simple MIDI Example – Patch
A short example file showing some simple ways to use MIDI notes to change values in your patch. It includes two screenshots showing basic Live Capture and MIDI Setup for sending MIDI notes from Isadora to Isadora. The patch covers:Starting Live CaptureSending MIDI from Isadora to IsadoraUsing a Text Draw actor to display the incoming MIDI Note and a Speak Text actor to say it.Colorizing live video dynamically based on the pitch of the MIDI note.Colorizing Shape with one of three pre-selected colors based on which of three ranges the incoming MIDI note falls into.Colorizing a pulsing/exploding shape with Explode and a Decay GeneratorUsing the MIDI note to change the color of the Live Drawing actor while using the mouse to draw.Using the MIDI note to change the color of the Live Drawing actor while using the pitch and velocity of the note as x/y coordinates, letting you draw automatically with the random MIDI notes.
Date Comparison User Actors – User Actor
These are various User Actors for comparing two dates, re-formatting dates, and checking if an expiration date has been reached. Thanks to Andy Carluccio of Liminal Entertainment Technologies for providing the JavaScript that made this all possible. Changelog: v2: Added an expanded version of the Date Convertor User Actor (Date Convertor v2)Added a new User Actor (Date Validator) created with more Javascript from the generous and brilliant Andy Carluccio.
JavaScript ASCII and Character Convertor – User Actor
This User Actor can convert ASCII values into characters, as well as convert single characters into ASCII values.Additionally, there is an output that tells you if the character is a number (0-9) and another output that gives you the character as an integer (instead of a string) if the character is a number (0-9). A complete table of ASCII characters can be found here: CHANGELOG: v2 2022-06-08Added an input that lets you set the notify mode for the Comparator used for the number-related outputs.
JavaScript String Length – User Actor
This User Actor can be fed a string of characters (or a value) and will tell you the number of characters (length) of the input. There is also an input that affects the count for the "value" input which allows you to either ignore or not ignore the "-" character if the incoming number is negative. Example Strings: Bob = 3 Terry = 5 Example Values: 76 = 2 0.3 = 3 -0.3 = 4 (with Ignore "-" set to "off") -0.3 = 3 (with Ignore "-" set to "on")
1 Wii Remote – User Actor
An Isadora User Actor, Isadora Patch, and OSCulator file that allows control of Isadora via OSC using a Wii Remote. OSCulator is a Mac-only software that costs $20 USD and, among other things, allows you to use a Wii Remote as a wireless controller by taking the data collected from the Wii Remote and transmitting it via OSC or MIDI to other software on your computer. When paired with Isadora, it allows you to use the Wii Remote as an interactive controller/data source for anything inside your Isadora Patch. CHANGELOG v3 - 2022-05-31Updated the Wii Remote User Actor to allow the first OSC Channel to be set (so it's easier to move to different files)Gave the Wii Remote User Actor a new input and four new outputs that give information about the chosen item (OSC channel, OSC address, function, location of button).Added a Comment to the first Scene that explains how the Wii Remote User Actor works.Added a Comment to the first Scene that explains how to use the Wii Remote User Actor with a file that isn't the example file (and therefore doesn't already have the OSC addresses setup).Created a User Actor for each of the three Logic examples in the second Scene (and added them to the download).Organized and labeled the OSC Multi Listeners better in the third Scene.Added screenshots of the OSCulator settings to the download.Added a text file with the OSCulator OSC addresses.v2 - 2020-11-04Changed the OSCulator file so that it uses port 8001 instead of port 8000 so that it does not conflict with ZoomOSC.Added three examples of how I use the Wiimote.One set of examples that trigger if the chosen button is pressed and released 3x within the span of 1 second.One set of examples that prevents you from triggering things with the "GO" button unless the "primer" button held down.One set of examples where accelerometer data is only allowed to pass through when a specific button is held down.
Audio Trigger – User Actor
A simple User Actor that allows a sound file to be selected and then triggered with Keyboard Watcher, MIDI Note, MIDI Control Change, or OSC.For MIDI Notes it triggers when sent the specified note at any velocity, so make sure not to send a note off or you'll double-trigger it.For MIDI Control Changes it triggers when sent the specified controller at the specified value.For OSC it triggers when a value is sent on the specified channel that is greater than or equal to the specified value (default is 1 so it can be used with buttons that send 1/0).If you want it to trigger on value 0 for OSC, you'll need to open up the User Actor and make sure to change the 'value1' input of the Comparator actor to initialize at a value other than zero.If you want it to change the mode of the Comparator actor for OSC, you'll need to open up the User Actor and change it inside the User Actor.The download also includes a template Isadora Patch with a Scene that contains 18 of the User Actors, with ten of them already set to use keys 1 - 9 and 0.
Snowperson User Actor – User Actor
I created this User Actor in a futile attempt to distract myself from the stifling Berlin summer heat. Since this User Actor failed to do anything about the temperature, hopefully someone will find it to be an interesting example of how to use Shapes actors to create simple characters and animations. The use of the 3D Particles actor to create snow also serves as a cursory example of how to use Isadora actors to create simple weather animations that, unlike videos of weather, can play infinitely without the need to worry about disguising a loop point.The download contains the User Actor and a simple example file.The first Scene of the example file contains one instance of the User Actor with default settings which creates a snowperson at the center of the screen with continuous snowfall.The second Scene of the example file contains four instances of the User Actor adjusted to make a little snow person family that all blink in a randomized order at random intervals.
Deadman’s Switch User Actor – User Actor
This Deadman's Switch User Actor gives you the option to set a key and then hook it up to a Gate actor so that you can keep the Gate open only when the key is held down, or only open the Gate when the key is released.
OSC Basic Test File – Patch
This helpful OSC Basic Test File comes with a read-me document that will help you troubleshoot if you're finding it tricky to send OSC to or from Isadora.
Wipe Transition User Actors – User Actor
These two Wipe Transition User Actors allow you to feed in two video sources and then transition from one source to the other (and back) with a wipe transition from the left, right, top, bottom, or any combination of those four directions.
JavaScript Sequential Calculator – Patch
Ever have a sequence of shapes or images that you need to space evenly across the screen, or have a number of visual elements that need their position to be based on the position of the previous visual element in the sequence? If so, this JavaScript Sequential Calculator Macro will make your life much easier, since it'll allow you to adjust the position of everything in the sequence or the spacing between them. I've included a simple example patch that shows how this can be used to space three shapes easily and adjust them all as a group. Note: Since you need to set the number of outputs on the Javascript actor for this to work, it can't actually be part of a User Actor or Macro. Therefore I just put it into a Macro so that it can be saved as a Macro, searched for easily, then copy-pasted out of the Macro when it is needed. JavaScript code credit goes to Gertjan Biasino:
JavaScript Line Count – User Actor
This helpful JavaScript-based User Actor takes in a multi-line string and gives you a count of how many lines it contains (both as an integer and as a string). Credit goes to Andy Carluccio for the JavaScript code in this User Actor.
