Leap Motion Watcher

Leap Motion Watcher for Isadora 3.1 or Later

(Please read below regarding about installing the Leap Motion drivers, and how to run this plugin on an Apple Silicon based Mac.)

The Leap Motion Watcher measures the movement of your hands above a Leap Motion controller. This actor reports the position of your hands in three dimensions (x/y/z), the the rotation of the hands (roll, pitch, and yaw), and, when two hands are visible to the controller, the angle and distance between the hands. In addition, on macOS only, certain gestures (swipe, circle) can also be recognized.

Prior to Isadora 3.1, the Leap Motion Watcher plugin was included with the Isadora application. Since the makers of the Leap Motion controller have no plans to offer an Apple silicon (ARM/M1) version of the Leap Motion SDK, we moved this actor out of the main Isadora application and are offering it here as a separate add-on.

Install the Leap Motion Drivers First!

You need to install the Leap Motion drivers for macOS or Windows before using this plugin. At the time of this writing these drivers were located on this page of the Ultraleap website. If that link doesn’t work, try searching for: download leap motion hand tracking to find the page with these drivers.

Using This Add-On on Apple Silicon Based Macs

If want to run this plugin on an Apple Silicon (ARM/M1) based Mac, you’ll have to enable Intel emulation (Rosetta) mode on the Isadora application after installing the Leap Motion drivers.

Using This Add-on on Intel Macs and Windows Computers

If you are using this plugin on an Intel based Mac or on a Windows computer, just install the drivers and start using the actor.

For Isadora
Actor version(s)
October 11 2021
last updated
October 13 2021
1.17 MB
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