ADD-ONS by izzy

IzzyCast Basic Template Files – Patch

This quick-start example file will help you get going with IzzyCast. Watch our video walk through to learn how to get started with these files.  

Pythoner Example File – TroikaTronix Plugin

The Pythoner Example file will be updated regularly after the release of Isadora 4 to contain examples covering topics like Machine Learning, Body Tracking, Hardware Interfacing, and much more. The current file contains a few examples that are meant to help QuickStart your usage of Pythoner. We have also prepared a walk through video that will help you understand how to use Pythoner.  

Show-Hide Control Actor Example FIle – Patch

You can now use the Show-Hide Controls actor to build yourself multiple Control Panels that only show up in their desired Scenes, even if those Scenes are not consecutive! So for example, if Scenes 1 & 3 use the same Control Panel and Scenes 2 & 4 use the same Control Panel, you can hide everything with one Show-Hide Control actor, and then show only specific controls with a second Show-Hide Control actor. Using this method, when you switch between your Scenes it will show and hide the right Control Panels. (Plus changes you make to the Control Panel in Scene 2 will be present in Scene 4, which wasn't possible before!) This example file by TroikaTronix Staff Member L Wilson-Spiro (aka Woland) demonstrates this idea and provides two User Actors to help speed up your workflow.

VISCA Controller Four Camera Template File – Patch

This template file for the VISCA PTZ Controller actor created by TroikaTronix Staff Member L Wilson-Spiro (aka Woland) allows: Easy use of four PTZ Cameras at the same with a robust Control Panel Switching between five different Control Panels via a Radio Button at the top left of the Control Panel that uses the Show Hide Control actor Video source selection (choice between NDI or Video In Watcher) Pan, Tilt, and Zoom adjustment Saving, updating, replacing, adding, and deleting presets for each camera

Working With the Cue List Editor and Cue Sheets: Example File – Patch

Isadora 3.2.6 includes numerous enhancements to the Cue Sheet and Cue Sheet Editor. It is highly recommended you update to at least 3.2.6 before working with this file. This example file accompanies the mini-tutorial on Youtube which introduces you to these convenient tools and how to work with them to add sequential cues to any of your Isadora scenes adding another level of control to your Isadora workflow. A Quick-start mini-tutorial that walks you through this example file is available on Youtube.

Arduino Firmata – TroikaTronix Plugin

WHAT IS FIRMATA? Firmata is a piece of software that you can upload to your Arduino board that offers standardized protocol for input and output. When you use Firmata, you are able to receive data from, or send data to, the Arduino pins without writing any additional software. The Isadora Arudino Firmata actor takes advantage of this system to provide input and output from those Arduino pins. HOW DO I USE FIRMATA WITH ARDUINO? First you need to understand how to attach switches, sensors, LEDs, motors and whatever else you desire to the physical input and output pins on your Arduino board. If you do a Google search for Arduino tutorials you'll find dozens upon dozens of tutorials online (both video and written) that can help you learn more about how to do this. You can also jump directly to the tutorials on the main Arduino site or follow this excellent tutorial created by Bonemap. Second, you need to have a basic understanding of how the Firmata system works. We found this tutorial on to be a good one. If you have attached devices to your Arduino input and output pins as described above, you can use the Firmata Test App to manually test the hardware connected to your Arduino input and output pins. Once you’ve accomplished the above, then you can put the Arduino Firmata actor into your patch and double-click it. In the editor dialog that appears, click the “Help” button to learn how to setup the serial port in Isadora and automatically generate a specification that will link the input and output pins on your Arduino. Once you've created a specification, the Arduino Firmata actor will receive data from the Arduino input pins, and send data to the Arduino output pins in a way that's similar to the Firmata Test App – except that you now have easy access to those pins in Isadora. KNOWN BUGS (Only for Isadora 3.0.7 or earlier on Windows) When running Isadora 3.0.7 or earlier on Windows, the “help” button in the dialog seen when you double-click the Arduino Firmata actor does not work. Instead you will need to double-click the file firmata-actor-help.html included in the same folder as the READ ME. We apologize for the inconvenience. The help button works fine in Isadora 3.0.8 and later.