Screen Capture – TroikaTronix Plugin
The Screen Capture actor will capture the video image from a display or a window and bring it into Isadora as a standard video stream. Simply choose the display or window you want to capture, and a live capture of that area of the display will appear at the video output. Isadora 3.x and above only! The Screen Capture actor only works with Isadora 3.x and above! Isadora 2.x and Isadora 1.x will not work with this add-on. Apple silicon (ARM/M1) The macOS version of this plugin has been compiled to run natively on both Intel-based and Apple silicon based computers. Instructions / Getting Help Our online mini-tutorial will tell you what you need to know to get up and running with this actor. You can also refer to the integrated help for more information. Hover your cursor over any input or output, or the actor itself, and look in the Help View at the bottom right for further information. If you need additional assistance using this actor, try asking for help in the TroikaTronix Forum. Our team and our community of users are ready to help. Best Practices When possible, we recommend that you place the Screen Capture actor in a background Scene and broadcast the video output to other scenes that need it. Why? Because when you have a Screen Capture actor in each scene, and you transition from Scene A to B, it will have to shut down the capture engine in Scene A and then start up a new capture engine in Scene B. While this shut down/startup sequence is not the end of the world, it's good to avoid it if you can. Note that you only adopt this strategy if the settings on the Screen Capture actor are the same for each Scene. For an example of using background Scenes with the Screen Capture actor, take a look at the patch called screen-capture-using-background-scene.izz included with this download. Bug Reports if you find a bug, please let us know by opening a support ticket. Known Limitations On Windows computers with dual GPUs, you may be able to capture from the internal laptop display but not the external displays or vice-versa. This is a limitation of the system that Windows offers to perform screen capture found not only in this actor, but in major software like OBS (Open Broadcasting System). We are investigating to see if there is a solution to this issue.
Basics of NDI Input and Output – Patch
This is a very simple file that explains the very basics of using NDI with Isadora; how to output NDI from Isadora’s Stage Setup and how to pull in NDI using Isadora’s NDI Watcher actor. Note: Before working with this patch you'll want to download and install the official TroikaTronix NDI Watcher actor:
Mouse Control of 3D Particles – Patch
The first Scene of this patch is a cool, simple demonstration of how to use your computer mouse to control 3D particles in Isadora. The next few Scenes take this concept and run with it, playing with color, size, replication, and video effects. There are two scenes at the end of the patch that are more complex. The second-to-last scene lets you click on a location on the Stage to create fireworks, and/or generate fireworks randomly, and/or change a number of different variables about the fireworks. The last scene uses a 3D Particles actor with some flip actors and a Get Stage Image actor to create a feedback loop that lets you do aesthetically pleasing, semi-random digital drawings.
Rainbow Difference Trails – Patch
In this mini-tutorial, you'll learn how to use the Difference actor to add psychedelic rainbow motion blur trails to a live video feed.
OpenNI Tracker – TroikaTronix Plugin
IMPORTANT: We have received reports that the OpenNi Tracker addon does not work on Apple computers with the M2 processor chip. At this time we do not recommend using M2 machines with OpenNi Tracker. The OpenNI Tracker allows Isadora to capture a depth map image, and to do body/skeleton tracking, using depth map cameras like the Kinect v1, Orbbec Astra and Intel Realsense. This bundle includes: OpenNI Tracker v0.9.8b6 Skeleton Decoder v0.9.4 Skeleton Visualizer v0.9.2 Using this Add-On on Apple Silicon (ARM/M1) Based Macs If want to use this actor on an Apple Silicon (ARM/M1) based Mac with Isadora 3.1 or later, you'll have to enable Intel emulation (Rosetta) mode on the Isadora application. Public Beta This actor is in public beta. There may be bugs that affect performance and/or lead to crashes. Because of this, we do not recommend using this actor for public performances or installations. If you do choose to use this beta version for such performances, you do so at your own risk. Compatible Cameras This plugin is currently compatible with the Kinect v2 (Kinect for Xbox One) , Kinect v1 (Kinect for Xbox 360, Models 1414 and 1473), the Orbbec Astra, and the Intel Realsense D435. Important: Read the "Read Me" Files! Everyone must read the file called __READ ME__ Installing the Tracker Plugins.rtf. Tutorials You find the tutorial for the OpenNI Tracker here: You can also go for a "deep dive" with Isadora's creator by watching Isadora Guru Session #13: Body Tracking with Depth Cameras
List Selector Control : example file – Tutorial
Isadora 3.2 introduced a powerful new control called the List Selector that allows you to select items from a dynamically populated list. This example files both walks you through the basics of using this new control and supplies tools for creating advanced setups more easily. A Quick-start mini-tutorial that takes a look at this example file is available on Youtube.
Simple Stage coordinate (0-100) – User Actor
The name is the program. Key 'c' (can be changed) to show/hide adapts its size to the given stage
Smooth Random – User Actor
This Small little actor fades between random values I have used this in multiple projects to animate objects. The output can be curved. The rate input is the time it takes to go from 0 to 100 (or from the min to the max) When the distance between the values is smaller the speed is lowered. When an object is connected, this makes sure the object is moving at a constant speed.
