This collection of user actors converts 16bit Int values (0 – 65535) to and from 2 DMX values (0 – 255).
A device expecting 16bit values via DMX will accept the input using two DMX channels. Sending the values created by one of these user actors to the two assigned channels will provide the 16bit value to the device. The other user actor will allow you to receive 2 DMX values and combine these values to decode the 16bit value intended by the sending device.
16bit DMX values
- Allows input as either an Integer (0 – 65535) or via a Percentage value.
- Outputs two DMX values that can be used by a device to represent the 16bit input value.
Value from 16bit DMX
- accepts 2 DMX values
- Decodes the DMX value and outputs both the Integer (0 – 65535) and Percentage value.
- Select your input type of either Integer or Percentage.
- Se3nd the two DMX values to the assigned DMX channels for the device requiring a 16bit value.
21. September 2022
This Isadora file contains a number of User Actors presented in the Build It video tutorial ‘Build It! Kiosk ToolKit Adding Interactivity‘.
The kiosk toolkit is meant to make adding custom cursors and buttons to Isadora projects easier. It is perfect for cases where the Isadora interface is hidden and only the stage is presented to the user to interact with.
User Actors are provided for creating Custom Cursors with normal, roll-over, and click states, as well as, for creating rectangular and circular buttons.
Animate a ‘Shapes’ actor output that follows and orients to a Stage Mouse Watcher and Live Drawing. For example an animated arrow head.
This patch is programmed to read an external text file through a ‘Data Array’ actor and format the words into a visual grid that can then be used by a ‘3D Particles’ actor to form sentence clouds or paragraph trails. The word grid (once completed) is then captured as a picture into the media bin and made available to the particles actor.
In the download there are example text files with short paragraphs. The source external text file has been formatted with single word line entries – all up about 225 words (this was formatted externally using TextEdit software). The text file is read into Isadora with a Data Array actor and formatted into a 15 x 15 grid on a Virtual Stage via a Text Draw actor. The grid coordinates are provided by another external text file and read sequentially by another Data Array actor into the Text Draw actor. The grid coordinates have been generated by MeshLab software. A Counter actor then delivers each word to the Text Draw actor as its position is being provided by the gird coordinates. A feedback loop is created by feeding the Virtual Stage back into the Text Draw actor with a Get Stage Image actor, thus a visual grid of words is constructed on the Virtual Stage. This word grid is now a sprite sheet that can then be used by a 3D particles actor to deliver each section of the grid to individual particles as they are emitted. The Virtual Stage is captured as an image with the ‘Capture Stage to Image’ actor and the capture process is halted and deactivated once the image file appears in the media bin. This new image asset is accessed by the ‘3D particles’ actor to form the visual display and cycle through the word grid delivering each word to an individual particle as it is emitted.
This Auto-Launch Isadora and Enable Serial Ports Workflow for macOS will allow you to set up an Apple computer so that, whenever you turn it on, it automatically logs in, launches Isadora, and triggers the “Enables Serial Ports” menu command. Once you understand the process, with a little bit of Googling for the correct bits of AppleScript, you’ll be able to automate all sorts of things on startup for macOS-based Isadora art installations.
The download includes an Automator workflow, a detailed readme document, and an AppleScript file (in case you want to edit or adapt the script yourself).
Note: If you are on Windows, you can trigger hotkeys for menu items in Isadora by using Andy Carluccio’s AutoHotkey Launcher Actor:
I created this User Actor in a futile attempt to distract myself from the stifling Berlin summer heat. Since this User Actor failed to do anything about the temperature, hopefully someone will find it to be an interesting example of how to use Shapes actors to create simple characters and animations. The use of the 3D Particles actor to create snow also serves as a cursory example of how to use Isadora actors to create simple weather animations that, unlike videos of weather, can play infinitely without the need to worry about disguising a loop point.
The download contains the User Actor and a simple example file.
The first Scene of the example file contains one instance of the User Actor with default settings which creates a snowperson at the center of the screen with continuous snowfall.
The second Scene of the example file contains four instances of the User Actor adjusted to make a little snow person family that all blink in a randomized order at random intervals.
This helpful OSC Basic Test File comes with a read-me document that will help you troubleshoot if you’re finding it tricky to send OSC to or from Isadora.
This Deadman’s Switch User Actor gives you the option to set a key and then hook it up to a Gate actor so that you can keep the Gate open only when the key is held down, or only open the Gate when the key is released.
This Isadora example file demonstrates how to control a Gate actor in your patch with either a Keyboard Watcher actor or one of a number of different Controls while still keeping the Control Panel in sync and showing the correct state of the Gate.
These two Wipe Transition User Actors allow you to feed in two video sources and then transition from one source to the other (and back) with a wipe transition from the left, right, top, bottom, or any combination of those four directions.