List Selector Control : example file – Tutorial

Isadora 3.2 introduced a powerful new control called the List Selector that allows you to select items from a dynamically populated list. This example files both walks you through the basics of using this new control and supplies tools for creating advanced setups more easily. A Quick-start mini-tutorial that takes a look at this example file is available on Youtube.

Rokoko Studio Live Watcher – TroikaTronix Plugin

The Rokoko Studio Live Watcher receives 3D motion capture data from a Rokoko Smartsuit Pro via the Rokoko Studio application, allowing you to use high-precision gestural data to manipulate media within Isadora. (Please note that you need to have the Plus pricing plan from Rokoko to stream mocap data to any external software, including Isadora.) Learning to Use the Rokoko Studio Live Watcher This download includes a "mini-tutorial", an Isadora demo file, and detailed instructions on how you can connect the Smartsuit Pro to Isadora. For a deep dive on this actor and what it can do, please join Isadora's creator Mark Coniglio for Guru Session #19: Body Tracking with the Rokoko Smartsuit Pro™ Apple silicon (ARM/M1) The macOS version of this plugin has been compiled to run natively on both Intel-based and Apple silicon based computers.

Read Text From File – TroikaTronix Plugin

This plugin reads a text file and sends the contents to a text output on the actor, offering options to show a single specific character, line, or paragraph. Thank you to Benoît Vogel who originally wrote this plugin and contributed it to the Isadora community. It is now maintained by TroikaTronix. Installation Read the READ ME - Installation.rtf file included with the download. Apple silicon (ARM/M1) The macOS version of this plugin has been compiled to run natively on both Intel-based and Apple silicon based computers. v1.1.3 Fixes: The file path input now allows for partial path names. The 'read mode' and 'start' inputs now work properly if the text file contains non-ASCII characters. No longer crashes if the 'file path' input points to a non-existent file.

SRT Subtitle Player – TroikaTronix Plugin

Plays a subtitle/caption file stored in the SRT format. Whenever a new timecode value is received at the 'time' input, this actor will send the subtitle/caption for that timecode location to the text output. You can then connect that text output to a Text Draw actor to generate visual subtitles for a movie. Any timecode source can be used for the 'time' input, but most often you would use the 'position' output of a Movie Player after switching the Movie Player to use timecode. (To do this, right-click the Movie Player actor and choose "Use Timecode" from the popup menu.) The SRT Subtitle Player actor assumes that the SRT file is stored in UTF-8 format; it does not do automatic character set detection. If your SRT file is stored using another character set, you can use the free Aegisub software available on GitHub to convert it to UTF-8. Apple silicon (ARM/M1) The macOS version of this plugin has been compiled to run natively on both Intel-based and Apple silicon based computers.

RTMP Streamer – TroikaTronix Plugin

Now you can easily access live online streaming directly from Isadora. The new RTMP Streamer actor allows you to stream video and audio to services like YouTube, Twitch, Facebook, and more. Advanced options allow you to take control of your audio-video quality making the RTMP streamer actor perfect for integration into a variety of broadcast pipelines. In just minutes you can go live reaching a global audience. Be sure to read the knowledge base article for details on connecting to Youtube, Facebook, and Twitch. Or get started in minutes with this quick-start video: You will need the quick-start file to follow along. Minimum System Requirements: macOS Mojave or Windows 10 The RTMP Streamer Actor is compatible with macOS Mojave and later or Windows 10. It will not run appear in Isadora if you are running macOS High Sierra or earlier. The macOS version of this plugin has been compiled to run natively on both Intel-based and Apple silicon (ARM/M1) based computers. Minimum Isadora version: 3.1 This plugin works in Isadora 3.1 or later. It will not show up in earlier versions of Isadora.

Leap Motion Watcher – TroikaTronix Plugin

Leap Motion Watcher for Isadora 3.1 or Later Be sure to read the READ ME - Installation.rtf file before using the plugin! It is required to install software from Ultraleap before use.

QLab User Actors and Example File – User Actor

This helpful little download contains example file for Isadora with User Actors that allow you to easily trigger QLab cues via OSC using Isadora. The download also includes an example QLab file, a number of screenshots, and an example gif. An explanation of how to set up and use these User Actors can be found in this Knowledgebase article: Be sure to also check out Our Knowledgebase article on the subject of controlling Isadora via Qlab using OSC More information about QLab's OSC capabilities QLab's OSC Dictionary

Swirl GLSL Shader – Patch

GLSL Shader created by Mark   'center x' and 'center y' control the position of the swirl 'radius' controls the size of the swirl 'swirliness' controls how swirly the swirl is.  