AutoHotKey Launcher Actor – User Plugin
We love Isadora for its diverse set of input and output control actors, among other amazing features. While there is a robust implementation of actors to control Isadora Actors with mouse and keyboard input, there is currently not an easy way to send keystrokes and mouse movements into other applications on the computer. This can be a challenge for interacting with software that does not have a remote control API, such as Google Earth, as was noted in a recent forum post. On macOS, a workaround for this problem has been to combine QLab / Osculator with Isadora to trigger Apple Scripts, which can simulate input to other programs running on the mac. Unfortunately, Windows users did not have an obvious workaround...until now! Introducing an AutoHotKey Actor for Windows! AutoHotKey (AHK) is a popular development framework for creating automation with keyboard and mouse inputs. From simple keyboard shortcuts to complex mouse-scanning and dynamic logic, AutoHotKey opens up the world of input automation in countless ways. There are many robust and freely available AHK scripts for automating all sorts of programs and processes, and now the AHK Actor brings these powerful scripts to Isadora! The AutoHotKey Launcher Actor is an Isadora SDK Actor I created (with @mark 's support and guidance!) that allows you to trigger an AHK script from within Isadora. It takes an absolute path to your .ahk file, as well as any CLI parameters your script will process, and of course a trigger to run the .ahk script with those parameters applied. To use the actor, you must be on Windows 10 and have AutoHotKey installed. To test the actor, place it in your patch. By default, AutoHotKey will install WindowSpy.ahk, a helper program for observing screen behavior, in the location: C:\Program Files\AutoHotkey\WindowSpy.ahk So, enter this path into the AHK Script Absolute Path input, and then click the trigger for Run. You can leave the AHK Parameters input blank. When you trigger the actor, WindowSpy should launch, and if it does, you are good to go! Otherwise, confirm that WindowSpy.ahk is located at that path, and verify that you have properly installed AutoHotKey. AHK Parameters is an input that takes CLI arguments to use when running a .ahk file. Check the documentation of your .ahk scripts for usage. All CLI arguments should be entered as a single text input. An example AHK file with CLI parameters is my Google Earth Pro Controller, for which my Actor inputs could be: 1) C:\\Users\\Andy Carluccio\\Documents\\AHK\\GoogleEarthControl.ahk 2) -location "University of Virginia" which, when run, would cause my Google Earth to spin over to the college. On the GitHub for the script, other CLI arguments are provided, which can be combined into a long text you place in the actor input. I hope that this actor opens up new worlds of automation for you and your projects! Please provide feedback, but know that this is something I am working on in my free time without company resources, and my availability to update it with new features is extremely limited. Thanks again @mark for giving us a wonderful sandbox to play in!
TT GLSL Shaders FOR ISADORA 2 & 3 – GLSL Shader
A nice set of GLSL (OpenGL Shader Language) shader effects created by TroikaTronix. TT Bulge Distortion (v1.3) TT Color Bands TT Dots TT Edge Blend TT Edge Detect TT Emboss TT False Color TT Gamma TT Grid Chopper TT Grid Warp TT Highlights And Shadows TT Kaleidoscope (v1.3) TT LaPlacian Emboss TT Monochrome TT Pinch Distortion (v1.3) TT Pixellate TT Polka Dot TT Psycho Colors TT RGB Modulation TT SCE Adjust TT Sharpen TT Sliding Gradient TT Solarize TT Sorbel Edge Detection TT Swirl (v1.3) TT TV Lines TT Vignette TT White Balance TT XY Luma Gradient (Items marked v1.2 are new as of v1.3)
Language based – Number to Text Formatter – User Actor
Using this actor you can simply convert an Number to a Text output with 'X' amount of decimals within all kind of different languages. Do you need to convert 10,45 to 10.4 (so with a . instead of a , and cut it off at one decimal?) Then this plugin is for you! Great for international installations / touring work where numbers matter.
Read Text From File – TroikaTronix Plugin
This plugin reads a text file and sends the contents to a text output on the actor, offering options to show a single specific character, line, or paragraph. Thank you to Benoît Vogel who originally wrote this plugin and contributed it to the Isadora community. It is now maintained by TroikaTronix. Installation Read the READ ME - Installation.rtf file included with the download. Apple silicon (ARM/M1) The macOS version of this plugin has been compiled to run natively on both Intel-based and Apple silicon based computers. v1.1.3 Fixes: The file path input now allows for partial path names. The 'read mode' and 'start' inputs now work properly if the text file contains non-ASCII characters. No longer crashes if the 'file path' input points to a non-existent file.
DX – Advanced Envelope Scrubber – User Actor
The Advanced Envelope Scrubber actor provides a powerful 'timeline' tool that handles the display of numerous child scenes over time. It is a sort of framework for working with sequences of scenes. The child scenes are run from a Parents' position (as %), making it is very easy to link the controls to either Video or Audio playback. Originally designed to allow child scenes to be sequenced to a Parent scene playing a long audio file. The attached ZIP file contains both the User Actor and an example file that plays through two groups of scenes. Each Parent scene has a timer that provides a value ranging 0-100 much like the position output of a Movie Player. (My Timecode tools provide User Actors which make it easy to integrate with the use of Timecode in the Movie Player) Features: Attack, Sustain and Release values Visual graphing of the envelope for easier editing Curves can be assigned for each segment of the envelope Child scenes can use the Parents scene intensity for crossfades Works well with Layering Mode 'Ungrouped' for advanced video compositing Requirements: Part of the graphing feature uses the Grapher addon, but the basic graph and visualization of the envelope work without it.
DX – JS – Grid Positions – example – Patch
Create an list of X Y position coordinates that create a grid using Javascript. In this example patch I use some Javascript to split the Isadora stage into a centered grid. I have used this in a number of my own projects, so I thought I would share this now. The project requires the JSON parser plugin: It isn't used heavily, and you could remove it from the project pretty easily. For now I have it included. I have created 3 sample scenes all using the same grid factors 1x2x3 = 6, so we have these possible layouts: 2x3 , 3x2 , 1x6 and 6x1. You could adjust these samples scenes to use: 1x2x2x3 = 12 producing six layouts or what ever other combination you like. More factors and possibilities mean more X,Y connections. The sample scenes are: Hexagons are drawn to the stage in alternating pattern grids each with some random settings and animation. Text Blocks (listing the XY values for each) much like the Hexagons but using an optimized reader approach for text animation Line Grid creating a colored grid of animated vertical and horizontal lines which draw the grid divisions The included images show a few layouts of each sample scene.
Circular Path by bonemap – Patch
Bonemap's Circular Path is an Isadora 3 (3.02 + ) user actor macro that provides the X and Y (vertical and Horizontal) coordinates to describe a circular path. The parameters include Reverse, Radius and Rotation Frequency. This is an example patch that demonstrates the user actor macro. The second part of the patch provides a Javascript (JS) option for X, Y circular motion with parameters for: Amplitude, Frequency, Vertical and Horizontal aspect ratios.
Send PJLink – TroikaTronix Plugin
The Send PJLink actor allows you to send commands to a projector using the industry standard PJLink protocol. Using this plugin you can turn the projector on or off, close or open it's shutter and more. The most popular commands are listed in the 'command' input popup menu (right click the input to see the popup). For more unusual commands, you can set the command input to 'custom' and enter the PJLink command of your choice into the 'custom cmd' input. For complete instructions, please visit our Knowledge Base article Using the Send PJLink Actor. Apple silicon (ARM/M1) The macOS version of this plugin has been compiled to run natively on both Intel-based and Apple silicon based computers.
