Simple MIDI Example

A short example file showing some simple ways to use MIDI notes to change values in your patch. It includes two screenshots showing basic Live Capture and MIDI Setup for sending MIDI notes from Isadora to Isadora. The patch covers:

  • Starting Live Capture
  • Sending MIDI from Isadora to Isadora
  • Using a Text Draw actor to display the incoming MIDI Note and a Speak Text actor to say it.
  • Colorizing live video dynamically based on the pitch of the MIDI note.
  • Colorizing Shape with one of three pre-selected colors based on which of three ranges the incoming MIDI note falls into.
  • Colorizing a pulsing/exploding shape with Explode and a Decay Generator
  • Using the MIDI note to change the color of the Live Drawing actor while using the mouse to draw.
  • Using the MIDI note to change the color of the Live Drawing actor while using the pitch and velocity of the note as x/y coordinates, letting you draw automatically with the random MIDI notes.
For Isadora
Actor version(s)
December 08 2020
last updated
June 28 2022
1.13 MB
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