3D Game Style Navigation – Patch

This patch implements 3D style navigation using the mouse to determine the rotation (i.e., the direction you are looking) and the standard w-s-a-d keys to move forward, backward, left, or right, respectively. There is an example 3D model in the scene that has the letters AAA / BBB / CCC / DDD to give you an orientation. The patch uses a combination of a User Actor called "Keyboard Navigate" which calculates the correct x and z translation based on the current rotation, and another Javascript actor that computes the translation and rotation in the way the 3D Stage Orientation actor requires them. Note that the included three.min.js javascript library must accompany this patch, and must be at the same level as the Isadora .izz file that uses it.  

Tutorial: Basic Motion Tracking – Patch

In this mini-tutorial by L Wilson-Spiro you'll learn how to do basic motion tracking with the Eyes actor Use motion tracking data from the Eyes actor to affect other actors in your Isadora Patch, and combine the Freeze and Effect Mixer actors to make motion tracking easier.  

Tutorial: Alpha Mask – Patch

In this mini-tutorial by L Wilson-Spiro you'll learn how to use the Alpha Mask actor. It starts with simple steps using just the Shapes and Alpha Mask actors, and proceeds to gets more complex, showing how to make alpha masks explode into pieces, video static effects, a moving video spotlight controlled by your mouse that inverts colors, and how to use background subtraction to create a ghost effect.

Seek Target Value – TroikaTronix Plugin

Seek Target Value continuously seeks the specified target value by increasing or decreasing the current output value by the amount specified by the 'change/sec' input property. Like the built-in Smoother actor, this actor will smooth out jittery/noisy input values. The difference is that the response is linear over time, unlike of the exponential response of the Smoother actor. Apple silicon (ARM/M1) The macOS version of this plugin has been compiled to run natively on both Intel-based and Apple silicon based computers.

Screen Capture – TroikaTronix Plugin

The Screen Capture actor will capture the video image from a display or a window and bring it into Isadora as a standard video stream. Simply choose the display or window you want to capture, and a live capture of that area of the display will appear at the video output. Isadora 3.x and above only! The Screen Capture actor only works with Isadora 3.x and above! Isadora 2.x and Isadora 1.x will not work with this add-on. Apple silicon (ARM/M1) The macOS version of this plugin has been compiled to run natively on both Intel-based and Apple silicon based computers. Instructions / Getting Help Our online mini-tutorial will tell you what you need to know to get up and running with this actor. You can also refer to the integrated help for more information. Hover your cursor over any input or output, or the actor itself, and look in the Help View at the bottom right for further information. If you need additional assistance using this actor, try asking for help in the TroikaTronix Forum. Our team and our community of users are ready to help. Best Practices When possible, we recommend that you place the Screen Capture actor in a background Scene and broadcast the video output to other scenes that need it. Why? Because when you have a Screen Capture actor in each scene, and you transition from Scene A to B, it will have to shut down the capture engine in Scene A and then start up a new capture engine in Scene B. While this shut down/startup sequence is not the end of the world, it's good to avoid it if you can. Note that you only adopt this strategy if the settings on the Screen Capture actor are the same for each Scene. For an example of using background Scenes with the Screen Capture actor, take a look at the patch called screen-capture-using-background-scene.izz included with this download. Bug Reports if you find a bug, please let us know by opening a support ticket. Known Limitations On Windows computers with dual GPUs, you may be able to capture from the internal laptop display but not the external displays or vice-versa. This is a limitation of the system that Windows offers to perform screen capture found not only in this actor, but in major software like OBS (Open Broadcasting System). We are investigating to see if there is a solution to this issue.

JSON Parser / JSON Bundler – TroikaTronix Plugin

These two actors allow you to parse or create data encapsulated in the JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) data interchange format. The JSON Parser allows you to access the individual elements of a JSON text string. The JSON Bundler bundles one or more numbers or text strings into a valid JSON text string. You can create more complex data structures by feeding one JSON Bundler actor into another. For details on how to use these actors, please refer to our knowledge base article. Apple silicon (ARM/M1) The macOS version of this plugin has been compiled to run natively on both Intel-based and Apple silicon based computers.