Seek Target Value – TroikaTronix Plugin
Seek Target Value continuously seeks the specified target value by increasing or decreasing the current output value by the amount specified by the 'change/sec' input property. Like the built-in Smoother actor, this actor will smooth out jittery/noisy input values. The difference is that the response is linear over time, unlike of the exponential response of the Smoother actor. Apple silicon (ARM/M1) The macOS version of this plugin has been compiled to run natively on both Intel-based and Apple silicon based computers.
Rutt-Etra FOR ISADORA 3 – TroikaTronix Plugin
Please Donate if You Use This Plugin! This emulation of the legendary Rutt/Etra Video hardware video synthesizer would not exist except for the creativity of Bill Etra, who passed away in 2016. He was survived by his partner Roz who is disabled, lives on a fixed income, and has no surviving family to help her. (Learn more about Bill and his partner Roz's story here.) But, right now, you can make a difference in Roz's life by making a donation to help support her via the donate button below maintained by the plugin's creator Vade. Please contribute to the memory of a true pioneer. About the Rutt Etra Plugin The v002 Rutt-Etra plugin by Vade is an emulation of the legendary Rutt/Etra Video hardware video synthesizer created by Bill Etra and Steve Rutt. It modulates the scanlines or points that make up a video stream based on the brightness of the source or of another video stream. The results are beautifully complex as was the original Rutt Etra. Here's an example of an eye modulated by the Rutt Etra plugin. There are quite a few inputs on this plugin, and you should make sure to experiment with them all. But the most important when you're beginning are as follows: • draw-mode: controls the method used to draw the modulated image. • z-extrude: the distance that the scanlines or points that make up the original will be modulated based on the brightness of the displace image. (If no video stream is connected to the displace input, then the source image is used to displace itself) • z-translate: How the image is translated towards or away from the 3D camera along the z-axis. The z-translate should generally be negative; otherwise, you may not see the image. If you don't see an image, the first thing to try is to make the z-translate more negative. • wire frame size: The thickness of the scanlines or points used to render the final image. Apple silicon (ARM/M1) The macOS version of this plugin has been compiled to run natively on both Intel-based and Apple silicon-based computers. Installing • This is a 64-bit plugin for Isadora 3 only. You can get the Isadora 2 version by clicking here. • Unzip the download and follow the instructions in the READ ME - Installation file. The source code for this plugin can be found on GitHub.
ArtNet 64bit – TroikaTronix Plugin
Art Net Plugins for Isadora 3 These two plugins allow you to send and receive ArtNet (DMX over Ethernet). If you are interested in controlling LED strips via ArtNet, please see this tutorial. The ArtNet Send tutorial file is available to help you learn how to use these actors. Apple silicon (ARM/M1) The macOS version of this plugin has been compiled to run natively on both Intel-based and Apple silicon based computers. Installation To install these plugins, click the download arrow and follow the instructions in the READ ME file.
Jump By Name – TroikaTronix Plugin
Jumps to the first scene whose name begins with the specified text. This actor searches from the beginning of the scene list and jumps to the first matching scene, or does not jump if no matching scene is found. A match is defined as the search text matching the first characters of a scene name. Strange behaviours will occur if this property contains the delimiter character in it. Apple silicon (ARM/M1) The macOS version of this plugin has been compiled to run natively on both Intel-based and Apple silicon based computers. This actor was created by Benoît Vogel and Mark compiled it for 64 bit.
SRT Subtitle Player – TroikaTronix Plugin
Plays a subtitle/caption file stored in the SRT format. Whenever a new timecode value is received at the 'time' input, this actor will send the subtitle/caption for that timecode location to the text output. You can then connect that text output to a Text Draw actor to generate visual subtitles for a movie. Any timecode source can be used for the 'time' input, but most often you would use the 'position' output of a Movie Player after switching the Movie Player to use timecode. (To do this, right-click the Movie Player actor and choose "Use Timecode" from the popup menu.) The SRT Subtitle Player actor assumes that the SRT file is stored in UTF-8 format; it does not do automatic character set detection. If your SRT file is stored using another character set, you can use the free Aegisub software available on GitHub to convert it to UTF-8. Apple silicon (ARM/M1) The macOS version of this plugin has been compiled to run natively on both Intel-based and Apple silicon based computers.
Collision Physics Javascript Patch – Patch
Basic Javascript Physics simulator... A demonstration patch that has Javascript collision detection as its core. Javascript starting code sourced from Isadora user @Marci and the following 2015 Isadora Forum thread: the following original code sources are referenced: the collision detection is just between the objects and the bounds of "the world". Packaged as a demonstration patch, updated with additional gravity and world parameters by bonemap Sept 2021
DX – Sprite Sheet Picker – User Actor
Sprite sheets are a popular graphic tool in video game production due to their ability to save memory and create flexible groupings of animations. The DX - Sprite Sheet Picker user actor make it easy to take control of grid based sprite sheets. Features playback of grid based sprite sheets select sprite cells sequentially or directly define sub sequences / ranges step through sequences forward or backwards jump between any cells in any order works with both square and non-square sprite tiles user actor outputs provide helpful feedback
Wiggle – User Actor
This user actor mimics the 'Wiggle' expression found in After Effects. It constantly (and smoothly) fades the 'value in' up and down by a random amount based on the next two inputs. The fourth input 'curvature' changes the feel or smoothness of the fades by adjusting the curvature of the two Ease In-Out actors inside the user actor: > Frequency = how often to change (or how fast to wiggle) > Amplitude = how much to change (or how big a wiggle) > Curvature = the ramp of each change (or how smooth a wiggle) It can be used as a generator on it's own, as it will will only rest when given a frequency or amplitude of 0. It can also be applied to changing values, such as those from an envelope generator. This can be useful when trying create more 'natural' looking movement for example or to imitate something like camera shake. For any suggestions for improvements to the actor, help with using it or to show off some examples of it in use please use this thread on the forum:
QLab User Actors and Example File – User Actor
This helpful little download contains example file for Isadora with User Actors that allow you to easily trigger QLab cues via OSC using Isadora. The download also includes an example QLab file, a number of screenshots, and an example gif. An explanation of how to set up and use these User Actors can be found in this Knowledgebase article: Be sure to also check out Our Knowledgebase article on the subject of controlling Isadora via Qlab using OSC More information about QLab's OSC capabilities QLab's OSC Dictionary
DX – 20 band freq watcher sorted descending – User Actor
Required: Live capture Sound analysis must be active This User Actor breaks down the live feed input into 20 bands, and sorts them in descending order. The actors output includes all 20 bands in JSON format so that you can grab whatever data you want. In the Demo, I grab the #1 (most powered) frequency band, and the weakest to create some mind-blowing visuals ;) *NOTE: requires the JSON add-ons
Random Number Display – Patch
Lottery or Bingo simulator with a colourful display. Do you need a random number generator for your lottery or bingo game? Perhaps you want to generate numbers as a way to encrypt a passcode. This random number generator provides five different sources for random numbers each with its own scene and method in Isadora. 10 numbers are generated from a field of 100 using the keyboard 'g' press. NOTE! some scenes require the JSON Parser plugin which can be found here:
Swirl GLSL Shader – Patch
GLSL Shader created by Mark 'center x' and 'center y' control the position of the swirl 'radius' controls the size of the swirl 'swirliness' controls how swirly the swirl is.
