ADD-ONS by dusx
UDP Communications: send and receive – User Actor
The UDP Sender and Receiver User Actors offer robust, flexible, and efficient tools for transmitting and receiving messages over a network. These scripts are designed to support various encodings, handle binary and text data seamlessly, and dynamically manage configurations for IPs, ports, and message formatting. With built-in validation, error handling, and debugging features, they ensure reliable and accurate communication, making them ideal for both simple and advanced networking applications in Isadora. Internally they are powered by Python via the Pythoner actor (new to Isadora 4). Using the standard Python library, no additional modules need to be installed for usage. Features of the UDP Sender: Dynamic Configuration: Supports real-time updates to IP address, port, source port, encoding, and message content. Flexible Encoding: Allows sending messages in various formats, including utf-8, ascii, and raw binary. Source Port Binding: Optional source port configuration ensures compatibility with specific network requirements. Comprehensive Validation: Validates inputs like IP addresses, destination ports, and source ports for robustness. Efficient Socket Management: Reuses existing sockets where possible to optimize performance. Features of the UDP Receiver: Encoding Flexibility: Supports utf-8, ascii, and raw binary decoding, enabling handling of diverse message formats. Custom Message Formatting: Allows customization of message output with user-defined delimiters. Error Handling: Gracefully manages invalid inputs, decoding errors, and socket interruptions. Thread-Safe Operations: Ensures stability during concurrent operations with thread-safe mechanisms. Dynamic Parameter Updates: Automatically restarts the server when configuration changes, such as IP or port, are detected.
DX – 16bit DMX values – User Actor
This collection of user actors converts 16bit Int values (0 - 65535) to and from 2 DMX values (0 - 255). A device expecting 16bit values via DMX will accept the input using two DMX channels. Sending the values created by one of these user actors to the two assigned channels will provide the 16bit value to the device. The other user actor will allow you to receive 2 DMX values and combine these values to decode the 16bit value intended by the sending device. 16bit DMX values Allows input as either an Integer (0 - 65535) or via a Percentage value. Outputs two DMX values that can be used by a device to represent the 16bit input value. Value from 16bit DMX accepts 2 DMX values Decodes the DMX value and outputs both the Integer (0 - 65535) and Percentage value. Setup Select your input type of either Integer or Percentage. Se3nd the two DMX values to the assigned DMX channels for the device requiring a 16bit value.
DX – Kiosk ToolKit
This Isadora file contains a number of User Actors presented in the Build It video tutorial 'Build It! Kiosk ToolKit Adding Interactivity'. The kiosk toolkit is meant to make adding custom cursors and buttons to Isadora projects easier. It is perfect for cases where the Isadora interface is hidden and only the stage is presented to the user to interact with. User Actors are provided for creating Custom Cursors with normal, roll-over, and click states, as well as, for creating rectangular and circular buttons.
DX – Advanced Envelope Scrubber – User Actor
The Advanced Envelope Scrubber actor provides a powerful 'timeline' tool that handles the display of numerous child scenes over time. It is a sort of framework for working with sequences of scenes. The child scenes are run from a Parents' position (as %), making it is very easy to link the controls to either Video or Audio playback. Originally designed to allow child scenes to be sequenced to a Parent scene playing a long audio file. The attached ZIP file contains both the User Actor and an example file that plays through two groups of scenes. Each Parent scene has a timer that provides a value ranging 0-100 much like the position output of a Movie Player. (My Timecode tools provide User Actors which make it easy to integrate with the use of Timecode in the Movie Player) Features: Attack, Sustain and Release values Visual graphing of the envelope for easier editing Curves can be assigned for each segment of the envelope Child scenes can use the Parents scene intensity for crossfades Works well with Layering Mode 'Ungrouped' for advanced video compositing Requirements: Part of the graphing feature uses the Grapher addon, but the basic graph and visualization of the envelope work without it.
DX – JS – Grid Positions – example – Patch
Create an list of X Y position coordinates that create a grid using Javascript. In this example patch I use some Javascript to split the Isadora stage into a centered grid. I have used this in a number of my own projects, so I thought I would share this now. The project requires the JSON parser plugin: It isn't used heavily, and you could remove it from the project pretty easily. For now I have it included. I have created 3 sample scenes all using the same grid factors 1x2x3 = 6, so we have these possible layouts: 2x3 , 3x2 , 1x6 and 6x1. You could adjust these samples scenes to use: 1x2x2x3 = 12 producing six layouts or what ever other combination you like. More factors and possibilities mean more X,Y connections. The sample scenes are: Hexagons are drawn to the stage in alternating pattern grids each with some random settings and animation. Text Blocks (listing the XY values for each) much like the Hexagons but using an optimized reader approach for text animation Line Grid creating a colored grid of animated vertical and horizontal lines which draw the grid divisions The included images show a few layouts of each sample scene.
DX – JS – Multi Toggle
Easily toggle multiple outputs between On and Off states. This user actor contains a Javascript you can easily extend to support up to 99 toggle values. By default the User Actor is setup as a multi toggle of 10 values, but you can use it for 10 or less values by setting the group count input. Two additional features are included. If you input a value of Zero, all outputs are set to Off If you input a value greater than the group count input, then all outputs are set to On Example: if the group count is set to 5, an input value of Zero will set the first 5 outputs to Off, if an input value of 1 thru 5 is received then the corresponding output will be set to On and all others to Off, if a value greater than 5 is input all outputs will be set to On. A zip file contains the User Actor and an example file showing the above group of 5 setup as well as how to expand the JS actor contained to toggle up to 99 outputs.