Syphon Virtual Webcam

About Syphon Virtual Webcam Syphon Virtual Webcam is a free app, created for you by TroikaTronix/Isadora, that allows you to send a Syphon video stream to a compatible application that supports video input from a webcam. It relies on the Open Broadcasting System (OBS) Virtual Webcam driver first implemented by John Boiles. Installation: Users with OBS v26.1 or Later If you have installed OBS v26.1 or later, you can install the latest OBS Virtual Webcam driver by opening OBS and choosing Help > Install OBS Virtual Webcam. Please note that you cannot use Syphon Virtual Webcam while OBS's virtual webcam output is running, i.e., after choosing Start Virtual Webcam; trying to do this may lead to unpredictable results including crashes. Installation: Users with OBS Versions Earlier than 26.1 or without OBS Installed At All If you have not installed OBS (or have installed a version of OBS before v26.1) then Syphon Virtual Camera will automatically guide you through the process of downloading and installing the standalone OBS Virtual Webcam driver from John Boiles' GitHub Repository. Using Syphon Virtual Webcam To use Syphon Virtual Webcam, simply install the application and double-click it. The first time you use it, you'll be guided to download an open source virtual webcam driver created for OBS (Open Broadcasting System). After that, simply: Ensure your Syphon source is running. Select your Syphon source using the popup menu in the main window. Start the app that will receive a signal from the virtual webcam Choose "OBS Virtual Camera" as the webcam source Click the "Mirror" checkbox if you need to flip the image horizontally. If you don't see "OBS Virtual Webcam" in the list of webcams, then your app may not be compatible with virtual webcams. Check the list of applications compatible with OBS Virtual Webcam. We have a short video tutorial that takes you through the entire process. If you have questions or need help with this plugin, please post them to this thread in our forum. The full source code is available on our GitHub page.  

Tutorial: OpenNI Tracker – Patch

This tutorial file (for Isadora 3.0.7 or later) is a companion to our OpenNI Tracker plugin. It is designed to introduce you to the most important features of this plugin so that you can quickly get started tracking bodies in Isadora. Before running this tutorial, you must download and install the OpenNI Tracker plugin. You can get the plugin here: Once the plugins are installed, just open the openni-tracker-tutorial.izz file in Isadora and follow the instructions that appear on Isadora's stage.  

OpenNI Tracker – TroikaTronix Plugin

IMPORTANT: We have received reports that the OpenNi Tracker addon does not work on Apple computers with the M2 processor chip. At this time we do not recommend using M2 machines with OpenNi Tracker.   The OpenNI Tracker allows Isadora to capture a depth map image, and to do body/skeleton tracking, using depth map cameras like the Kinect v1, Orbbec Astra and Intel Realsense. This bundle includes: OpenNI Tracker v0.9.8b6 Skeleton Decoder v0.9.4 Skeleton Visualizer v0.9.2 Using this Add-On on Apple Silicon (ARM/M1) Based Macs If want to use this actor on an Apple Silicon (ARM/M1) based Mac with Isadora 3.1 or later, you'll have to enable Intel emulation (Rosetta) mode on the Isadora application. Public Beta This actor is in public beta. There may be bugs that affect performance and/or lead to crashes. Because of this, we do not recommend using this actor for public performances or installations. If you do choose to use this beta version for such performances, you do so at your own risk. Compatible Cameras This plugin is currently compatible with the Kinect v2 (Kinect for Xbox One) , Kinect v1 (Kinect for Xbox 360, Models 1414 and 1473), the Orbbec Astra, and the Intel Realsense D435. Important: Read the "Read Me" Files! Everyone must read the file called __READ ME__ Installing the Tracker Plugins.rtf. Tutorials You find the tutorial for the OpenNI Tracker here: You can also go for a "deep dive" with Isadora's creator by watching Isadora Guru Session #13: Body Tracking with Depth Cameras