Media Info – User Actor
This User Actor provides numerous pieces of information about the chosen media, as well as using Javascript to remove the file extension so that the name of the file can be used elsewhere in your Isadora patch for text parsing or sent into Zoom chat using ZoomOSC as part of a chatbot function.
Chromakey++ – User Actor
I adapted a green-screen shader from for this chromakey user actor. Original shadertoy code can be found here (by jackdavenport, posted on 30 / 05 / 2015) Some notes on its use: It doesn't take changing a number much to get a big effect. The padding number (padd) may not ever need to be much over the .05 default. The threshold doesn't need to be very big either for a large effect. The colour numbers represent how much of that colour is being keyed out of the source image. So if Red and Blue are at 0 and Green is at 1 then it would be set up for green-screening. (The default setting it comes in up with I believe.) You may find adding an HSL and/or a contrast actor between your source and this actor may help you tune out any green fuzzy bits in your key.
Free Clouds patch – Patch
I made a simple patch that used clipart style 'cardboard' clouds to float across the screen. You can change the images to anything you want. This a nice and simple patch but it might be interesting for someone who is learning.
ZoomOSC Name To Video – User Actor
This is a project using a few user actors for dealing with ZoomOSC and auto-cropping the participants and creating scenes from them. It makes heavy use of Global Values by setting them for the panner values for every frame in every gallery size of ZoomOSC. It also uses Global Values to retain all the data associated with each person in the meeting. This combination allows us to easily fine the right cropping for any given user. The User Actor that calculates the cropping is "Calculate Frame Croppers" which is on the OSCListen scene. The User Actor "Gallery Video Broadcasters" sets a broadcaster for each of the cropped videos from the scraped screen. In the "Sample Scene" scene, we have the pair of User Actors: "Name To Video", which takes names as input and sends vid-gpu as output for each of the names participants in the meeting. The "Layout" actor, passes each of those videos to projectors for layout. Version 1.1.0 changed to passing JSON data rather than individual numbers so that it can scale up with fewer lines drawn. I added a checklist to the OSCListn page: You must have a Pro license for ZoomOSC to receive the /list/ message You must turn OFF self-view in the gallery You must set Settings / Additional Settings / Gallery tracking mode to ZoomID If you ever need to reset the frames, hit the 'd' key to send a /list/ command You must install the Isadora plugins: screen-capture JSON Parser / JSON Bundler
Ableton Live – MIDI Program Change – User Actor
This User Actor accompanies the Control Isadora From Ableton Live Using MIDI tutorial found in the Tutorials - Scripting, Sensors and Interfacing section of of the TroikaTronix website. The User Actor will watch for MIDI Program Change Messages sent from Ableton Live. Three output options are available. Direct MIDI value Value as shown in Ableton Live (offset by 1 from MIDI) The MIDI value as a percentage You can change the outputs available by clicking the Actors Eye icon, and selecting the visible outputs.
DX – Rotate Canvas – User Actor
Do you ever need to change the orientation of an image in Isadora? We have spin and we have flip, but these don't change the aspect of the canvas. They manipulate the image within the current canvas dimensions. This isn't always what we need. Sometimes we don't have time to open the image in our photo editing software and rotate the document. So, I made a quick little User Actor that allows you to rotate any video/image 90,180, and 270 degrees creating a new canvas aspect ratio.
Bonemap – Audio Frequency 7 Band Analysis – Patch
Audio Frequency Analysis User Actor and demonstration patch Frequency Range - Frequency Values Sub-bass 20 to 60 Hz Bass 60 to 250 Hz Low midrange 250 to 500 Hz Midrange 500 Hz to 2 kHz Upper midrange 2 to 4 kHz Presence 4 to 6 kHz Brilliance 6 to 20 kHz More information available inside the user actor '7 Band Audio Frequency Analysis'. The patch demonstrates a user module that amalgamates numerous 3D Line actors to build an audio generative pattern.
IzzyKorg – User Actor
IzzyKorg is a small wrapper around the most used MIDI Controller out there, the KORG nanoKONTROL 2. In my day to day practice, I use this little user actor for my students so they can quickly add a MIDI controller to there patch. All wrapped with a simple JSON interface that allows you to target the elements by doing [category]:[field] For example, the Knob on the first fader is "fader1:knob". Please be aware that I didn't add any feedback from the patch back to the controller in this version. Instructions Install the required plugins from Mark called JSON Parser / Bundler Put the User Actor in your Global User Actor Toolbox, that way you will always have it ready to go! For detailed instructions on how it works, please look inside the user actor by clicking on it :) Contact & License Feel free to use it for any work / commercial or non-commercial without the need for credit. If you have questions feel free to send me an e-mail at hello[@]
Countdown to Date – Patch
You can select any date in the future and start a countdown in days, hours ,minutes and seconds or in years, days, hours, minutes and seconds. This user actor was made with JavaScript.
Tutorial: Basic Motion Tracking – Patch
In this mini-tutorial by L Wilson-Spiro you'll learn how to do basic motion tracking with the Eyes actor Use motion tracking data from the Eyes actor to affect other actors in your Isadora Patch, and combine the Freeze and Effect Mixer actors to make motion tracking easier.
Tutorial: Alpha Mask – Patch
In this mini-tutorial by L Wilson-Spiro you'll learn how to use the Alpha Mask actor. It starts with simple steps using just the Shapes and Alpha Mask actors, and proceeds to gets more complex, showing how to make alpha masks explode into pieces, video static effects, a moving video spotlight controlled by your mouse that inverts colors, and how to use background subtraction to create a ghost effect.
Zoom meeting cropper javascript – User Actor
This is mostly about the javascript User Actor embedded in the example izzy file. The javascript will calculate the Isadora Panner values needed to easily create lists of actors to construct a scene.