DX – Timecode Tools
The Timecode Tools are a series of user actors created to help me build a wider set of playback tools which I hope to offer in the near future. These user actors should prove useful to Isadora users who use timecode for precise control but want time and percent values for other calculations within the Isadora scene. User Actors are available for the following functions: media percentage to timecode timecode to media percentage timecode to time & elements time to timecode
DX – Sprite Sheet Picker – User Actor
Sprite sheets are a popular graphic tool in video game production due to their ability to save memory and create flexible groupings of animations. The DX - Sprite Sheet Picker user actor make it easy to take control of grid based sprite sheets. Features playback of grid based sprite sheets select sprite cells sequentially or directly define sub sequences / ranges step through sequences forward or backwards jump between any cells in any order works with both square and non-square sprite tiles user actor outputs provide helpful feedback
DX – 20 band freq watcher sorted descending – User Actor
Required: Live capture Sound analysis must be active This User Actor breaks down the live feed input into 20 bands, and sorts them in descending order. The actors output includes all 20 bands in JSON format so that you can grab whatever data you want. In the Demo, I grab the #1 (most powered) frequency band, and the weakest to create some mind-blowing visuals ;) *NOTE: requires the JSON add-ons
Ableton Live – MIDI Program Change – User Actor
This User Actor accompanies the Control Isadora From Ableton Live Using MIDI tutorial found in the Tutorials - Scripting, Sensors and Interfacing section of of the TroikaTronix website. The User Actor will watch for MIDI Program Change Messages sent from Ableton Live. Three output options are available. Direct MIDI value Value as shown in Ableton Live (offset by 1 from MIDI) The MIDI value as a percentage You can change the outputs available by clicking the Actors Eye icon, and selecting the visible outputs.
DX – Rotate Canvas – User Actor
Do you ever need to change the orientation of an image in Isadora? We have spin and we have flip, but these don't change the aspect of the canvas. They manipulate the image within the current canvas dimensions. This isn't always what we need. Sometimes we don't have time to open the image in our photo editing software and rotate the document. So, I made a quick little User Actor that allows you to rotate any video/image 90,180, and 270 degrees creating a new canvas aspect ratio.
DX – 16 Color Palette Cycler – Patch
Animate upto 16 of your favorite colors in a color palette. Blend colors in a number of ways. Use HSBA or RGB with curves for each parameter... create unique color fades that you can apply to anything in Isadora More features: loop modes (wrap, forward, reverse, limited, pingpong) 2-16 colors color blend in a Million ways Hard cut colors (0 blend time) delay time between color fades interactive control
DX – Value Decay – Patch
This user actor provides an alternative to the Decay Generator actor in Isadora, with some unique features. The Value Decay actor will accept a normalized (0-100) input value and decrease it over time (at a set rate). If a new value is input it is ignored unless it is greater than the current decay value. Included is the Value Decay user actor, as well as, an Isadora demo patch Features Speed adjustable decay of input value 2 value decrease methods. Linear, and by percentage (Log) Increasing input values pass thru. Decay only applied if input is static or less than current decay value.
DX – DMX 32 Channel Receiver – Enttec Compatible – User Actor
A simple user actor that works with DMX to USB serial input devices (enttec compatible). This actor outputs channels 1 thru 32. Its is easily updated to provide another range of channels if required. It is capable of being expanded to support the maximum of 512 channels provided in a DMX universe. Usage In Serial Port Setup, select your DMX device from the device pull-down for one of the available serial ports. (refer to the device documentation for specific settings. Often the defaults will work fine) Set the 'serial port' input of the actor to match the port number you setup. Enable the serial ports via the Communications menu option 'Enable Serial Ports' Any incoming DMX on channels 1-32 should now be output (DMX values range 0-255)
DX – DMX Universe – Enttec compatible – User Actor
DX - DMX Universe - Enttec compatible, is the easiest way to output DMX data. This actor will work with an Enttec compatible usb serial output device. This User Actor support upto 512 DMX values (1 DMX universe). The included demo file is built around outputting to a simple 5 channel Par Can. It shows a few tips and tricks for working with DMX and the Matrix actors. I am happy to offer support via the forum.
DX – graphicPlacer-ZoomCalc – User Actor
Very useful for outputting graphics at actual size by setting the Projectors zoom to match the size of the image in relation to the target stage. eg: place a small image on a large stage without it being scaled to match, and animate its position with the position inputs of the Projector. The image shows a 256 x 256 pixel image being placed on a 480 x 270 pixel stage. For pixel perfect scaling the zoom needs to be set to 94.8148.
DX – Rustbelt – Isadora Theme
Rustbelt was designed to be well suited to working in a dark space. The interface is dull except for the elements that you need to see. Actor links are made higher contrast when selected making complex patches easier to work on.
DX – Live10 – Isadora Theme
Live 10 offers a flat-dark Ableton 10 inspired UI. Actor links are made more high contrast when selected to help with complex patching.
DX – morph Color – User Actor
A simple but fun User Actor that RGB fades the output color into the input color. It features a switch for excluding the alpha value from the fade in cases where you want a consistent opacity. Use the 'smoothing' input to adjust how quickly the RGB fade occurs. 0 = instant, 1= never (default 0.95)
DX – Korg nanoKontrol2 – User Actor
This user actor is the simplest way to use a Korg nanoKontrol2 midi controller with Isadora. Works with the default midi mapping that comes pre-installed on the controller. Features Full access to every knob, slider, and set of buttons. 2 way communication allows the use of the built-in LED button lighting. Setup Place the user actor in your Isadora scene. Set the 'port IN' and 'port OUT' inputs of the user actor to the Midi ports you wish to use. Setup Isadora to use the same ports. Open Midi Setup and set the corresponding I/O port numbers to interface the Korg nanoKontrol2.