NDI Watcher – TroikaTronix Plugin

The NDI Watcher actor uses NewTek's NDI video streaming technology to allow you to receive NDI video streams broadcast from other computers or devices. This actor is in public beta. There may be bugs that affect performance and/or lead to crashes. Because of this, we do not recommend using this actor for public performances or installations. If you do choose to use this beta version for such performances, you do so at your own risk. Apple silicon (ARM/M1) The macOS version of this plugin has been compiled to run natively on both Intel-based and Apple silicon based computers. Installation Follow the instructions in the file Installation Instructions.rtf NDI 5 vs. NDI 4 vs. NDI 3 Isadora 3.1 and later will use NDI v5, while Isadora 3.0.7  uses NDI v4 and Isadora 3.0.6 and before use NDI v3. Because of this, multiple versions of the plugin are given in this distribution. Take care to install the correct version of the plugin for your version of Isadora, otherwise the plugin will not function or may not appear in Isadora at all. The name of the plugin shown in Isadora makes it clear which version of the plugin you are using. It will be called NDI 5 Watcher for NDI 5 version, and NDI 4 Watcher for the NDI 4 version. You cannot have multiple versions of the NDI Watcher plugin installed at the same time! Usage Instructions: Add the actor to the scene, and click in the value box to the left of 'ndi source'. A popup menu with the currently available NDI servers will appear. Select the NDI server you wish to receive Connect the 'video' output to the desired destination actor. Known Limitations Because the NDI 3 Watcher (required for Isadora 3.0.6 and earlier) uses NDI 3, it cannot receive from the NDI Camera app for iOS. NDI Best Practices NDI is a great technology, but it can't work miracles: sending video requires both bandwidth and a very fast connection. You simply can't expect to send full resolution HD video on a shared WiFi connection clogged by others! Follow these best practices to get the best results with the NDI on a network. Whenever Possible, Use a Hardwired Gigabit Ethernet Network To transmit full bandwidth, low latency video using NDI generally requires a hardwired gigabit Ethernet network. Using anything less than this can give less than poor results. If You Must Use WiFi, Get a Dedicated Router If you must use WiFi, then please work with a WiFi router dedicated to allowing NDI devices to communicate. Attempting to use NDI on a university or other public network that is filled with other people's data is a recipe for disaster. If you plan to use WiFi for NDI, get an inexpensive WiFi router and leave it disconnected from the Internet; even when not online, the router will allow your computer and other NDI sources or destinations to communicate.

Rutt-Etra FOR ISADORA 2 – TroikaTronix Plugin

Please Donate if You Use This Plugin! This emulation of the legendary Rutt/Etra Video hardware video synthesizer would not exist except for the creativity of Bill Etra, who passed away in 2016.  He was survived by his partner Roz who is disabled, lives on a fixed income, and has no surviving family to help her. (Learn more about Bill and his partner Roz's story  here.) But, right now, you can make a difference in Roz's life by making a donation to help support her via the donate button below maintained by the plugin's creator Vade. Please contribute to the memory of a true pioneer.   The v002 Rutt-Etra plugin by Vade is an emulation of the legendary Rutt/Etra Video hardware video synthesizer created by Bill Etra and Steve Rutt. It modulates the scanlines or points that make up a video stream based on the brightness of the source or of another video stream. The results are beautifully complex as was the original Rutt Etra. Here's an example of an eye modulated by the Rutt Etra plugin.     There are quite a few inputs on this plugin, and you should make sure to experiment with them all. But the most important when you're beginning are as follows:   draw-mode: controls the method used to draw the modulated image. z-extrude: the distance that the scanlines or points that make up the original will be modulated based on the brightness of the displace image. (If no video stream is connected to the displace input, then the source image is used to displace itself) z-translate:  How the image is translated towards or away from the 3D camera along the z-axis. The z-translate should generally be negative; otherwise, you may not see the image. If you don't see an image, the first thing to try is to make the z-translate more negative. wire frame size: The thickness of the scanlines or points used to render the final image.   Installing This is a 64-bit plugin for Isadora 3 only. You can get the Isadora 2 version by clicking here. Unzip the download and open the folder for your platform (i.e., Macintosh or Windows) • Choose Help > Open Plugin Folder > TroikaTronix Actor Plugins to open the external plugins folder on your computer. Drag the plugin to the TroikaTronix Actor Plugins folder opened above Restart Isadora 3 The source code for this plugin can be found on GitHub.