Cue System – User Actor
This is a system I've been using for a lot of years now. This allows me to do complex cue's inside of the scene.
Loop movie V2 – Patch
V2 of LOOP MOVIE USER ACTOR (added position slider and MIDI command for all controls) This user actor allows you to loop movie on fly and change it as you want with keyboard, Midi or OSC. You could too move into position of loop with a slider (Midi or OSC) Play : spacebar Pause : p Stop : s loop start : I (choose the first point of loop) loop end : o (choose the final point of loop) loop all movie : a (release first and final point of loop to continue playing movie) loop enable on : l (active loop enable - who is active by default) loop enable of : n (if you want to read a part of movie or all the movie and automatically stop it) you could choose IP and PORT for touch osc. you could choose MIDI PORT and CHANNEL for your Controller and choose Midi Note and Midi CC for all controls. Zip contains : User actor, loop movie V2.izz to have the stream setup for touch OSC and two layer for touch OSC for all this control (for iPad and iPhone) including volume and position of movie. If you have any question you could contact me: celio.noel at
OpenNi Line Puppet – Patch
Line Puppet for OpenNI Tracker A Skeleton Decoder action figure that uses multiple '3D Lines'. Paired with the OpenNI Tracker module, Line Puppet provides a modifiable figure that moves with depth camera skeleton tracking data. The figure is constructed in two halves with colour and line size parameters. Set the OpenNI Tracker parameter for 'skeleton scale' to 'cm' for expected scaling.
Floating Tunnels by bonemap – Patch
Floating Tunnels by Bonemap is an Isadora 3 video user actor macro. It is a recursive pattern module, as the name suggests, it generates a representation of a floating tunnel. There are parameters for colour (hue range), sine and pulse frequency. It accepts a video texture. It has a background colour parameter that can be on or off.
Pay me Actor – Patch
This is a funny but sometimes useful User Actor: Sometimes you help people out and write a quick and dirty patch for free, so they can test their idea. But you don't want them to tour with it and earn money from your work. Than this actor is perfect. After a set time on all the screens a text will appear. If they still want to use it they will have to contact you to get rid of it.
Decimal to binary and hexadecimal converter – User Actor
With this user actor you can convert a decimal number to a binary or hexadecimal value. This user actor is using javascript.
MidiLearn – User Actor
The midiLearn user actor locks to the first midi signal coming in and shows on the output side what type (control, note on/off) was triggered. In January 2010 Graham Thorne (aka Skulpture) started with the first MidiLearn actor that simply took the first note ON and locked it to that note. This encouraged me and I expanded its features with a reset function, control detection, switching between note ON and OFF etc. We both hope you have fun with it.
TimerTool – User Actor
Start a timer or a countdown? Want to see your movie position in seconds? TimerTool outputs your movie position in seconds and shows it as video or number, you can choose to show the time passed or the time left of the movie. Or just start a timer with a trigger and output it as movie or number, or do the opposite type in a number in seconds to start a countdown.
Traktor Pro 3 – DJ Sync – User Actor
This actor takes MIDI data from native Instruments Traktor Pro 3 software and converts it into a number piece of useful information, such as tap tempo, mixer x-fade position, track volume positions, filter position and dry/wet master position. It uses the 'Real-Time Watcher' actor to take a 'beat' from the DJ software. You need to enable MIDI in on Port 1 (or change it if required) Tutorial here: Note: This does require a manual set up at the Dj software end. Please contact me for help if you need help.
Visualization Tracking zone – User Actor
Set and visualize on the chosen stage a rectangle as a tracking zone. Output is 1 for inside the zone, 0 outside. You can hide/show the zone with the key 'h' (can be changed) when the zones are visible, as help for tracking , the zone will highlight ( value of "intensity over") if an object is inside. You can choose an other color for every zone. DO NOT FORGET to set the size of the monitor in Eyes (column, row) or Eyes++ (h res, v res) according to the stage ratio.
Visualization blob target – User Actor
Show on the stage the chosen proximity zone for the Blob Target Actor. Please select position and size in this actor and connect it to the Blob Target Actor to transfer these value. (see picture) You must use one actor for every target. Key 'h' (can be changed) to hide/show the zones. You can choose a different color for every zone. DO NOT FORGET to set the size of the monitor in Eyes (column, row) or Eyes++ (h res, v res) according to the stage ratio.
Syphon Virtual Webcam
About Syphon Virtual Webcam Syphon Virtual Webcam is a free app, created for you by TroikaTronix/Isadora, that allows you to send a Syphon video stream to a compatible application that supports video input from a webcam. It relies on the Open Broadcasting System (OBS) Virtual Webcam driver first implemented by John Boiles. Installation: Users with OBS v26.1 or Later If you have installed OBS v26.1 or later, you can install the latest OBS Virtual Webcam driver by opening OBS and choosing Help > Install OBS Virtual Webcam. Please note that you cannot use Syphon Virtual Webcam while OBS's virtual webcam output is running, i.e., after choosing Start Virtual Webcam; trying to do this may lead to unpredictable results including crashes. Installation: Users with OBS Versions Earlier than 26.1 or without OBS Installed At All If you have not installed OBS (or have installed a version of OBS before v26.1) then Syphon Virtual Camera will automatically guide you through the process of downloading and installing the standalone OBS Virtual Webcam driver from John Boiles' GitHub Repository. Using Syphon Virtual Webcam To use Syphon Virtual Webcam, simply install the application and double-click it. The first time you use it, you'll be guided to download an open source virtual webcam driver created for OBS (Open Broadcasting System). After that, simply: Ensure your Syphon source is running. Select your Syphon source using the popup menu in the main window. Start the app that will receive a signal from the virtual webcam Choose "OBS Virtual Camera" as the webcam source Click the "Mirror" checkbox if you need to flip the image horizontally. If you don't see "OBS Virtual Webcam" in the list of webcams, then your app may not be compatible with virtual webcams. Check the list of applications compatible with OBS Virtual Webcam. We have a short video tutorial that takes you through the entire process. If you have questions or need help with this plugin, please post them to this thread in our forum. The full source code is available on our GitHub page.
Follow Spot – Patch
This user actor is for simulate a follow spot with shapes actor. It works with touch osc and you could choose the shapes, zoom, intensity, width, Height, Blur, RGB, spin ON and OFF and move the sapes with an XY controller. Inside the .zip you have: the user actor one .izz to test it and have the correct stream setup the layer for touch osc (iPad version).
Projector mapping Touch OSC – User Actor
This user actor is for mapping a rectangle with touch osc. You could adjust 4 Rectangle Point (offset x and y) and reset it. Inside the .zip you have : the user actor one .izz to test it and have the correct stream setup two layer for touch osc (One for iPad and one for iPhone)
Sound to shape – User Actor
An actor that uses the chosen sound-in to change the height of 4 rectangular blocks. Make sure you select the Sound Frequency Analysis option in the Sound Input settings of Live Capture.
Two Point Bezier Shape – GLSL Shader
A GLSL actor that provides the X and Y uniform variables for a Bezier shape along two points on a diagonal. Original bezier function by Golan Levin and Collaborators. Original Author @kyndinfo - 2016. Cubic Bezier through two points. Available at Adapted for Isadora by Bonemap 2020
Tutorial: OpenNI Tracker – Patch
This tutorial file (for Isadora 3.0.7 or later) is a companion to our OpenNI Tracker plugin. It is designed to introduce you to the most important features of this plugin so that you can quickly get started tracking bodies in Isadora. Before running this tutorial, you must download and install the OpenNI Tracker plugin. You can get the plugin here: Once the plugins are installed, just open the openni-tracker-tutorial.izz file in Isadora and follow the instructions that appear on Isadora's stage.
IzzySun – User Actor
IzzySun allows you to calculate the time that a sun/moon related event is happening at a certain location. Perfect for installation artist/performance artist that needs a certain event to happen every single day at Sunset. For more information please visit the forum topic here : If you need any help, feel free to send me an e-mail at hello[at] or by posting on the above forum topic.
slideshow – User Actor
This patch plays a slideshow with a selection of pictures of the media bin. The pictures are scaled to fit best into the output window (preserving the aspect). The transition between the pics is a crossfade. Inputs: first pic, last pic, pic time, crossfade time, run/stop, restart outputs: video out, pic count, loop end
Rutt-Etra FOR ISADORA 2 – TroikaTronix Plugin
Please Donate if You Use This Plugin! This emulation of the legendary Rutt/Etra Video hardware video synthesizer would not exist except for the creativity of Bill Etra, who passed away in 2016. He was survived by his partner Roz who is disabled, lives on a fixed income, and has no surviving family to help her. (Learn more about Bill and his partner Roz's story here.) But, right now, you can make a difference in Roz's life by making a donation to help support her via the donate button below maintained by the plugin's creator Vade. Please contribute to the memory of a true pioneer. The v002 Rutt-Etra plugin by Vade is an emulation of the legendary Rutt/Etra Video hardware video synthesizer created by Bill Etra and Steve Rutt. It modulates the scanlines or points that make up a video stream based on the brightness of the source or of another video stream. The results are beautifully complex as was the original Rutt Etra. Here's an example of an eye modulated by the Rutt Etra plugin. There are quite a few inputs on this plugin, and you should make sure to experiment with them all. But the most important when you're beginning are as follows: draw-mode: controls the method used to draw the modulated image. z-extrude: the distance that the scanlines or points that make up the original will be modulated based on the brightness of the displace image. (If no video stream is connected to the displace input, then the source image is used to displace itself) z-translate: How the image is translated towards or away from the 3D camera along the z-axis. The z-translate should generally be negative; otherwise, you may not see the image. If you don't see an image, the first thing to try is to make the z-translate more negative. wire frame size: The thickness of the scanlines or points used to render the final image. Installing This is a 64-bit plugin for Isadora 3 only. You can get the Isadora 2 version by clicking here. Unzip the download and open the folder for your platform (i.e., Macintosh or Windows) • Choose Help > Open Plugin Folder > TroikaTronix Actor Plugins to open the external plugins folder on your computer. Drag the plugin to the TroikaTronix Actor Plugins folder opened above Restart Isadora 3 The source code for this plugin can be found on GitHub.
Grapher – TroikaTronix Plugin
Grapher displays one or more numeric values on a moving graph for easy visualization. This plugin might be most useful to teachers who are helping others to learn about Isadora. Grapher was created by Isadora's creator Mark Coniglio specifically for his workshop "What Do We Do With the Data?" at the Isadora Werkstatt 2019. If anything is unclear about these instructions, or if you have a problem using this actor, please let us know by making a post in the forum. One of our team, or one of the members of our awesome community, will be there to help. Apple silicon (ARM/M1) The macOS version of this plugin has been compiled to run natively on both Intel-based and Apple silicon based computers. Instructions Remember, you can see helpful instructions for any actor by mousing over the actor's inputs or outputs and seeing what appears in the Help View at the bottom right of the main Isadora window. But here is a quick summary of Grapher's inputs and what they do. Try Out the Grapher Actor Let's start with a simple example. 1) Connect a numeric input to 'value 1' input – you could use the output of a Mouse Watcher or a Wave Generator actor to give this actor a try. 2) Connect the 'video out' to a projector and Show Stages to see the graphed output. You'll see that the value received at 'value 1' is being drawn onto the graph, and that the graph slides to the right as time passes, as you might see on a heart monitor or chart recorder. Set the Vertical Range The vertical range for the graph is set by the 'range min' and 'range max' inputs, which default to -100 and +100. If you're using the Mouse Watcher, you'd want to set 'range min' to 0 so that Grapher's range matches the range of the Mouse Watcher. If the value you are receiving is small (e.g., -0.1 to +0.1) then you'd want to use those values for 'range min' and 'range max' so that the representation of the signal fills the entire graph vertically. Set the Time Scale The amount of time represented by the entire width of the graph is set by the 'time scale input, which is given in seconds. If you want to see the last 20 seconds of data in the output, set this input to 20. Working with Multiple Values If you want to graph multiple values: 1) Set the 'values' input to the number of values you require. 2) Additional 'value' inputs to which you can connect other values will appear below 'value 1' 3) You will see a line for each 'value' input drawn in the graph. To see this in action, set 'values' to 2 and connect the two outputs of a Mouse Watcher to the 'value 1' and 'value 2' inputs. Usually, when you are graphing multiple values, you'll want to set the 'color min' and 'color max' inputs to two different colors so each line in the graph will be a different color. For the greatest variation, pure red and pure blue are a good choices for these inputs. If you do this, the first line in the graph will be red, the last line will be blue, and the lines in between will show equally spaced colors between 'min color' and 'max color'. Other Parameters The 'line size' controls the size of the lines drawn in the graph, while the 'grid lines' and 'grid size' inputs allow you to draw equally spaced divisions on the horizontal axis. The 'width' and 'height' inputs determine the resolution of the output image, which is usually sent to a Projector actor but can be passed to any Isadora actor that accepts video input. You can enter any values you like here to control the aspect ratio and resolution of the output graph. We've found the default 1280 x 720 work quite well.