Rutt-Etra FOR ISADORA 3 – TroikaTronix Plugin

Please Donate if You Use This Plugin! This emulation of the legendary Rutt/Etra Video hardware video synthesizer would not exist except for the creativity of Bill Etra, who passed away in 2016.  He was survived by his partner Roz who is disabled, lives on a fixed income, and has no surviving family to help her. (Learn more about Bill and his partner Roz's story  here.) But, right now, you can make a difference in Roz's life by making a donation to help support her via the donate button below maintained by the plugin's creator Vade. Please contribute to the memory of a true pioneer. About the Rutt Etra Plugin The v002 Rutt-Etra plugin by Vade is an emulation of the legendary Rutt/Etra Video hardware video synthesizer created by Bill Etra and Steve Rutt. It modulates the scanlines or points that make up a video stream based on the brightness of the source or of another video stream. The results are beautifully complex as was the original Rutt Etra. Here's an example of an eye modulated by the Rutt Etra plugin. There are quite a few inputs on this plugin, and you should make sure to experiment with them all. But the most important when you're beginning are as follows: • draw-mode: controls the method used to draw the modulated image. • z-extrude: the distance that the scanlines or points that make up the original will be modulated based on the brightness of the displace image. (If no video stream is connected to the displace input, then the source image is used to displace itself) • z-translate:  How the image is translated towards or away from the 3D camera along the z-axis. The z-translate should generally be negative; otherwise, you may not see the image. If you don't see an image, the first thing to try is to make the z-translate more negative. • wire frame size: The thickness of the scanlines or points used to render the final image. Apple silicon (ARM/M1) The macOS version of this plugin has been compiled to run natively on both Intel-based and Apple silicon-based computers. Installing • This is a 64-bit plugin for Isadora 3 only. You can get the Isadora 2 version by clicking here. • Unzip the download and follow the instructions in the READ ME - Installation file. The source code for this plugin can be found on GitHub.

Jump By Name – TroikaTronix Plugin

Jumps to the first scene whose name begins with the specified text. This actor searches from the beginning of the scene list and jumps to the first matching scene, or does not jump if no matching scene is found. A match is defined as the search text matching the first characters of a scene name. Strange behaviours will occur if this property contains the delimiter character in it. Apple silicon (ARM/M1) The macOS version of this plugin has been compiled to run natively on both Intel-based and Apple silicon based computers. This actor was created by Benoît Vogel and Mark compiled it for 64 bit.  

Grapher – TroikaTronix Plugin

Grapher displays one or more numeric values on a moving graph for easy visualization. This plugin might be most useful to teachers who are helping others to learn about Isadora. Grapher was created by Isadora's creator Mark Coniglio specifically for his workshop "What Do We Do With the Data?" at the Isadora Werkstatt 2019. If anything is unclear about these instructions, or if you have a problem using this actor, please let us know by making a post in the forum. One of our team, or one of the members of our awesome community, will be there to help. Apple silicon (ARM/M1) The macOS version of this plugin has been compiled to run natively on both Intel-based and Apple silicon based computers. Instructions Remember, you can see helpful instructions for any actor by mousing over the actor's inputs or outputs and seeing what appears in the Help View at the bottom right of the main Isadora window. But here is a quick summary of Grapher's inputs and what they do. Try Out the Grapher Actor Let's start with a simple example. 1) Connect a numeric input to 'value 1' input – you could use the output of a Mouse Watcher or a Wave Generator actor to give this actor a try. 2) Connect the 'video out' to a projector and Show Stages to see the graphed output. You'll see that the value received at 'value 1' is being drawn onto the graph, and that the graph slides to the right as time passes, as you might see on a heart monitor or chart recorder. Set the Vertical Range The vertical range for the graph is set by the 'range min' and 'range max' inputs, which default to -100 and +100. If you're using the Mouse Watcher, you'd want to set 'range min' to 0 so that Grapher's range matches the range of the Mouse Watcher. If the value you are receiving is small (e.g., -0.1 to +0.1) then you'd want to use those values for 'range min' and 'range max' so that the representation of the signal fills the entire graph vertically. Set the Time Scale The amount of time represented by the entire width of the graph is set by the 'time scale input, which is given in seconds. If you want to see the last 20 seconds of data in the output, set this input to 20. Working with Multiple Values If you want to graph multiple values: 1) Set the 'values' input to the number of values you require. 2) Additional 'value' inputs to which you can connect other values will appear below 'value 1' 3) You will see a line for each 'value' input drawn in the graph. To see this in action, set 'values' to 2 and connect the two outputs of a Mouse Watcher to the 'value 1' and 'value 2' inputs. Usually, when you are graphing multiple values, you'll want to set the 'color min' and 'color max' inputs to two different colors so each line in the graph will be a different color. For the greatest variation, pure red and pure blue are a good choices for these inputs. If you do this, the first line in the graph will be red, the last line will be blue, and the lines in between will show equally spaced colors between 'min color' and 'max color'. Other Parameters The 'line size' controls the size of the lines drawn in the graph, while the 'grid lines' and 'grid size' inputs allow you to draw equally spaced divisions on the horizontal axis. The 'width' and 'height' inputs determine the resolution of the output image, which is usually sent to a Projector actor but can be passed to any Isadora actor that accepts video input. You can enter any values you like here to control the aspect ratio and resolution of the output graph. We've found the default 1280 x 720 work quite well.

Send PJLink – TroikaTronix Plugin

The Send PJLink actor allows you to send commands to a projector using the industry standard PJLink protocol. Using this plugin you can turn the projector on or off, close or open it's shutter and more. The most popular commands are listed in the 'command' input popup menu (right click the input to see the popup). For more unusual commands, you can set the command input to 'custom' and enter the PJLink command of your choice into the 'custom cmd' input. For complete instructions, please visit our Knowledge Base article Using the Send PJLink Actor. Apple silicon (ARM/M1) The macOS version of this plugin has been compiled to run natively on both Intel-based and Apple silicon based computers.


A nice set of freeframeGL effects created by TroikaTronix. FFGLAlphaToRGB FFGLGradient FFGLHeat FFGLPanSpinZoom FFGLSlider FFGLTile FFGLTime Please read the instructions that come with the download! Apple silicon (ARM/M1) The macOS versions of these plugins have been compiled to run natively on both Intel-based and Apple silicon based computers. Version History v1.2 Update: macOS plugins to un natively on both Intel-based and Apple silicon based computers. Updated the install scripts to make the installation process as easy as possible. v1.1 Update: "Notarized" all macOS plugins to ensure compatibility with the security requirements of Catalina and Big Sur

TT GLSL Shaders FOR ISADORA 2 & 3 – GLSL Shader

A nice set of GLSL (OpenGL Shader Language) shader effects created by TroikaTronix. TT Bulge Distortion (v1.3) TT Color Bands TT Dots TT Edge Blend TT Edge Detect TT Emboss TT False Color TT Gamma TT Grid Chopper TT Grid Warp TT Highlights And Shadows TT Kaleidoscope (v1.3) TT LaPlacian Emboss TT Monochrome TT Pinch Distortion (v1.3) TT Pixellate TT Polka Dot TT Psycho Colors TT RGB Modulation TT SCE Adjust TT Sharpen TT Sliding Gradient TT Solarize TT Sorbel Edge Detection TT Swirl (v1.3) TT TV Lines TT Vignette TT White Balance TT XY Luma Gradient (Items marked v1.2 are new as of v1.3)

ArtNet 32bit – TroikaTronix Plugin

32bit plugin for Isadora 2 These two plugins allow you to send and receive ArtNet (DMX over Ethernet). Instructions Download the plugins (both MacOS and Windows versions are included) In Isadora v2.6 or later, choose Help > Open Plugin Folder > TroikaTronix Actor Plugins to open the external plugins folder on your computer. Open the folder for your platform, either Macintosh or Windows Drag the contents into the plugins folder you opened above. Restart Isadora If you are interested in controlling LED strips via ArtNet, please see this tutorial. The ArtNet Send tutorial file is available to help you learn how to use these actors.

ArtNet 64bit – TroikaTronix Plugin

Art Net Plugins for Isadora 3 These two plugins allow you to send and receive ArtNet (DMX over Ethernet). If you are interested in controlling LED strips via ArtNet, please see this tutorial. The ArtNet Send tutorial file is available to help you learn how to use these actors. Apple silicon (ARM/M1) The macOS version of this plugin has been compiled to run natively on both Intel-based and Apple silicon based computers. Installation To install these plugins, click the download arrow and follow the instructions in the READ ME file.