Monokai – Isadora Theme
Monokai is a modern Isadora 3.x theme inspired on the Monokai Theme of modern code editors. Designed by Juriaan Gregor. Feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments or send me an email at hello[at]
sample and hold – User Actor
A simple user actor that holds a changing value for a desired amount of time and then udpates the output value with the newest value.
DX – 16 Color Palette Cycler – Patch
Animate upto 16 of your favorite colors in a color palette. Blend colors in a number of ways. Use HSBA or RGB with curves for each parameter... create unique color fades that you can apply to anything in Isadora More features: loop modes (wrap, forward, reverse, limited, pingpong) 2-16 colors color blend in a Million ways Hard cut colors (0 blend time) delay time between color fades interactive control
DX – Value Decay – Patch
This user actor provides an alternative to the Decay Generator actor in Isadora, with some unique features. The Value Decay actor will accept a normalized (0-100) input value and decrease it over time (at a set rate). If a new value is input it is ignored unless it is greater than the current decay value. Included is the Value Decay user actor, as well as, an Isadora demo patch Features Speed adjustable decay of input value 2 value decrease methods. Linear, and by percentage (Log) Increasing input values pass thru. Decay only applied if input is static or less than current decay value.
DX – DMX 32 Channel Receiver – Enttec Compatible – User Actor
A simple user actor that works with DMX to USB serial input devices (enttec compatible). This actor outputs channels 1 thru 32. Its is easily updated to provide another range of channels if required. It is capable of being expanded to support the maximum of 512 channels provided in a DMX universe. Usage In Serial Port Setup, select your DMX device from the device pull-down for one of the available serial ports. (refer to the device documentation for specific settings. Often the defaults will work fine) Set the 'serial port' input of the actor to match the port number you setup. Enable the serial ports via the Communications menu option 'Enable Serial Ports' Any incoming DMX on channels 1-32 should now be output (DMX values range 0-255)
DX – DMX Universe – Enttec compatible – User Actor
DX - DMX Universe - Enttec compatible, is the easiest way to output DMX data. This actor will work with an Enttec compatible usb serial output device. This User Actor support upto 512 DMX values (1 DMX universe). The included demo file is built around outputting to a simple 5 channel Par Can. It shows a few tips and tricks for working with DMX and the Matrix actors. I am happy to offer support via the forum.
DX – graphicPlacer-ZoomCalc – User Actor
Very useful for outputting graphics at actual size by setting the Projectors zoom to match the size of the image in relation to the target stage. eg: place a small image on a large stage without it being scaled to match, and animate its position with the position inputs of the Projector. The image shows a 256 x 256 pixel image being placed on a 480 x 270 pixel stage. For pixel perfect scaling the zoom needs to be set to 94.8148.
DX – Rustbelt – Isadora Theme
Rustbelt was designed to be well suited to working in a dark space. The interface is dull except for the elements that you need to see. Actor links are made higher contrast when selected making complex patches easier to work on.
DX – Live10 – Isadora Theme
Live 10 offers a flat-dark Ableton 10 inspired UI. Actor links are made more high contrast when selected to help with complex patching.
DX – morph Color – User Actor
A simple but fun User Actor that RGB fades the output color into the input color. It features a switch for excluding the alpha value from the fade in cases where you want a consistent opacity. Use the 'smoothing' input to adjust how quickly the RGB fade occurs. 0 = instant, 1= never (default 0.95)
DX – Korg nanoKontrol2 – User Actor
This user actor is the simplest way to use a Korg nanoKontrol2 midi controller with Isadora. Works with the default midi mapping that comes pre-installed on the controller. Features Full access to every knob, slider, and set of buttons. 2 way communication allows the use of the built-in LED button lighting. Setup Place the user actor in your Isadora scene. Set the 'port IN' and 'port OUT' inputs of the user actor to the Midi ports you wish to use. Setup Isadora to use the same ports. Open Midi Setup and set the corresponding I/O port numbers to interface the Korg nanoKontrol2.
ArtNet 32bit – TroikaTronix Plugin
32bit plugin for Isadora 2 These two plugins allow you to send and receive ArtNet (DMX over Ethernet). Instructions Download the plugins (both MacOS and Windows versions are included) In Isadora v2.6 or later, choose Help > Open Plugin Folder > TroikaTronix Actor Plugins to open the external plugins folder on your computer. Open the folder for your platform, either Macintosh or Windows Drag the contents into the plugins folder you opened above. Restart Isadora If you are interested in controlling LED strips via ArtNet, please see this tutorial. The ArtNet Send tutorial file is available to help you learn how to use these actors.
3D Game Style Navigation – Patch
This patch implements 3D style navigation using the mouse to determine the rotation (i.e., the direction you are looking) and the standard w-s-a-d keys to move forward, backward, left, or right, respectively. There is an example 3D model in the scene that has the letters AAA / BBB / CCC / DDD to give you an orientation. The patch uses a combination of a User Actor called "Keyboard Navigate" which calculates the correct x and z translation based on the current rotation, and another Javascript actor that computes the translation and rotation in the way the 3D Stage Orientation actor requires them. Note that the included three.min.js javascript library must accompany this patch, and must be at the same level as the Isadora .izz file that uses it.
DX – Timecode Tools
The Timecode Tools are a series of user actors created to help me build a wider set of playback tools which I hope to offer in the near future. These user actors should prove useful to Isadora users who use timecode for precise control but want time and percent values for other calculations within the Isadora scene. User Actors are available for the following functions: media percentage to timecode timecode to media percentage timecode to time & elements time to timecode
DX – JS – Multi Toggle
Easily toggle multiple outputs between On and Off states. This user actor contains a Javascript you can easily extend to support up to 99 toggle values. By default the User Actor is setup as a multi toggle of 10 values, but you can use it for 10 or less values by setting the group count input. Two additional features are included. If you input a value of Zero, all outputs are set to Off If you input a value greater than the group count input, then all outputs are set to On Example: if the group count is set to 5, an input value of Zero will set the first 5 outputs to Off, if an input value of 1 thru 5 is received then the corresponding output will be set to On and all others to Off, if a value greater than 5 is input all outputs will be set to On. A zip file contains the User Actor and an example file showing the above group of 5 setup as well as how to expand the JS actor contained to toggle up to 99 outputs.
Snapshots Mini Example File – Patch
Snapshots are an incredibly useful, and often overlooked, feature of Isadora. If you’re still unsure about how they work, we recommend downloading this file for an example of basic functionality, and how you might want to use them. You can learn even more about Snapshots from the Isadora Manual: